• 61: Setting Motivating Revenue Goals for 2023 with Dee Tomashoff
    Nov 4 2022

    In today’s episode we are so happy to welcome Dee Tomashoff. Dee is a CPA with a background in finance who is teaching us how to set realistic financial goals. 


    While finances can be very intimidating, it is important to understand and track them. Dee shares methods on how to do so while keeping everything simple and organized.  


    With the start of 2023 coming very quickly, Dee shares formulas on how to properly review your revenue from 2022 to make achievable goals for the upcoming year. She also teaches how to make more project-orientated goals through examining pricing and project profitability to improve your future projects. 


    Connect with Dee: 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deetomashoff/ 


    Website: https://www.deetomashoff.com/ 



    Thank you for listening! If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    18 mins
  • 60: Cohesive Branding and Making the Most out of Canva Templates with Leanne Knight
    Oct 28 2022

    Today we are joined by graphic designer and owner of Authentic Vision Media, Leanne Knight. Leanne’s goal is to free people from their “shoulds” and truly express their real self on social media. 


    Leanne explains the beneficial features of Canva templates and how she makes them personalized to each client. Canva templates provide clarity and strengthen your words to really impact your audience. The convenience of these templates is a great tool in presenting your business.  


    Connect with Leanne:

    Website: http://www.authenticvisionmedia.com/BASPodcast


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/authentic.vision.media/


    Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/company/authentic-vision-gmbh/



    Thank you for listening! If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    15 mins
  • 59: Business Marketing Using TikTok with Louie Bischoff
    Oct 21 2022

    We are so grateful to have digital guru and TikTok expert, Louie Bischoff join us on the podcast! Louie has an extensive understanding of how TikTok and other social media work, and is so excited to share her tips with you today! 


    While using TikTok may seem very intimidating, Louie explains the simplicity and low stress of posting short- form videos that will increase your likelihood of exposure. She also busts some popular TikTok myths by emphasizing that the app is not just for kids, and that almost a third of its users are over the age of 40. With a background in working with social media from the backend, Louie is the perfect coach in guiding business owners through the ever-growing world of TikTok. 


    Get in Touch With Louie Bischoff: 


    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@louie_bischoff 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louie_bischoff/ 


    Website: https://nrtmarketingsolutions.com/ 



    Thank you for listening! If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    22 mins
  • 58: Unlocking the Secrets to a Money-Making Home Page with Jenny B!
    Oct 14 2022

    Welcome to the podcast today. We’re very happy to introduce you to the fabulous Jenny Belanger of Jenny B Designs. We’re talking about all of the beautiful, visual aspects of your business today: branding, websites, and logos. Today is really a fun chat because when “you look good, you do good and feel good!" 


    Jenny says your first must-have is a beautiful landing page that makes these things clear:


    Who you are

    Who you help

    and How to work with you or your call to action


    Getting the right logo and brand identity for both your personal brand and agency brand is so important because it informs and propels you into really creating a business that is YOURS. 


    For full projects for branding, copy and website design or a strategy session if you already have a website here’s how to work with Jenny B:



    Also, here’s her “Unlock the secrets to getting a money making home page”  freebie


    Thank you for listening! If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    14 mins
  • 57: Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Marketing
    Sep 30 2022

    Lindsey welcomes Dr. Denise Dennis to talk about the psychology behind managing productivity with an eye on revenue. Dr. Denise is a marketing automation specialist and the founder of Action Accelerated. 


    Are you constantly restarting marketing plans in your business instead of just sticking with it and tweaking your plan?

    Are you spending a lot of time on TikTok but not actually selling? 

    Are you delegating tasks that could just be automated or eliminated?

    Do your marketing tasks have too many steps?


    Dr. Denise primarily works with coaches, gaining an understanding of what they are going through in managing themselves, managing their team and interacting with their clients. 


    She always wants to discover what is the thing that you’re passionate about. For example, for coaches, this is usually coaching. Let’s get clear on what you’re good at and what you want to continue doing so we can automate the rest. 


    Automate. Delegate. Delete. 


    Learn more about Dr. Denise Dennis and take :

    Scalability Assessment

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    17 mins
  • 56: What Can You Do That No One Else Can?
    Sep 23 2022

    Today I want to share a client spotlight so you can get an idea of how my One-on-One Powerhouse Program transforms businesses!


    When this client started working with me she had no clarity in her marketing. She was trying everything without actually doing anything. She was working really hard, but no one could understand her offer. Let me tell you, we turned everything around for her.


    When you are marketing, writing your posts and creating your videos. Make sure to answer the questions? Who? What? Where? and Why? in your marketing. What you can do that no one else does? My magical messaging process helps you adjust your social presence and shift everything into place.  


    Thank you for listening! If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    6 mins
  • 55: Know Who You’re Working With
    Sep 16 2022

    When you’re about to hire a coach, mentor or vendor, vet them to find out if they actually achieve the results to claim they can achieve. Know who you are working with and what they’re like. This goes beyond reading their website.


    I see a lot of messaging online that just doesn’t “pass the sniff test”. Check to see how it feels in your gut. If it doesn’t feel peaceful, it’s ok to move on. 


    Curate your feeds; be very careful who you’re listening to. You want to make sure that you’re not being exposed to negative or inaccurate ideas. Thanks for tuning in! I want us to be well-equipped as we head into 4th quarter, putting ourselves in the position to be listening to voices that are in alignment with what feels right.


    If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    12 mins
  • 54: Guaranteed ROI for Your Business
    Sep 9 2022

    We tend to overcomplicate business, but it’s just basic math. 


    Money out. 



    Sale price. 

    Money in. 


    Here are some questions to ask yourself about your business:

    How long does it take someone coming into my world, to buy from me? 

    How many people who come into your world stay in your world?


    When you’re looking into investing in your business you’ve got to break down your potential return on investment. Most programs make it difficult to make an ROI because you’re just learning information. That’s why we love Automation Algorithms because you’re actually building out your business in the program. 


    Other people say that they can help you make more money and work less, but that drives me crazy because those people are working like crazy. I know they are! And guys, I just have to tell you how little I work. I just love being outside too much. I work a couple days a week.


    People can and will wait for you. You can set your calendar and they will work around your schedule.

    Thanks for tuning in. If you have any takeaways, make sure to let us know! And if you don’t mind, we’d love it if you could leave us a review. 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS FB COMMUNITY: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessautomationsecrets 

    BUSINESS AUTOMATION SECRETS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/lindseyardmore

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    15 mins