• Why High Prices Make You More Competitive
    Sep 16 2024

    Most businesses look for ways to offer the cheapest prices in the market. Having special promotional Sales and discounting prices are commonplace tactics used to retain customers and attract new ones.But it’s a flawed long term strategy. The emphasis should be on ADDING VALUE and customer benefits to support the HIGHEST (not lowest) prices in the market.

    Competing on the basis of low prices (unless the business is large enough to have economies of scale and scope) defines the commodity game which results in low margins and minimum long term profitability.In this episode I discuss why premium pricing should be the goal of every business and the actions business leaders can take to get there.

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    21 mins
  • 💦 Splash - Strategic Game Plan
    Sep 13 2024

    Three questions unlock your business compass:

    🔸What are your growth goals?

    🔸Who are you serving (ideal customer)?

    🔸What’s your ONLY Value Proposition (what problem are you solving in a way that no one else does)?

    Answering these clarifies your target market,refines your offering, and guides how you connect.

    It's a simple framework for a focused strategy.

    Check out this episode:💦 3 Questions and you have your Strategic Game Plan

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    7 mins
  • What Is So Awesome About Killing Dumb Rules?
    Sep 9 2024
    Audacious Leaders are judged on how well their organizations perform, and how they GROW. In this podcast episode, I discuss with Gary Bontrager my “Cleanse The Inside” Move aimed at improving the execution of one’s strategy and creating unheard-of levels of performance. The intent of my Cleanse Move is to eliminate the friction in the “inside delivery system”, increase its viscosity and improve the efficiency of product and service throughput to the customer. Unique programs such as “Killing Dumb Rules” and “Cut The CRAP” were critical to the Cleanse initiative and helped our team take our startup to A BILLION IN SALES. Listen up! and learn how to achieve consistent delivery of value to your customers and be the ONLY ones who do it.
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    23 mins
  • How Being Boring Will Make You Extremely Successful
    Sep 2 2024

    How Being Boring and Keeping Your Promises Will Make You Extremely Successful

    It seems that often businesses forget that it’s the simple things that breed success, like keeping their promises. It’s a human thing: make me a promise, keep it and I’ll remember that you’re honest and I will continue to do business with you. And, I’ll mention you to others.

    This strategy seems too simple, but many organizations actually fall short of following through with what they say they’re going to do to their customers. This is a travesty, and it’s an important reason why businesses don’t achieve the results they expect.

    In this episode, Roy discusses why it’s critical for businesses to be boring and keep their customer promises, and why this is such an essential element of a culture that consistently delivers superlative results.

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    26 mins
  • 💦 Splash - Author Guide to Greatness
    Aug 30 2024

    To write crave-worthy books, authors should craft stories that readers can't put down and develop a bold, authentic voice to stand out from the crowd.

    This "audacious leadership" approach will make them more relevant and interesting to their audience.

    Check these morsels out:

    💧 What strategy would you recommend authors employ to make their work “crave worthy”?

    💧 How can authors leverage “audacious leadership” to make themselves more relevant and compelling to their audiences?

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    15 mins
  • What is The “Juice” That Makes a Leader Great?
    Aug 26 2024

    What is The “Juice” That Makes a Leader Great?

    In my view one of the most egregious myths about a “Great Leader” is the notion that they have VISION; that they have amazing insights into the future and they chart a course for their organization that is perfectly successful.

    Hmmmm… I’ve never seen it in my 40+ years in business.

    The most amazing leaders I’ve seen are imperfect as hell! They understand that in an imperfect unpredictable world it’s folly to try and get the plan EXACTLY right.

    ✔️They rather spend their time focusing on EXECUTING the imperfect course they’ve plotted for their organization.

    ✔️ they get their plan “just about right”.

    ✔️ they execute.

    ✔️ they learn from how well they execute.

    ✔️ they tweak the plan.

    ✔️ they keep on executing.

    Listen to the EXECUTION nuggets Roy shares from his incredible journey as he and his team marched to A BILLION IN ANNUAL SALES!

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    14 mins
  • Simple Reasons The Brain Doesn’t Control Fearless Innovation
    Aug 19 2024

    Where does innovation and creativity come from?

    This is the key question podcast Host Wize Otero and I breakdown as we explore what worked for me in growing a startup to A BILLION IN SALES!

    Innovation isn’t really an intellectual thing; it’s driven by “I don’t know!”, discomfort, sweat, imprecision and the guts to TRY stuff.

    This episode is all about rejecting the pressure school puts on us to conform to the academic’s view of the world and the rules they promulgate for success. Rather, Roy argues that you need to stand out and BE DiFFERENT to be successful; you’ll never be noticed if you’re like everyone else in the crowd.

    Success inside and out demands that you are special in a way other people CARE about and this episode divulges the simple things Roy did to have an amazing career and build a business to unimaginable heights.

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    32 mins
  • 💦 Splash - How Amazing Leaders Communicate
    Aug 16 2024

    A leader must clearly articulate their vision, inspire others through actions and achievements, and ensure consistent and open communication.

    Effective communication requires active listening, empathy, and clarity.

    The speaking process begins with achieving success, which builds credibility and trust, making the communicated vision more believable and compelling.

    Check these 3 gems:

    💦 What are the top 3 things a leader have to do to effectively communicate their vision to others?

    💦 What does it take to be good at communicating with others?

    💦 The speaking process doesn’t start with speaking, it starts with achieving.

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    13 mins