
  • 7 Marketing Strategies To Attract New Clients and Boost Your Cashflow
    Sep 15 2024

    Let’s be real: you can’t run a successful business without clients. Having a consistent flow of clients through the door means having consistent cash flow and a steady income source for your business. But for every loyal client, there’s an even greater need to be attracting multiple new clients to fill your books every week. So how do you stand out from the saturated crowd and create an offer worthy of clients seeking you out (instead of the other way around)? In this week’s episode of the podcast, I’m sharing my 7 best marketing strategies to do exactly that. To become a real player in the game, you need to have an unshakeable belief in yourself that you can and will succeed. We’ll be taking a look at the vital importance of mindset, and the powerful difference between a negative limiting mentality and a confident abundant state of mind. I’m also going to dive into the (sometimes complicated!) relationship between yourself and your client, and how you can work with the laws of attraction to entice customers into your business and form genuine connections that increase your retention rate. There’s no marketing without strategy either - it’s not enough to be simply good at just beauty any more! I’m teaching you the value of building your business through clear branding, financial, and marketing foundations. And I’m not stopping there! I’ll be giving you 7 marketing pathways and funnels that you can use to source new clients that you can implement into your beauty business today. Say no to a scarcity mindset, and say hello to an abundant outlook!

    Become a client-attracting magnet:
    🧲 Changing your mindset - believing you CAN and WILL get clients
    🧲 Ensuring you upskill your knowledge in both beauty and business
    🧲 Understanding the client/owner relationship, and how to develop it to your advantage
    🧲 My 7 marketing strategies to attract new clients that you could start today!

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    35 mins
  • The Face Behind The Brand: My Personal Business Journey
    Sep 8 2024

    A rodeo, a graduation after-party, a go-kart track, a beauty salon, and a bowling alley: what do they all have in common? Hint: they’re all just some of the businesses that I’ve started and scaled to success! Whilst we’ve had some game-changing beauty industry leaders share their own journeys on the podcast so far, it’s common to my attention that you and I haven’t been fully introduced. So on this week’s episode of the podcast, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the Beauty Industry Leaders brand and sharing my personal stories alongside everything I’ve learned in business. After spending decades learning how to find new ideas and grow businesses from the ground up, I’ve seen all the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. I’ve made devastating mistakes, but I’ve learned from them and strived to become better, and now I’m celebrating massive wins on a daily basis! I’ll be taking you along the journey, from starting in a small country town, to expanding our entertainment businesses in the city, and now coaching women across the nation. We’ll also break down some of the biggest business decisions I’ve had to make, and how you can apply them to your own journey to improve your own outcome. It’s taken a long time for me to get to where I am (seriously, I started my first job at 10!) and I always wished there was someone around who I could go to for advice, and ask those questions I couldn’t answer myself - my goal is to be that person for you!

    Get to know me better:
    ✨ My biggest mistakes and successes in business - and how you can learn from them
    ✨ Making your own opportunities and building resilience
    ✨ Taking any chance to learn and grow, and how to do it with a supportive community
    ✨ Ensuring you have a work-life balance and doing things that bring you joy!

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • Why Your Beauty Business Isn’t Growing: Myth vs. Reality
    Sep 1 2024

    It’s easy to point the finger when playing the blame game of business: ‘it’s not me, it’s them’! It’s far simpler to place the onus of poor performance on external factors, rather than taking responsibility ourselves. But whilst getting caught up in myths might make us feel better in the short term, the reality is that the statistics don’t lie - so it’s time to stop running from those cold hard truths! On this week’s episode of the podcast, I’m exposing some of the most common myths that beauty business owners are hiding behind. We’ll be uncovering the truth and helping you see the reality of topics such as market saturation, social media strategies, and customer acquisition. From forums to Facebook groups, the perpetuation of these myths can be used as a shield to stop us from having to face the facts and recognise that we have the power to change the outcomes. By taking consistent and constructive action towards your goals you can begin to build a beauty empire even when times are hard! But when times are tough and businesses are struggling it can be easy to slip into a negative headspace and start doubting your abilities as an entrepreneur. These self-limiting beliefs can sneak up on you - and they’re rarely based in truth either. I’m sharing my 6-step framework to help you shed the victim mindset and shift to a proactive and positive outlook! This is your reality check to take back control from made-up rules and play by your own instead.

    We’re sorting fact from fiction:
    🕵️‍♀️ Exposing the most common myths that beauty business owners tell themselves!
    🕵️‍♀️ The importance of constantly learning and adapting as the industry changes
    🕵️‍♀️ Creating growth strategies and performing them consistently
    🕵️‍♀️ My 6-step framework to shatter self-limiting beliefs

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    50 mins
  • Creating Experiences That Drive Customer Retention
    Aug 25 2024

    Beauty businesses are booming: with more and more new treatments and techniques becoming available on the market, clients are increasingly seeking out different options for their beauty services. So when the pull of the ‘new and shiny’ is a major selling card, what’s to stop your clients from going elsewhere? Cultivating client loyalty is key to beauty business success, and will be the difference between having consistent income you can count on in difficult times, or the uncertainty of not knowing when your next booking will be. On the podcast this week you have me for another solo episode, and we’re customer-focused in our approach to creating an experience that will have your clients coming back time and time again. I’ll be sharing strategies I’ve learned from my years of experience in customer-facing roles to give you the tools you need to perfect your processes. From creating high-quality, high-value services that are performed consistently every time, we’re looking to cultivate an addictive experience for the customer that’s worth every cent they pay. And it doesn’t finish when they walk out the door either! Creating an experience they’ll never forget continues with rebooking and follow-up techniques to ensure customers are returning time and time again. We’ll also be navigating one of the trickier parts of owning your own business - dealing with negative complaints and reviews, and how you can feel empowered to take all types of feedback on board as a positive learning experience, not a negative one. This is your chance to craft an experience for your customers that shows off not only your beauty skills, but your badass business skills as well.

    I’m sharing my strategies:
    🧖‍♀️ Creating an experience that focuses on quality, results, and value
    🧖‍♀️ Turning negative feedback into a positive learning experience
    🧖‍♀️ Avoiding the most common mistakes that decrease rebooking rates
    🧖‍♀️ My step-by-step strategies to drive customer loyalty

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    30 mins
  • Legal Lifelines: Safeguarding Your Beauty Business with Jade Spehr
    Aug 18 2024

    Regulations, insurance, trademarks, liability… Probably not words that set a fire going in your belly. Setting up your legal obligations might sound like a task that can be left to the ‘tomorrow’ pile, but protecting yourself today can be the difference between bankruptcy tomorrow - after all, it’s never an issue until it is. Behind an impressive resume is this week’s guest Jade Spehr, a qualified lawyer, undergraduate accountant, and co-founder of JadeStart, a business coaching agency that focuses specifically on the beauty industry. Moving her way up the corporate ladder, Jade headed an expert insolvency team for PWC dealing with the financial recoveries and closures of multiple high-profile businesses. After the negativity of her work began to take its toll, Jade decided to break away and start her own company with her husband with a client niche that had been continuously popping up: struggling beauty business owners! Together they now scale and grow beauty businesses into multi-million figures. In an industry riddled with grey areas and a lack of industry standards, it can be difficult to tell the truth apart from hearsay. So we’re making legal jargon sexy again this week, and covering the critical legal points that you need to know to safeguard your own business! We’re simplifying everything from being aware of your intellectual property rights, to understanding your insurance responsibilities, and the importance of regulations for our industry going forward. Jade is genuinely passionate about ensuring that beauty business owners are made aware of the potential risks and pitfalls in their work, and is giving them the tools they need to create and then secure a profitable future for themselves.

    We’re learning, not lecturing:
    👩‍⚖️ The rules and regulations of the industry: is an accreditation worth it?
    👩‍⚖️ Your liabilities, and being aware of what your insurance will and will not cover
    👩‍⚖️ Structuring your business to protect yourself from legal risks
    👩‍⚖️ Trademarking and intellectual property rights

    If you’re looking to tap into Jade’s wealth of knowledge and expertise, reach out Jade on her Instagram and say hello: https://www.instagram.com/jadestart_/

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    56 mins
  • The Pricing Pandemic: 6 Steps to Setting Profitable Prices
    Aug 11 2024

    Owning a business when the economy is booming can be difficult. But when the economy is suffering and the cost of living is a global crisis? Well, let’s just say there’s a reason that 10,000 beauty businesses have closed in the last 2 years. This week on the Beauty Industry Leaders podcast, you have me for a solo episode! I’m helping you check your pricing and ensure that you’re not only profitable, but you’re profitable in a way that’s going to maximise your business growth AND give you that freedom and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. The stark reality of the business landscape at the moment can be intimidating - beauty is a luxury, not a necessity, but customers still want accessible options and can be reluctant to pay the price tag. Heavy competition can lead to undercutting and undervaluing that discredits the whole industry and makes it even more difficult to feel confident that someone will be willing to pay the prices that you know your services are worth. That’s why it’s critical to not just know your numbers, you need to understand them and then make them work for you. From managing your financial statements to navigating tax implications, and even knowing when (and how!) to raise your pricing, I’m helping you change your money mindset and start valuing yourself correctly. We don’t want the beauty industry to become a race to the bottom of who can set the lowest prices - we want to embrace charging our worth for services that empower women to feel like the best version of themselves.

    We’re breaking all the details down:
    📈 Recognising the challenges facing the industry today
    📈 Understanding cash flow, profit margins, and tax requirements
    📈 Building client awareness and loyalty through professionalism
    📈 My 6 steps to setting profitable prices for your business

    Not sure if your prices are keeping you profitable or sending you broke? Download my FREE ‘Price for Profitability’ guide HERE.

    If you’d like to go even deeper into your numbers and need someone to support you through the whole process, you can book a one-on-one business coaching session here: https://calendly.com/sammykennedy/profitable-pricing-financial-goals-session?month=2024-08https://calendly.com/sammykennedy/2024-25-profitable-pricing-financial-goals-48hrs

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    55 mins
  • The Power of Coaching and Learning From Industry Leaders with Danielle Renee
    Aug 4 2024

    We are not the first to walk the path of entrepreneurship, and there will be others after. But most importantly, there are also those who came before us. They have made the mistakes and learned the lessons so that you don’t have to! One of those industry leaders joined me on this week’s podcast episode. Danielle Renee is the founder and owner of the Bobbie Charles Skin and Cosmetics clinic, and coaching academy of the same name. A self-confessed ‘wild spirit’, Danielle came to a crossroads after a difficult time in her life, with a decision to be made: move to Europe and start a nomad life, or put all her effort into creating a brand new business from the ground up. That sacrifice and grinding has since paid off: she now has her own successful salon with multiple locations and is sharing her strategies for success and training other beauty business owners to follow in her footsteps. We discuss what it means to be a female industry leader, from taking back the word ‘hustler’, to creating a team community of both leadership and learning and to empowering women to feel confident in their own self-worth. Danielle is an open book and is no gatekeeper - she shares her business knowledge generously. We laugh (heard of the Orgasm Facial, anyone?) and we also cry, as she shares her own incredibly powerful and emotional stories to help gain perspective of what’s truly important in life.

    We’re guiding you on your path to:
    🏃🏽‍♀️ The art of growing in business: allowing yourself to innovate, pivot, and adapt
    🏃🏽‍♀️ Using coaches, mentors, and consultants to expand your business knowledge
    🏃🏽‍♀️ Hiring and then retaining top talent staff members through genuine connection and leadership
    🏃🏽‍♀️ Balancing your work life with your personal life

    If your values align with Danielle, and you want to tap into her wealth of knowledge and experience to transform your business, you can find her coaching academy on her website or you can connect with her directly on social media:

    And for an incredible team-building exercise, you can find her SWOT analysis workbook here: https://shop.bobbiecharlesacademy.com.au/products/swot-analysis-workbook-1. Use code “PODCAST” to get your free copy.

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Mastering Business Structures to Create Strategies For Success with Isabelle Violet
    Jul 28 2024

    If everyone else in business is playing checkers, you need to be the one playing chess. By creating solid structures in your business that are backed by data, rather than just a ‘feeling’, you have all the information you need to build strategies that set you up for growth. Our guest this week, Isabelle Violet, knows the importance of mastering your numbers. Isabelle is the founder of Empress Collective Studio, and is one of Perth’s most sought-after bridal makeup artists. From Bobbi Brown to MAC, working with some of the biggest names in beauty has shown Isabelle that the skills she gained from the cult brands are just as applicable to business as they are to the makeup chair. She highlights the importance of knowing exactly what your customer needs and then creating a strong brand image and ethos that is targeted towards that ideal customer. After then taking the leap to lease her own beauty salon, she quickly learned that having your business clearly structured is critical to manage strategies for your development. We’re covering all your bases, from legal requirements, pricing strategies, and automations to make your business work for you, instead of the other way around. Don’t just know your numbers - learn them like the back of your hand, and you’ll have the secret code to unlocking your business’ full potential!

    We’re not missing a single detail:
    🔥 Setting clear business structures as foundations for strategy building
    🔥 Relying on proven data to make strong business decisions
    🔥 Forming an adaptable and resilient mindset
    🔥 Benefits of having a strong support system as a business owner

    Whether you’re a soft glam or a dewy natural kind of girl, Isabelle loves to share all of her beautiful bridal makeup looks - head to her socials for the inspo you need for your next appointment: https://www.instagram.com/empress_collective_hmua/

    I want to empower women in the beauty industry to create an impact, build an empire, and leave their legacy!

    If you have a burning question you’d like me to answer on the show, or just simply want to connect, reach out to me on IG.

    And if you’d like to join our movement of ambitious beauty leaders, connect with us.

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    1 hr and 33 mins