
  • Family Dynamics & Relationships in Alzheimer’s and Dementia
    Mar 12 2025

    The complexities of dementia extend beyond medical concerns, profoundly influencing family dynamics and relationships. In today’s episode, Lisa discusses how family dynamics interfere with relationships in families dealing with dementia, offering specific examples of many of the conflicts that may arise as well as strategies for navigating these inevitable challenges.

    You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    35 m
  • Inspiring Connections: The Transformative Power of Providing Meaningful Activities in Dementia
    Mar 5 2025

    Living with dementia! It’s not just about memory loss and confusion. It impacts nearly all of our cognitive functions, including language skills, notable changes in personality, mood, the ability to reason, the ability to use to use sound judgment in decision making, vision changes, a diminished sense of smell, trouble multitasking, and completing familiar tasks, depression, and many, many more. Caring for someone with dementia is a deeply compassionate act, but it also comes with many unexpected challenges; therefore, in today’s episode, Lisa discusses one of the most important aspects of dementia care, which is ensuring that individuals living with dementia continue to experience joy, meaning, purpose and connection in their daily lives. How? Join Lisa for this very informative episode because she is going to go into details about why providing customized activities can be a lifeline for people living with dementia.

    You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

    Mentioned Resources:

    Alzheimer’s Association www.alz.org

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    39 m
  • Effective Strategies and Techniques Every Dementia Caregiver Needs to Know
    Feb 26 2025

    Lisa shares more real-life case studies from her 30 years of experience working with people living with dementia that highlight common behavioral challenges that often accompany this condition on a day-to-day basis. In this episode, Lisa describes a variety of different challenges and situations that are so common to dementia along with intervention strategies and positive outcomes that caregivers can use with their everyday struggles.

    You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    34 m
  • An Interview with Professor Matthew Kiernan & Catherine Taylor: Making Dementia Controllable
    Feb 19 2025

    Lisa shares an interview between Catherine Taylor, writer, and Professor Matthew Kiernan, a neurologist and expert in neurodegenerative diseases, discussing the ways in which dementia could conceivably become a controllable disease. They discuss the 14 known risk factors and other conditions you need to be aware of so you can potentially reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by following what his research has uncovered. You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    25 m
  • Why Don’t We have a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease Yet?
    Feb 12 2025

    How many times have we all asked that question over the years? Especially if it has touched us personally. In today’s episode, Lisa shares an eye-opening article written by Dr. Donald Weaver, Professor of Chemistry and Director of Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto, who addresses that very question. Dr. Weaver is a neurologist and a researcher who studies Alzheimer’s disease and tells us that he shares in the frustration and anger of people and families when he has to tell them that he has no cure to offer. He reveals many of the reasons why there still is no treatment or cure, even though it’s been 115 years since Alzheimer’s disease was identified. You don’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

    Mentioned Resources:

    The Conversation, Donald Weaver, Professor of Chemistry and Director of Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto, March 18, 2021


    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a...

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    30 m
  • Memories to Meaning: The Therapeutic Impact of Reminiscence Therapy on People Living with Dementia
    Feb 5 2025

    Have you heard of Reminiscence Therapy? On today’s episode, Lisa discusses in detail what reminiscence therapy is, how it is used, and why it’s a game changer for creating a higher quality of life for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. Because Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia pose significant challenges for everyone involved, understanding the benefits of reminiscence therapy and how it leverages the power of memory recall to stimulate cognitive function, how it promotes emotional well-being, and how it enhances social interaction will illustrate how it has emerged as a significant intervention for those living with dementia. You don’t want to miss this powerful episode!

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    33 m
  • Behavioral Challenges: Effective Strategies and Approaches
    Jan 29 2025

    On today’s episode, Lisa discusses how Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia present a complex array of behavioral challenges that significantly impact the quality of life for the individual’s who’ve been diagnosed, their family members, as well as their caregivers. She explores the multifaceted nature of these behavioral expressions, including agitation, aggression, social withdrawal, and paranoia, just to mention a few, through true case studies that she has created based on her 30 years of experience as an Alzheimer’s behavioral specialist. Lisa shares the most effective strategies and approaches for managing these common behaviors, including implementing behavior therapy, environmental modifications, and person-centered approaches to dementia care. You don’t want to miss this important episode!

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.

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    29 m
  • The Honest Interpretation: Alzheimer’s Drugs - Are They Meeting Expectations?
    Jan 22 2025

    On today’s episode, Lisa shares the most detailed and comprehensive article she has found to date titled: Alzheimer’s: Are Newly Approved Drugs Making a Real-Life Difference? After a lull of nearly 2 decades, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally approved new medications for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease for the first time since 2021. The approval has sparked both hope and disappointment as the questions are answered as to whether or not these drugs are truly making a difference and if the current results are stacking up against expectations? Listen to find out what Lisa has uncovered in this very important episode…You don’t want to miss what she shares…

    Mentioned Resources: Medical News Today, Written by Deep Shukla, August 25, 2024 – Fact Checked by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D.

    About the Host:

    Author Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist with expertise in Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. In her 30+year career working with family members and caregivers, Lisa has taught them how to successfully navigate the many challenges that accompany this heartbreaking disease. Lisa is both a Certified Dementia Practitioner and is also a certified dementia care trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. She also holds a degree in Human Behavior.

    Her latest book, “Truth, Lies & Alzheimer’s – Its Secret Faces” continues Lisa’s quest of working with dementia-related illnesses and teaching families and caregivers how to better understand the daunting challenges of brain disease. Her #1 Best-seller book “Not All Who Wander Need Be Lost,” was written at their urging. As someone who has had eight family members diagnosed with dementia, Lisa Skinner has found her calling in helping others through the struggle so they can have a better-quality relationship with their loved ones through education and through her workshops on counter-intuitive solutions and tools to help people effectively manage the symptoms of brain disease. Lisa Skinner has appeared on many national and regional media broadcasts. Lisa helps explain behaviors caused by dementia, encourages those who feel burdened, and gives practical advice for how to respond.

    So many people today are heavily impacted by Alzheimer's disease and related dementia. The Alzheimer's Association and the World Health Organization have projected that the number of people who will develop Alzheimer's disease by the year 2050 worldwide will triple if a treatment or cure is not found. Society is not prepared to care for the projected increase of people who will develop this devastating disease. In her 30 years of working with family members and caregivers who suffer from dementia, Lisa has recognized how little people really understand the complexities of what living with this disease is really like. For Lisa, it starts with knowledge, education, and training.

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    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on Apple Podcasts.

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    38 m