• 105: Day 2 Growing Through Suffering
    Jun 17 2024

    "I was having a conversation with a co-worker who was also gay and we brought up our beliefs. I will remember his words for the rest of my life, he said..." Tune into this week's episode to hear more on this difficult topic during Pride month.

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    13 mins
  • 104: Day1 Growing Through Suffering
    May 2 2024
    "Stop me if I’m wrong, but I feel like EVERYONE is suffering through something right now! This world is broken, we are broken..." In this week's episode, we start a brand new Bible study from the Joni and Friends Beyond Suffering Bible. This new 7-day Bible study is called "Growing Spiritually Through Suffering". I feel like a lot of broken people can connect with this Bible study, including myself!
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    14 mins
  • 103: Day 5 Disability and the Image of God
    Apr 14 2024
    "When I get home [from work] the very first thing I do is peel my scrubs off and I try not to touch anything when walking from the door to the washing machine " In this week's episode of Abundantly Able, we are wrapping up the Bible study "Disability and the Image of God" in the Joni and Friends Beyond Suffering Bible. We are focusing on discarding our dirty old ways and becoming clean and new in Christ.
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    12 mins
  • 102: Day 4 Disability and the Image of God
    Mar 28 2024

    Have you seen season four of The Chosen yet? In this week's episode of Abundantly Able, I talk about a very powerful scene in season four of The Chosen... and don't worry, there is NO spoiler alert! If you feel called to give to The Chosen's cause then here you go! https://www.comeandseefoundation.org/donate

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    14 mins
  • 101: Day 3 Disability and the Image of God
    Mar 6 2024
    Do you know somebody that makes your eye twitch? Well, guess what... "Jesus not only died on the cross for eye twitchers but he chose eye twitchers!!! Think about it, he chose a tax collector and I don’t care what century you're from a tax collector would make your eye twitch back then just as much as today!" In today's episode of Abundantly Able we talk (mostly) about eye twitchers... and some other good stuff too!
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    13 mins
  • 100: Lets Celebrate
    Feb 14 2024

    "I am so excited to be celebrating Abundantly Ables’ 100th episode with all y’all’s!! Now, normally we would be reading from the Bible study Disability and the Image of God from the Beyond Suffering Bible but today I wanted to do something a little different to celebrate the Abundantly Able Community!"

    In today's episode, we will be offering a celebration prize and highlighting a very special kiddo who uses his Autism diagnosis to fight bullying and advocate for others on the spectrum.

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    13 mins
  • 99: Day2 Disability and the Image of God
    Jan 29 2024
    "No matter how much the devil tries to tear you down and he may even use other people as tools to bully you and degrade you REMEMBER you are the apex of God’s creation and he gave you some serious responsibility while on this earth. You are not a nothing, you are not a nobody. You are a marvelous being because you are made in God’s image! " Tune in to find out why you are the "apex of God's creation" as well as why I quote Tom Hanks from the movie Forest Gump in this week's episode.
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    11 mins
  • 98: Day 1 Disability and the Image of God
    Jan 12 2024
    "So I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, but I feel like God is really trying to guide the Abundantly Able community in a certain direction. And it’s just ironic that the very first verse of a Bible study called Disability and the Image of God talks about our responsibility over the animals and it’s also the beginning of the new year which always stops and makes people think." Join us in today's episode. Today is the first day of a brand new Bible study from the Joni and Friends "Beyond Suffering Bible". I also share about God's direction for the future of Abundantly Able!
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    11 mins