Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Beneath the Autumn Leaves: A Bond Forged at Bled Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-11-17-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu mirnega Blejskega jezera sta Luka, Mateja in Jure začela svojo pot.En: At the edge of the peaceful Blejsko jezero (Bled Lake), Luka, Mateja, and Jure began their journey.Sl: Jesenski zrak je bil hladen, listje pa se je lesketalo v odtenkih oranžne in zlate.En: The autumn air was cold, and the leaves shimmered in shades of orange and gold.Sl: Luka je globoko vdihnil svežino jutra, odločen, da dokonča pohod.En: Luka took a deep breath of the morning freshness, determined to complete the hike.Sl: V sebi je čutil nekoliko skrbi, a je skril svoje občutke.En: He felt a bit of anxiety inside but hid his feelings.Sl: Dolgo je načrtoval ta pohod, zdaj pa se ni želel ustaviti zaradi zdravstvenih težav, ki jih ni razkril niti najboljšima prijateljema.En: He had been planning this hike for a long time, and now he didn't want to stop due to health issues he hadn't disclosed to even his best friends.Sl: Mateja se je veselo smejala, kazala je na otoček sredi jezera, kjer se je cerkev zinila proti nebu.En: Mateja laughed cheerfully, pointing to the little island in the middle of the lake, where a church reached for the sky.Sl: "Poglej, kako čudovito je danes," je rekla Mateja.En: "Look how beautiful it is today," Mateja said.Sl: Jure je prikimal, držal je v roki svoj telefon in slikal pokrajino.En: Jure nodded, holding his phone and taking pictures of the landscape.Sl: "To bo fantastičen dan za pohod," je dodal.En: "This will be a fantastic day for a hike," he added.Sl: Luka je hodil nekaj korakov za njima.En: Luka walked a few steps behind them.Sl: Srce mu je močno bilo, čutil je nenavadno utrujenost.En: His heart was pounding, and he felt unusually tired.Sl: Celo tako enostaven korak se mu je zdel težaven.En: Even such an easy step seemed difficult to him.Sl: Kljub vsemu se je prisilil naprej, nočeč priznati slabosti.En: Despite everything, he forced himself to continue, not wanting to admit weakness.Sl: Ko so krenili v gozd, se je pot zožala.En: As they headed into the forest, the path narrowed.Sl: Vetrič je rahlo pihljal skozi drevesne krošnje, listje je padalo okoli njih kot pisana praprotna preproga.En: A breeze gently blew through the tree crowns, and leaves fell around them like a colorful fern carpet.Sl: Luka je občasno zaostal, njegov dih je postal neenakomeren.En: Luka occasionally lagged behind, his breath becoming uneven.Sl: Mateja in Jure sta ga opazovala, a še nihče ni nič rekel.En: Mateja and Jure observed him, but no one said anything yet.Sl: "V redu si?En: "Are you okay?"Sl: " je končno vprašala Mateja, ko je Luka nenadoma zastal in se oprijel drevesa.En: Mateja finally asked when Luka suddenly stopped and leaned against a tree.Sl: Luka je le prikimal, skušajoč se nasmehniti.En: Luka just nodded, trying to smile.Sl: "Samo malo zadihan," je rekel, vsaj poskušal.En: "Just a little out of breath," he said, or at least tried to.Sl: Toda kmalu zatem je Luka omahnil na tla.En: But soon after, Luka collapsed to the ground.Sl: "Luka!En: "Luka!"Sl: " sta hkrati zavpila Mateja in Jure ter hitro pritekla do njega.En: Mateja and Jure shouted simultaneously and quickly ran to him.Sl: Luka je zaprl oči, njegov obraz je bil bled.En: Luka closed his eyes, his face pale.Sl: Po nekaj trenutkih tišine se je Luka odločil povedati resnico.En: After a few moments of silence, Luka decided to tell the truth.Sl: "Žal mi je," je povedal s tresočim glasom.En: "I'm sorry," he said with a trembling voice.Sl: "Imam zdravstvene težave.En: "I have health issues.Sl: Nisem vam povedal.En: I didn't tell you."Sl: "Mateja in Jure sta se zaskrbljeno spogledala, a brez oklevanja sta mu pomagala.En: Mateja and Jure exchanged worried glances, but without hesitation, they helped him.Sl: "Zakaj nam nisi rekel?En: "Why didn't you tell us?"Sl: " ga je vprašal Jure, ko sta ga počasi dvignila.En: Jure asked as they slowly lifted him.Sl: "Ne vem," je priznal Luka s sklonjeno glavo.En: "I don't know," Luka admitted with his head bowed.Sl: "Nisem hotel biti breme.En: "I didn't want to be a burden."Sl: "Mateja je prijela Luka pod ramo in ga podprla, medtem ko je Jure poklical pomoč s telefonom.En: Mateja took Luka under his arm and supported him while Jure called for help on his phone.Sl: "Nismo tukaj, da bi sodili.En: "We're not here to judge.Sl: Smo prijatelji, tukaj smo, da si pomagamo," je rekla Mateja.En: We're friends, we're here to help," Mateja said.Sl: Po nekaj napornih minutah so prišli do ceste blizu jezera.En: After a few strenuous minutes, they reached the road near the lake.Sl: Tam jih je čakala mala koča, kjer so se lahko spočili.En: There, a small cabin awaited them, where they could rest.Sl: Mateja je stisnila Luko, medtem ko se je Jure smejal, poskušajoč spraviti ...