
  • Water Is Life: How Healthy Is Our Water Though?
    Mar 2 2025

    Sarah really brings a great conversation regarding our water and specifically a presentation on a book that raised the flags on fluoride in our water a long time ago. It's widely accepted usage is actually quite a marvel given that there are no studies that still support the cavity reason behind slipping it into our water supplies. Of course the Broads found other tributaries to wade through regarding our water supply system, the power of expert blind trust and how the industrial revolution has brought us into being the age of the guinea pigs.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 35 m
  • Broad Spotlight On Music Industry Veteran Vicky Hamilton
    Feb 14 2025

    Vicky Hamilton has been in the music industry spanning more than four decades. VIcky has developed, managed, or discovered many artists through the years including artists Motley Crue, Guns & Roses, Stryper, June Carter Cash, Poison & more. Currently Vicky owns her own label called Dark Spark Music that has a roster of great and diverse talents. Author of a new book of poetry called, Veiled Allusions she also authored Appetite For Dysfunction which is tales from her early days of working with Guns & Roses (they lived in her one bedroom apartment with her roommate Jennifer Perry for six months.) Appetite For Dysfunction has been picked up for a new upcoming television series. Join us in this authentic, raw three broad conversation where we discuss the music industry then and now, creativity, addictions, AI, new artists, sobriety, poetry and more. Rather a homecoming as two of these broads have nearly known each other for a very long time.

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    1 h y 59 m
  • Hey Pride, Have You Met Your Fall Yet?
    Feb 1 2025

    A poignant discourse between the Two Broads on the topic of pride. A meaty and salty discussion worthy of chewing on. We recognize pride in others but perhaps we miss it in ourselves sometimes. We sure see all manner of pride in grand display all around us and along with it all of the bad side dishes it creates to go along with it.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 21 m
  • Time To Discuss Banning Things; TikTok
    Jan 23 2025

    Well the Two Broads recorded this the day after TikTok was banned, however, as we all know, it was restored later that same day. It's a good thing we weren't just discussing TikTok. We of course had to make the conversation much more broad (pun intended). It seemed the scent of banning was in the air so we weighed in. Tune in Broad Band!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
  • Floods & Fires & Liars; Oh My
    Jan 15 2025

    The Two Broads are back with sorrow and salt over the most recent fire disaster still under way in California and now Baja Mexico. What are the lessons everyone should take away from all of the disasters we see? There are lessons to be sure and there will be positives that come out of the ashes to be sure but..... that's a choice. One thing is for sure, thinking for oneself has never been more required.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 6 m
  • Mission Personal Challenge; Get A Grip On Your Health
    Jan 8 2025

    Your favorite Broads reflect on getting older, greed trust issues personal challenges and giving yourself the gift of better health. Lauri discusses her 21 day journey abstaining from all sugar and grains as well as social media. All that and so much more in this wellness motivating cast from your two favorite broads. There is no self care without good health care.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 52 m
  • Our Amazing Bodies vs Our Body Image Issues
    Dec 17 2024

    As many topics are personal for the Two Broads, in this episode they discuss body image. The illusive journey for the perfect body. Even though nobody really knows who is the judge on this arbitrary "image" of our anatomies we sure act like we do. In the meantime the quest for the perfect abs, breasts, biceps and hind sides may actually be the biggest waste of time ever. A frank discussion about an all too popular obsession. Honestly, the time has come for us to shift perspective to optimum health as a focus not purely the illusive image that few ever see anyway. Good health will go so much farther in the long run than brutal obsession over how we look. Tune in, we are salty.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 48 m
  • Pleasure & Entertainment Overkill
    Dec 9 2024

    The Two Broads were in extra rare form in this coffee table convo. There is a lot of social and cultural observation and criticism in this and truly one can only listen to see if you are able to list all of the bullet points, lol, Honestly though, it seems like we have over saturated our desires for entertainment, foods, escapism, sex, shopping and more to a point that pleasure could be an enemy. Where do you go when you've exhausted how entertained you can be?

    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m