• My date uses a bed pan!
    Sep 30 2024

    I was staying over at a guys house.

    He uses a bed pan instead of going to the loo!

    He's 27, not 80! Is this okay?

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    9 mins
  • Beat Breakfast Podcast September 27th 2024
    Sep 27 2024

    Missed the lads this week. Here's a flavour of what you missed!

    • A brand new game called Snickers vs Knickers

    • Cillian's beard was up for discussion

    • Who drinks milk from a carton?

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    53 mins
  • The girl I am seeing is bigger than I usually go for
    Sep 25 2024

    It was a pretty shocking Daily Dilemma this morning. A guy sent this mail to Niall and Sho.

    " Seeing this girl about six weeks now and she's been banging on about her 21st party since we met. It's in two weeks time and she had invited me all along but the other night said that she thinks it'll be a good opportunity to introduce me to her parents.

    I am just going to be straight up - I don't see this going anywhere long term. She's bigger than I would usually go for and all into this plus size empowerment stuff. Ya know she goes on like "Oh I'm big and beautiful". Whereas I am like "maybe just for a walk hun

    Here's my dilemma - do I go to this 21st and have her show me off to all the family and friends? Seems like a lot of effort and pressure. What do you think?"

    Catch up here!

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    8 mins
  • My friend is pregnant and her bf might not be the father
    Sep 24 2024

    Niall and Sho got such a tough dilemma this morning from a girl

    "In June myself and my girls group went to Spain for a long weekend. It was mad as you would expect. One of my friends had a two night thing with this guy from Wales. She has a boyfriend of two years so we were all a bit like 'that's bad' but just said nothing. She said it was holiday fun and nothing else.

    Fast forward to now and she is pregnant and confessed to me at the weekend that there's a strong possibility that the father is the guy from Wales and not her boyfriend. But she said he will never know cos he's across the water so it's all good and her boyfriend is so excited. "

    What should she do? Huge reaction to this

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    8 mins
  • Is it ok to eat the food before paying while you're shopping?
    Sep 19 2024

    I've been on a couple of dates with a guy I met online.

    When he was food shopping he was opening snacks and munching on them as he put them in the trolley.

    I find it a bit ick and I can't be dealing with that kind of embarrassment. What do you think?

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    8 mins
  • A girl who has a boyfriend slipped me her number
    Sep 18 2024

    A girl who was with her boyfriend came into the pub I work.

    When she came up to pay she slipped me her number.

    She's really hot so do I text her?

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    7 mins
  • Is walking around in your bare feet rank?
    Sep 17 2024

    The guy I'm seeing walks around his house in his bare feet.

    The soles of his feet are always black with dirt!

    Isn't this rank? Do I have a leg to stand on?

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    8 mins
  • Should I ask my missus to get contact lenses?
    Sep 16 2024

    I'm with a girl & when we met she was not wearing glasses.

    She is very pretty but I guess for me the glasses don't do it.

    Any tips on how I can encourage her to wear contacts in a nice way?

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    8 mins