
  • BONUS Episode: Dog thoughts.
    Oct 11 2022
    It’s an episode imagining what we humans think our dogs are thinking. #adoptdontshop
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    3 m
  • BONUS Episode: F*ck Yo Couch
    Apr 28 2022
    This episode is not sponsored by: #Target #CityFutsal #FruitoftheLoom #Spoons #ReusedFishingLine
    Más Menos
    6 m
  • BONUS Episode: Rumination on Porcelain
    Apr 15 2022
    An afternoon coffee stirs up thoughts on the past. #people #place #thing
    Más Menos
    7 m
  • BONUS Episode: This Is Not An Ad
    Apr 13 2022
    For serious ad junkies only! All companies mentioned are: #adidas #mammut #goretex #yeti #apple #urbanears #carhartt #amprobotics #thenorthface #terrex #berlin #lidl #vemondo
    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Nope, it’s a Cat. aka The Dog Owners’ Dilemma
    Apr 8 2022
    Who else likes bitching about nothing just because it’s sounds funny in your own head?
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    5 m
  • Happy New Year! 2022...
    Jan 2 2022

    Well, it's the start of the year. And, uh, basically it's going, how things always go in Dallas. Trying to drive home after being out. Listening to the radio.

    Some topics covered in this episode are:

    • Radio stations in Dallas, 98.7, 99.1 and 100.3 in particular.
    • Traffic and what it means to be a true 'local'.
    • Dallas is going to hell in a handbasket; Desperado's closed after 45 years...😢... is this even true or did I really misread a sign?
    • My casting for an episode of ELIMIDATE which then aired while I was on active duty in the US Marines. I was the butt of a lot of jokes for a minute.
    • Dallas is a city of firsts.
    • Drinking and Driving.
    • Bitching about nothing.
    • Vanilla Ice is a local hero.

    Any weirdness in the audio quality is because I am recording on my phone, on the go.

    I can't wait to hear what you think. So please leave a rating or review on Spotify or apple podcasts. And. Whenever you hear something that you want to talk about, please reach out.

    You can use the link in the show notes. So leave me a voicemail and who knows, maybe it will spark up another episode or even feature you as a guest as always. I want to thank you. Not them, but you for taking the time to listen in. And also for sharing with your friends, family, enemies, pets, plants, whomever, I'll be back next time with more stories,

    Until then love peace and chicken grease.

    Listen, it it's Lucas.


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    17 m
  • reflections on a morning - Dallas, TX
    May 25 2021
    Leaving home at the young age of 25 I am back at my parents’ house having just turned 42. Contemplating the future while enjoying today.
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    8 m
  • The Joy of Rolling - Walking tours for the ‘high’ end
    May 9 2021
    I was once introduced to the idea of providing cannabis infused walking tours around Berlin. Sightseeing and smoking, on the street, by foot. The city sights are surprisingly walkable and accessible using minimal public transportation, and with fairly hands off policing a group of 3 or 4 people walking together rarely draws attention even while passing a joint around.
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    1 m