
  • 302: Mother's Day Doesn't Have To Suck For Stepmoms
    Mar 14 2025

    Welcome back to the Nacho Kids podcast! In this episode, titled "Mother's Day Doesn't Have To Suck For Stepmoms/Stepfamilies," hosts David and Lori dive into the complex dynamics of navigating Mother's Day as a stepparent. With Mother's Day just around the corner, they tackle the often-sensitive issue of unmet expectations and the potential for hurt feelings. Lori and David offer practical advice for stepparents on setting boundaries and communicating desires with their partners, the importance of self-care, and how to embrace Stepmother's Day. The hosts also explore the pitfalls of comparison and emphasize the significance of creating one's happiness. So, join David and Lori as they bring a mix of heartfelt insights and light-hearted banter, aimed to make this Mother's Day a cherished occasion for everyone involved.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Navigating expectations as a stepmom on Mother's Day
    • Stepmother's Day
    • Focusing on yourself
    • Avoiding comparisons

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Stories:

    The Stepmom Who Thought 'Nachoing' Meant Ignoring

    "At first, I thought Nachoing meant just ignoring my stepkids, but Nacho Kids Academy taught me that it’s really about setting boundaries, respecting my role, and creating a healthier family dynamic. Once I stepped back, I was shocked at how much better my marriage and my relationship with my stepkids became. It turns out, they actually like me better when I’m not trying to parent them!" ~ Amanda R.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 301: Stepmom Didn't Want Kids - Audio
    Mar 7 2025

    In this episode of the Nacho Kids Podcast, Lori Sims welcomes Mae, a stepmom navigating the challenging dynamics of her blended family. Mae lives with her partner, their two-year-old child, and her partner's kids—a 13-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy. Mae shares the trials she's faced stepping into a maternal role, dealing with stepchildren full-time due to their mother's sporadic involvement. Tune in as she candidly discusses the struggle of balancing her partner’s expectations, managing her stepson's anger issues, and finding harmony through the Nacho Kids method. Whether you're a new stepmom or have been in the role for years, Mae’s story offers relatable insights and genuine conversation about creating a cohesive family. Join us as we dive into these real-life stories, real people, and real help in blending families!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Behavioral Challenges with Stepson

    • Challenges of Disengagement

    • Managing Emotions and Responsibilities

    • Honesty and Family Conversations

    • Future Concerns and Stepson’s Behavior

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Stories:

    The High-Conflict Ex Situation

    "My stepkids’ mom made our lives miserable. It felt like everything I did was wrong, and my husband was stuck in the middle. After joining Nacho Kids Academy, I stopped trying to compete with their mom and started focusing on my own peace. The drama doesn’t affect me like it used to, and my husband and I are finally on the same page. This program saved my sanity!" ~ Kara L., KY, USA

    Más Menos
    51 m
  • 300: 300 Podcasts Later: Our Blended Family Journey
    Feb 28 2025

    In this milestone episode of the NK Podcast, we're celebrating our 300th episode! Join hosts Lori and David as they reflect on five and a half years of podcasting, sharing their journey and the valuable lessons they've learned along the way. From the challenges and joys of blending families to the unexpected twists and turns of stepfamily life, Lori and David dive deep into their personal experiences. They share heartwarming stories of growth and transformation, emphasizing the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of change. Tune in to hear how the Nacho Kids method has helped them navigate the complexities of stepfamily life and how their podcasting journey has not only impacted their lives but also touched the hearts of listeners around the world. This special episode is a testament to the power of perseverance, connection, and the shared goal of creating better blended family experiences.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Reflection on Consistency and Challenges

    • Adult Children Moving Back In

    • Family Gatherings and Dynamics

    • Distance in Relationships

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Stories:

    The Stepparent with Adult Bio Kids & Younger Stepkids

    I raised my kids to adulthood, so I thought I knew what I was doing when I married my husband, who still had young kids. I quickly realized step-parenting is NOTHING like regular parenting! Nacho Kids Academy gave me the tools to step back, respect my husband’s role as their dad, and focus on supporting rather than controlling. Now, instead of stress and resentment, our home feels more like a partnership! - Debbie W.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 299: Stepmom Takes Care Of Bio Mom
    Feb 21 2025

    In this heartfelt and inspiring episode of the NK Podcast, we're joined by stepmom Whitney, who revisits her story after first appearing on the podcast three and a half years ago. Whitney shares an incredible journey that showcases resilience, compassion, and the power of relationships in the midst of adversity. As a stepmom with no biological children and a 17-year-old stepdaughter, Whitney recounts her experience of supporting her stepdaughter's mother through a terminal cancer diagnosis. This candid conversation delves into the complexities of family dynamics, the emotional challenges of navigating a blended family, and the unexpected bond that formed between Whitney and her stepdaughter's mother. Join hosts Lori and David Sims as they explore Whitney's remarkable story of love, strength, and the unexpected paths life can take. Don't miss this episode, which is sure to resonate with anyone who has faced life's challenges with an open heart.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • Challenges in Stepfamily Dynamics

    • Stepparent Perspective and Family Dynamics Shift

    • The Role of Faith and Support Networks

    • Reflections and Personal Insights

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Story:

    The Stepparent with Adult STepkids

    "I married my husband thinking that since his kids were grown, stepfamily life would be easy. Nope! His adult kids didn’t like me, and I felt like I had no voice in our own home. Nacho Kids Academy showed me how to detach with love and stop trying to ‘fix’ things. Now, I focus on my marriage and let my husband handle his own kids. It’s been life-changing!" - Lisa B.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • 298: Three Things Not To Say To A Stepparent
    Feb 14 2025

    Welcome back to the Nacho Kids Podcast! In today's episode, Lori and David dive into a critical conversation about the challenges and misconceptions faced by stepparents. They explore three common phrases that should never be uttered to a stepparent. First, the hosts debunk the idea that stepparents knew what they were getting into when joining a blended family, emphasizing the unexpected trials involved. Next, they tackle the unrealistic expectation that stepparents should love their stepchildren like their own, highlighting the unique dynamics and relationships within a family. Finally, Lori and David clarify the misconception that stepparents are "parents too," discussing the complexity of roles within a blended family. Join us as we uncover some hard truths and foster understanding and empathy for stepparents navigating these complex relationships. So, stay tuned for an enlightening episode filled with candid discussions and relatable insights!

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • General Discussion on Expectations in Life and Relationships
    • Clarification and Healthy Expectations in Stepparent-Child Relationships
    • Understanding Unrealistic Expectations
    • The Complexity of Roles
    • Guarding Against Harmful Assumptions:

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Story:

    "I thought since I had kids of my own and grew up in a stepfamily that I knew how to be a stepdad. Wrong. My wife and I fought constantly about discipline, boundaries, and how we should treat all the kids ‘equally.’ Nacho Kids Academy helped me realize that ‘equal’ isn’t always ‘fair’ and that my role in my stepkids’ lives wasn’t to be their dad. Once I stopped trying to force things, our home became so much calmer. The biggest surprise? My stepkids actually started coming to me on their own! We owe you so much, Lori & David!" - James T.

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 297: Couples Communication ~ Raffi Bilek
    Feb 7 2025

    In today's episode, host Lori welcomes Raffi Bilek, a marriage counselor based in Baltimore and the author of "The Couple's Communication Handbook: The Skills You Never Learned for the Marriage You Always Wanted." Raffi shares his experiences working with couples and emphasizes the importance of effective communication in relationships. He discusses cultural differences in communication, how childhood influences our communicative skills, and the challenges couples face when navigating conversations about money, expectations, and parenting in stepfamilies. Throughout the conversation, Raffi offers insights into improving dialogue and understanding within relationships, underlining the significance of empathy and active listening as keys to resolving conflicts and building stronger connections. Join us as we dive into these essential topics and learn how to enhance communication in our personal lives.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Communication Skills
    • Expectations and Conflict
    • Empathy and Understanding
    • Emotional Regulation

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Story:

    Stepmom and Bio Mom

    "Blending families is HARD. I didn’t understand why my husband treated my kids differently than his, and I was constantly frustrated that his kids got away with things mine never would. Nacho Kids Academy completely changed my perspective. Instead of comparing, I started focusing on what I could control—my own parenting and my relationship with my husband. The difference has been incredible. My stress level has dropped, and I don’t feel like I’m constantly walking on eggshells anymore!" - Rachel M.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • 296: 3 Things To NOT Do As A Stepparent
    Jan 31 2025

    Join hosts Lori and David as they share three very important tips for the stepparent! Listen as they dive into essential strategies for creating a harmonious stepfamily environment. Lori and David discuss the common pitfalls stepparents might be falling into without even realizing it. They explore three crucial behaviors to avoid if you're looking to reduce stress and build stronger relationships within your blended family. From understanding the implications of negative comments about the stepkids to recognizing the importance of not taking things personally and knowing when to step back from disciplining your stepchildren, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice. Tune in to learn how to navigate the complexities of step-parenting and foster a peaceful, loving home.

    In this episode, we discuss:

    • Tit-for-tat behavior
    • Avoiding negative comments to family members
    • Adulting versus parenting
    • Expectations

    Nacho Kids Academy Success Story:

    Childless Stepdad

    "I thought stepping in as a father figure was what my stepkids needed. Instead, it caused tension between me and my wife, and the kids resented me. Nacho Kids Academy helped me see that I was overstepping. Once I let go of trying to parent, my relationship with my wife improved, and the kids actually warmed up to me over time. Now, we get along naturally without me feeling like an outsider or a disciplinarian. We enjoy being around each other now!" - Mark D. “Proud Nacho Stepdad”

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 295: Emotional Resilience in the Stepfamily
    57 m