
  • "I had you wrong, Fletch baby": A Pair of Stories by Robert Stone
    Mar 5 2025

    Steve doesn't like the story about the alcoholic poet who is brought against his will up to see the volcano. The volcano, and the poet, and the other characters, and the situation, are kind of metaphors for this or that, and Steve doesn't like metaphors. Steve does like the other story though, the non-metaphorical thriller about a bunch of doped out amateur drug smugglers who are just not really pulling it off on their sailboat in the Caribbean Sea. Kelly likes all the stories in Robert Stone's "book of a lifetime," Bear and His Daughter, but then again, Kelly's a professor, and as such, unreliable and unrelatable. Whether you're a Stone superfan or never heard of the guy, there's plenty here for you in this contentious episode.




    Más Menos
    1 h y 8 m
  • Papa Hem's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber" and "A Day's Wait"
    Feb 19 2025

    A little kid has a grownup day, and a big kid enjoys a few minutes of adulthood before... Well, no spoilers in this description. Join the brohams as they discuss the king broham himself.

    Check out this entertaining and informative video two nice guys sent Dude One and Dude Two while recording at headquarters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlxEKOscu0M

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • What Is the Deal, with the Seinfeld Finale?
    Feb 5 2025

    Steve wanted to talk about one of the most maligned episodes in sitcom history, and who was Kelly to disagree? Tune in for a rollicking discussion that challenges the consensus.




    Más Menos
    58 m
  • "He put his disease in me": A Tribute to David Lynch's Masterpiece, Blue Velvet
    Jan 29 2025

    Back in the day, Lynch helped usher Daniels from metal meathead to art fart--not that you can't be both. Jones didn't know much about Lynch before recording but was game to learn more. To put it another way, Daniels started the night with a can of PBR, and Jones had a nice cold Heineken. Now it's dark.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 19 m
  • Filmmaker Harry Walker on Rutger Hauer's The Hitcher
    Jan 22 2025

    The bros invite another bro, filmmaker Harry Walker, to talk about 1986's The Hitcher. But first, Kelly provides a report from academia, the inside scoop about the university chancellor who got fired for making and posting porn movies of him and his wife. A rollicking convo ensues.



    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Minority Report: Spielberg Gives Dystopia a Try
    Jan 8 2025

    The script is flipped from last time. Kelly doesn't like to mix magic with his sci-fi; Steve just thinks it's an enjoyable movie. Without any love in his heart, Kelly turns to smut and DEI jokes. It ain't pretty.

    From Slate: Whose idea was it to turn Minority Report into a mushy declaration of humanism? It ends up as less of a warning about an Orwellian police state than a protest that Pre-Cogs are people, too. It's Dick-less. Ebert's 4/4 star review: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/minority-report-2002

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • What Do You Get When You Cross a Monty Python with a George Orwell Dystopia? Brazil!
    Dec 24 2024

    Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Who cares? The fresh question is about Terry Gilliam's gonzo dystopia, Brazil!, set in a bleak industrial wasteland and taking place over the Christmas holiday. You've got jackbooted goons singing carols, mall shopping with the Consumers for Christ, and Santa hats galore in this delicious piece of grotesque weirdness.

    Also, Steve uses the episode to introduce the "Stevometer," which gives this classic work a 4/10, while challenging Professor Daniels to change his mind. Will the good doctor succeed? Does he even want to succeed? Find out in this spine tingler and ringadingler.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 20 m
  • Death in Morocco: Two Disturbing Stories by Paul Bowles
    Dec 12 2024

    Steve traipsed around Morocco last summer, breaking from his 5-Star comfort zone into (gasp) a room without air conditioning, among other horrors. This hardship prompted a dive into the warped fiction of the great Paul Bowles--buddy of William S. Burroughs, acclaimed author and composer, famous ex-pat, lover of men back when that kind of thing could get you in trouble, and generally an interesting cat. The stories under consideration: "A Distant Episode" and "The Delicate Prey." Good thing the MUW boys never get tongue-tied, and let's hope it stays that way.

    Más Menos
    57 m