
  • Episide 23 - The Patriarchy
    Mar 5 2025

    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss biblical patriarchy.

    Topics considered include:

    · Down with the Patriarchy! The Battle Cry of Feminism and Egalitarianism

    · Patriarchy Is a Given: God’s Design

    o 1 Timothy 2:11-15 Paul’s Argument from Creation & Fall

    o 1 Corinthians 11:3

    o Household Codes (Ephesians 5:22-6:9; Colossians 3:18-4:1; 1 Peter 2:18-3:7)

    o Deborah & Barak (Judges 4-5)

    · Biblical Patriarchy Not Roman Pater Famlias

    o Stewardship Not Ownership

    o Delegated Authority Not Absolute Authority

    o Discipleship to Christ Not Subjection to Father’s Fancy

    o Discipline Not Denigration or Demoralization

    · Biblical Patriarchy & Sphere Sovereignty

    o What is sphere sovereignty?

    o The Family Sphere—Father

    o The Civil Sphere—Magistrate (King, President, Governor, etc.)

    o The Church Sphere—Elders

    o Christ’s Dominion over All Spheres—The Conscience, Natural Law, and Biblical Law

    o Respect of Boundaries—Undermining the authority in one sphere undermines authority in all spheres.

    o Spheres Overlap—Authorities in overlapping spheres must cooperate for the good of those under authority.

    o Every Square Inch—No Human Authority Should Usurp God’s Authority over Individuals (Violation of Conscience)

    · Biblical Patriarchy & Complementarianism

    o Defining complementarianism

    o Thorough/Broad Complementarianism vs. Soft/Narrow Complementarianism

    o God’s High/Primary Calling to women in the home and family (Prov. 31)

    Resources and comments:

    Abraham Kuyper, Common Grace

    Michael Foster, It’s Good to Be a Man

    Rick Philips, The Masculine Mandate

    C. R. Wiley, Man of the House,

    Produced by: RE Gabe Williams

    Music by: RE James Powers

    Logo design: Beth Cragg

    The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Episode 22 - Paedocommunion
    Feb 21 2025

    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss Paedocommunion.

    Show notes are included below after the credits.

    Produced by: RE Gabe Williams
    Music by: RE James Powers
    Logo design: Beth Cragg

    The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL.

    If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord’s Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM.
    Education Hour is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM.


    Why address this topic at all? Isn’t it a matter settled in the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition that covenant children receive baptism, they are reared in the Christian religion and catechized, and once they reach a point of discretion and profession, they are admitted by the shepherds of that church to the Table?
    Well, this question rises at certain points at times in the church due to a good problem. Many wouldn’t see it as a good problem, but I do. Let me explain:
    Many Christians in the Western church have been leaving a more baptistic and Dispensational reading of the Bible, and they have come to understand the covenantal structure of the Bible that is consistent with the Reformed and Presbyterian church. As a result, what happens is an over swing: Many of the Christians once believed that their children shouldn’t be baptized or communed (take the Supper). Once they come into the beautiful world of covenant theology, many now believe that their children should be baptized and communed. Whereas the sacraments were once naked symbols that did nothing more than remind us of something, now they believe that since the sacraments confer real grace, their children should get the sacraments as early as possible and as often as possible.
    So, I say this is a good problem because we rejoice when Christians understand the glorious unity of the Bible and its application to the family and the church. We rejoice in the resurgence of interest in raising our children covenantally. We love the place that has been given to the sacraments in the life and piety of the church. These are all good things. This swing in the opposite direction, however, does betray a misunderstanding of a few things and a departure from Reformed orthodoxy, which we hope to address in this podcast by explaining the Reformed church’s understanding of the Bible’s teaching that the Lord’s Supper is to be administered to baptized persons who have been admitted to the table by the elders on account of a credible profession of faith.
    In this episode, we’ll show why paedocommunion is erroneous from three angles:
    (1) Biblical
    (2) Theological
    (3) Historical
    First, it’s important to briefly define what we mean by paedocommunion, because there is a spectrum. Some paedocommunion advocates think that children should be served the Lord’s Supper as soon as they’re weaned. Others believe that children who can give some sort of acknowledgment of wanting to receive the elements, whether it is a raising of the hand or saying “Jesus” or something of the sort. The latter position is a bit closer to Reformed orthodoxy, but both seem to stem from the same misunderstandings of the biblical data, the nature of the sacraments, and the historical consensus of the church.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • Episode 21 - The Heresy of Christian Zionism
    Feb 3 2025
    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss The Heresy of Christian Zionism. Topics considered include: • The Heresy of Two Distinct Peoples of God: Israel and the Church • The Heresy of Two Distinct Paths of Salvation: Corporate/Ethnic Election in Abraham & Justification by Faith in Christ Alone • The Heresy of the Reinstitution of the Sacrificial System of the Mosaic Economy (Hebrews) Recommended Resources: • The Israel of God by O. Palmer Robertson Scripture: • Ephesians 2:11-3:12 • Galatians 3:27-29 • 1 Peter 2:6-10 Produced by: RE Gabe Williams Music by: RE James Powers Logo design: Beth Cragg The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Education Hour is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM. www.Sprucecreekpca.org
    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Episode 20 - Why Evening Worship?
    Jan 25 2025
    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss evening worship. Topics considered include: 1. History of Evening Worship 2. Exegetical Grounds for Evening Worship 3. Benefits of Evening Worship Recommended Resources: 1. Recovering the Lost Treasure of Lord’s Day Evening Worship by Jon D. Payne | https://gospelreformation.net/recovering-the-lost.../ 2. The Day of Worship: Reassessing the Christian Life in Light of the Sabbath by Rev Ryan McGraw Produced by: RE Gabe Williams Music by: RE James Powers Logo design: Beth Cragg The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayermeeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM. www.Sprucecreekpca.org
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Episode 19 - The Rapture
    Jan 14 2025

    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss the idea of the rapture.

    Topics considered include:

    • What is the rapture and what are the various views of it in Christian theology?
    • 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
    • Revelation 4:1
    • Tribulation
    • Matthew 24:40-41

    Resources and comments:

    • https://learn.ligonier.org/articles/what-is-the-rapture
    • https://learn.ligonier.org/devotionals/rapture
    • Dispensationalism: Rightly Dividing the People of God? by Keith A. Mathison

    Produced by: RE Gabe Williams
    Music by: RE James Powers
    Logo design: Beth Cragg

    The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the
    area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer
    meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM.


    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Episode 18 - Is It Impolite to Talk Politics & Religion?
    Dec 20 2024

    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss the idea that it is impolite to discuss politics and religion.

    Topics considered include:

    · Is it impolite to talk about politics and religion?

    · What societal events and ideas foster this mindset?

    · Enlightenment response to wars of religion

    · American Establishment—pluralism

    · Hyper-spirituality of the Church

    · False dichotomy of politics and morality

    · How to talk about politics and religion

    · Civil Authorities are God’s servants (Romans 13)

    Produced by: RE Gabe Williams

    Music by: RE James Powers

    Logo design: Beth Cragg

    The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM.


    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode 17 - Christians and IVF
    Dec 13 2024

    PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss in vitro fertilization (IVF)

    Topics considered include:

    · What exactly is IVF?

    · What is the process of IVF?

    · How should Christians think about IVF?

    · “What if I or someone I love has done IVF?”

    Resources and comments:

    · “A Biblical View of In Vitro Fertilization”: https://abolitionistsrising.com/IVF/

    · “A Biblical Case Against IVF” by Matthew Lee Anderson in First Things: https://www.firstthings.com/article/2021/03/the-biblical-case-against-ivf

    Produced by: RE Gabe Williams

    Music by: RE James Powers

    Logo design: Beth Cragg

    The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM.


    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 16 - Can Christians Watch Movies With Violence and Gore?
    Dec 13 2024
    In response to a question from one of our members, PCA Pastors Josh Owen, Aaron Garriott, and Robert Rothwell discuss violence and gore in entertainment and the implications for the Christian viewer. Topics considered include: • Christian Liberty of Conscience under the Law of God • Faith, Hope, and Love: Is It Profitable? • Violence and Gore in Scripture: What’s the Point? • Reality of Battle with Evil and Celebration of Christ’s Victory Resources and comments: • The Book of Judges • Ehud Assassinated Eglon of Moab (3) • Jael killed Sisera Brutally (4) • The Levite’s Concubine (19) Produced by: RE Gabe Williams Music by: RE James Powers Logo design: Beth Cragg The Three Presbyteers is a ministry of Spruce Creek PCA in Port Orange FL. If you're in the area, please join us for worship every Lord's Day morning at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM and in the evening at 6:00 PM. Sunday School is at 10:00 AM and we have a church planting prayer meeting every Lord's Day at 4:30 PM. www.Sprucecreekpca.org
    Más Menos
    35 m