
  • Outdoor Learning From a Student Perspective
    Feb 18 2025

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    In today's episode we meet up with a former student from Derek's program, Chance Blythe, to talk about his experiences in Outdoor Learning as a student throughout his educational career and how it might connect to his future goals of becoming an educator.

    Chris' Research Corner

    Richmond, D., Sibthorp, J., Gookin, J., Annarella, S., & Ferri, S. (2018). Complementing classroom learning through outdoor adventure education: out-of-school-time experiences that make a difference. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 18(1), 36-52.

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

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    48 m
  • Outdoor Learning in Early Years with Maxine & Brianna
    Feb 3 2025

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    Derek and Chris talk with Maxine and Brianna, a dynamic duo of primary teachers from one of the Nature schools in the Saskatoon Public School Division.

    We talk about nature-based learning in the early years and primary context, how to enrich literacy instruction through the outdoors through vocabulary and hands on connection to ideas along with common challenges and concerns and how they navigate them.

    Chris' Research Corner article:

    Waite, S. (2007). ‘Memories are made of this’: Some reflections on outdoor learning and recall. Education 3–13, 35(4), 333-347.

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    52 m
  • Learning From the Land with Sandy Chocan
    Jan 4 2025

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    Chris and Derek join Sandy Chocan to talk about Cree Language, Land-Based Learning, Cultural Camps and students' need to build a connection to the land. Sandy also shares about the Circle of Courage and how Outdoor Learning can help teachers to authentically connect students to all aspects of it.

    Chris' Research Corner article:
    Brendtro, L. K., Brokenleg, M., & Van Bockern, S. (2013). The Circle of Courage: Developing Resilience and Capacity in Youth. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 1(1), 67-74.

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Outdoor Learning vs Field Trips with Gabby
    Nov 28 2024

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    Chris and Derek connect with Gabby, a grade 8 teacher in Saskatoon Public who regularly uses Outdoor Learning in her classroom.

    We talk about pedagogical choices, how to work through challenges, and finding ways to communicate our intent with outdoor learning with students, admin and parents.

    Access the things Gabby mentioned including her behavior checklist and blanket parent email here:

    Gabby's Resources

    Chris' Research Corner article:
    Oberle, E., Zeni, M., Munday, F., & Brussoni, M. (2021). Support factors and barriers for outdoor learning in elementary schools: A systemic perspective. American Journal of Health Education, 52(5), 251-265.

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • Getting Started with Outdoor Learning with Evan Nienaber
    Oct 8 2024

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    In this episode we connect with Evan Nienaber, a teacher from Saskatoon Public. We talk about getting started with Outdoor Learning, affordances, relationships, failure and learning and how all those parts are connected. We also talk about releasing control and not always being the expert in the classroom. Evan shares a little about his checklists that he uses to stay organized with outdoor learning. Finally, we share some mistakes to learn from.

    Research Resources: Available through your learning institution.
    Fiskum, T. A., & Jacobsen, K. (2013). Outdoor education gives fewer demands for action regulation and an increased variability of affordances. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 13(1), 76-99.
    Maynard, T., Waters, J., & Clement, J. (2013). Child-initiated learning, the outdoor environment and the ‘underachieving’child. Early years, 33(3), 212-225.

    Resources from Evan: Camp Checklists

    Shekinah tent prep sheet

    Pike Lake Prep Sheet

    Brightwater Prep Sheet

    App Camp Prep Sheet

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Project Walks with Mandy Cooper
    Sep 24 2024

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    Our guest for this episode is Mandy Cooper who has been teaching for over 10 years and has been teaching Let’s Lead – Nikanetan for the past 6 years. In our conversation with Mandy, we talk about Project Walk and Talks with Mandy and how she uses them with her students to connect them to the places where they live and make the learning relevant. Mandy also shares how she connects her students with an elder to learn about sage and start their tradition of smudging for the year. As always, we wrap our podcast with a conversation about some of the mistakes that we have made and the lessons we learned in the hopes that our listeners can learn from our mistakes in their own pursuit of outdoor learning.

    Research Resource from today’s episode: Scott, G., Boyd, M., & Colquhoun, D. (2013). Changing spaces, changing relationships: the positive impact of learning out of doors. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 17(1). (Article is available through your learning institution.)

    Check out Mandy's How to Use Guide and then read through some example project walks:
    Water Walk
    Art Walk
    History/Herstory/Theirstory through Public Art

    Mandy also shared some similar in idea projects with us - Make An Impact projects that can be adapted to various content.

    Spirit Bear Calls to Action
    Calls to Action Brainstorming Template
    Make an Impact on Truth and Reconcilliation
    Make an Impact on the Moosehide Campaign

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Get Outside 101 Conference Promo
    Sep 13 2024

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    Get Outside 101 Conference
    Saturday, October 5
    University of Saskatchewan in the Education Building

    Head over to https://saskoutdoors.org/event/get-outside-101-saskatoon/ to register for this awesome Outdoor Learning experience!

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    2 m
  • Building Community Relationships with Nancy Barr
    Sep 10 2024

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    Our guest for this episode is Nancy Barr who has been teaching for over 20 years, and has used outdoor and out of school learning to build relationships with community members. In our conversation with Nancy, we talk about learning on and from the land, building relationships both with the land and with each other, and how Nancy prepares her class for going outside and offers advice for how to get started. We wrap our podcast with a conversation about some of the mistakes that we have made and the lessons we learned in the hopes that our listeners can learn from our mistakes in their own pursuit of outdoor learning.

    Research Resource from today’s episode: Simpson, L. B. (2014). Land as pedagogy: Nishnaabeg intelligence and rebellious transformation. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 3(3), 1-25. Available at: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/des/article/download/22170/17985/

    Nancy’s Go Bag Itemized List:

    School stuff- the things you need for policy/procedures if you school or division

    - student list with phone numbers

    -first aid kit

    - medications for students

    - any other paper work to take with while leaving a building

    Nancy stuff- things I always take

    - pencil case with class set of pencils ,a few erasers and a couple sharpeners

    - Kleenex

    - garbage bags (2)

    - a few sharpies and pen

    - money

    - small knife

    - tampons and a couple pads -also good for first aid needs

    - my community card - these are Business card sized. On one side is the school logo and the other is blank. I get kids to write positive messages or thank you notes or other things on them to pass out in the community.

    - Hackie-sacks or jacks or other small games for kids to use like a frezbee

    - lighter/matches/bbq lighter

    - paper or pad

    I add things as needed or in season like a couple pair of mittens or sunscreen or perhaps socks and a toque.

    Access our research, project ideas and more at:

    Más Menos
    52 m