
  • What is Prayer - Conclusion
    Sep 1 2022

    Avien and Susan wrap up the discussion about Prayer and what it means to us. We talk about tools we've found helpful in our prayer lives and what it means to use prayer not just as defensively, but also offensively.

    We refeerence a dream interpretation book called, "The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions" by Adam F. Thompson and Adrian Beale as well as teaching by Graham Cooke and others that have helped us on our journeys. We pray this discussion helps your as well!

    www.susanvalles.com www.facebook.com/susanvallesministries

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • What is Prayer - Part 2
    Aug 19 2022

    Ultimately, prayer is communication, an invitation into relationship with the Divine, the One who made us, knows and loves us, who reaches out to us and we respond in kind. Join Susan and Avien as they continue the discussion, sharing with laughter and joy and a breakthrough of the manifest presencec of God...answering prayer right in the middle of this episode! www.susanvalles.com www.facebook.com/susanvallesministries

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • What is Prayer?
    Aug 5 2022

    What is this thing we call prayer? Why pray? How should we pray? Join Susan and Avien as we answer these questions and talk about what prayer means to us as women in a busy world. As Avien says, "Let's get it!" * www.susanvalles.com www.facebook.com/susanvallesministries

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Meet The Hosts
    Jul 21 2022

    Susan and Avien introduce themselves in this first episode. They share a testimony of their friendship and what they hope for the future.* www.susanvalles.com www.facebook.com/susanvallesministries

    Más Menos
    39 m