
  • Who Cares: Stories of those that do with Alexandra Drane and Becky Preve
    Oct 9 2024

    Care is a big part of Becky Preve's job as Executive Director for the Association on Aging in New York. She is one of the fiercest and most badass warrior angels we know, spreading her wings over her co-workers who represent and serve all 59 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) across the state — as they, in turn, spread their wings out and over the ENTIRE STATE OF NEW YORK.

    Becky and Alex dig deep into ALL THINGS CARE…from the realities of how unpaid caregivers often self-medicate to cope (as they transparently both admit to doing) to caring in expected AND maybe-less-so ways (including Becky’s recent role bringing her fierce skills to helping to care for her ex-husband) to why knowing how to care in a care economy is a mad wild advantage to how the heck we can find and support this gorgeous population of unpaid caregivers serving as the invisible backbone of our nation.

    Bonus? Get your own score. Find out if YOU are ‘in the red’.

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    32 m