
  • Narcissism Part 2 with special guest Nina Ross
    May 10 2022

    Narcissism is a personality trait that can be described as having a swollen sense of self-importance, patterns of vainglory, a need to be admired, or a lack of empathy towards others. Many people who identify as narcissistic can be described as overly dramatic, manipulative, arrogant, and self-centered. However, like many other unique personality traits, it can be easily assumed that narcissism is also a trait unique to men. However, narcissism is not unique to gender or sex. Narcissism in women is not new and while there seems to be a gender gap in the diagnosis of narcissism, the traits and signs of narcissism in females and males tend to differ slightly. A female narcissist is more likely to use guilt or neglect to control others whereas a male narcissist may use their power and ranking to exert control.

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    1 h y 1 m
  • Narcissism with special guest Nina Ross
    Mar 4 2022

    Narcissism is extreme selfish to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people. Historically, narcissists do not seek help since it doesn’t fit the image they have of themselves. They may need the encouragement of a loved one to help them seek out professional help.

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    1 h y 22 m
  • Social Warfare
    Feb 26 2022
    Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, mutually advancing social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them. Examples include Occupy Wall Street, the education system, the criminal justice system, and race/ethnic group issues.
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    26 m
  • A Purpose-Driven Church
    Feb 20 2022

    Being 'purpose driven" means you’re seeking as a church to do all that Jesus taught his church to do. Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. in order for a church to be healthy it must become a purpose driven church by Jesus. If we as believers concentrate on building people, God will build the church.

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    24 m
  • Xenophobia
    Feb 19 2022

    Xenophobia can be defined as an established, unreasonable hatred towards or fear of foreigners, or of ideas or beliefs that are perceived as foreign, strange or outside of the norm. Xenophobia, while it is unjustifiable, does have causes that can be attributed to its addition. Poor experiences with others from certain groups, an obvious fear of that which is different, propaganda, or exposure to unspoken or exact xenophobic behavior by others can, unfortunately, all result in acquiring xenophobia.

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    35 m
  • Bioware Against Agricultral
    Feb 5 2022

    Despite their best efforts, many countries will continue to be vulnerable to deliberate introductions of different plant and animal diseases by terrorist groups with an ideological agenda or by governments, corporations, or individuals with a profit motive. The vulnerability to agricultural bio-terrorist attack is a consequence of the mostly low security of agricultural targets, the technical ease of introducing consequential diseases, and the large economic repercussions of even small outbreaks. It is enraged by structural features of global agriculture that are unlikely to change without forceful government intervention: low genetic diversity of plants and animals, extensive mono-culture, and highly concentrated animal agriculture.

    While the vulnerability cannot be eliminated, effective response can minimize the damage from both intentionally and naturally introduced disease. There have been suggested an aggressive scientific agenda: continuing education programs for farmers, veterinarians, and extension specialists; development of new diagnostics, vaccines, and pesticides; development of new sensing technologies for early identification of plant disease outbreaks; development of plant varieties resistant to diseases not yet endemic; and an increase in the number of outbreak control specialists assigned to international disease control efforts. This is an expensive agenda, but cost-effective in context—a single serious outbreak prevented or quickly controlled could pay for the program several times over. Given the ever-increasing international traffic in agricultural commodities combined with decreasing transit times, we can expect continued natural introductions of exotic plant and animal diseases. These will easily justify the cost of the programs that is recommended. Clearly, aggressive action is warranted to address the deficiencies of this global current response system, for both naturally and deliberately introduced plant and animal diseases, given the billions of dollars at stake.

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    21 m
  • Dealing With Insecurity In A Relationship
    Feb 5 2022

    Do you find yourself digging for compliments? Asking where your partner is going, even though you know the answer? Bothering them for extra attention although you spent the entire day together? Maybe you repeatedly ask your spouse about spending time with a coworker who’s just a friend. All of these things are signs of insecurity in a relationship. Many people feel jealous and insecure in their relationships, even if they are loved unconditionally by their partner. Whether you’re in a relatively new relationship or a decades-long marriage, here’s everything you need to know about how to stop being insecure in a relationship.

    Unfortunately, many people get discouraged about ever getting over their relationship insecurities because it’s starting to become a pattern. So, they assume it must be some core part of their personality that’s causing the trouble.

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    22 m
  • Cultural Stereotyping
    Jan 24 2022

    Cultural Stereotyping is when someone has an opinion on another person based on who they are, where they're from, or the language they speak without getting to know the individual. This means that a person has an opinion about someone before they have even met them. People who culturally stereotype expect the targeted group to behave in the way they perceive them.

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    23 m