
  • Are You Avoiding The Task At Hand?
    Mar 18 2025

    Crochet businesses take work, and at times our to-do lists can feel completely overwhelming.

    We may know exactly what we need to do, but we find ourselves avoiding getting things done simply because of the sheer size of our to-do lists.

    Our brains simply become overloaded by trying to process the number of things we can do and you can get lost in trying to decide what takes priority.

    Suddenly we find getting our long-neglected housework done irresistible.

    Or we’re taken over by the urge to find a brand new recipe to cook TONIGHT on Pinterest.

    …- anything to avoid that massive to-do list!

    And if you want your crochet business to be a success, we’ve got to get control of this situation.

    But how?

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • Do You Focus On The One Bad Egg?
    Mar 11 2025

    Are you focusing on the bad egg out of a full dozen?

    It happens, especially when it comes to comments on social media or reviews we receive. We can have 100 positive comments or 5 star reviews, but we end up with that 1 bad one spinning around our heads.

    The one bad egg spoils the entire batch and we begin to think that they must be right and everything about our crochet business is terrible and we’re not cut out for this.

    1 in 100 ruins our positive outlook

    1% of comments or reviews squashes our confidence


    Discover more in this episode of the Crochet Business School Podcast

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Are You Showing You Value Your Crochet?
    Mar 4 2025

    Do you value your crochet?

    That might seem like a strange question at first glance - of course you value it since you’re making a business out of it.

    But are you proving that you value your crochet to your audience?

    We often go to lengths to justify our prices, we use minimising words like “just” to describe what we’re making and when we’re describing our business

    Discover the mistakes you are making that devalue your crochet in the eyes of your customers now in this episode of the Crochet Business School Podcast

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • That's It! I'm Quitting!
    Feb 25 2025

    We can get so frustrated with the lack of results in our crochet business that we feel like packing it all in and quitting.

    But before you do that, lets talk about why.

    Why do you want to quit, why aren't things working out.

    Lets talk about what you can do to turn things around.

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    17 m
  • Creating A Work Life Balance
    Feb 18 2025

    A good work life balance is necessary thing for us prevent exhaustion, burn out and to keep up with the rest of our lives and commitments.

    But how do we strike that balance when there is just so much to get done in your crochet business.

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Making Your Videos Do The Work
    Feb 11 2025

    Making videos for your crochet business offers a great opportunity. Not only can they be great business builders, but you can use them to create even more content to promote your crochet.

    Lets talk about how to make your videos work their hardest for you.

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • The Biggest Block To Your Success
    Feb 4 2025

    Sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, nothing works. We keep plodding on with our Crochet Business hoping that something will change or that you'll come across the secret to success that will change out fortunes.

    But I know what is really blocking your success.

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Pets And Your Crochet Business
    Jan 28 2025

    Our pets are part of our families, but when you are selling the crochet that you make we need to think about how our furry companions affect our business.

    In this episode of the Crochet Business School Podcast I'm talking about what you need to think about when it comes to your crochet business and selling what you make.

    Thank you for listening to the Crochet Business School podcast.

    If you are loving the show, I would appreciate it if you would leave us a review here, and don't forget to follow our Facebook page here

    • Don't forget to grab your free list of 12 ways you can profit from your crochet here
    • If you want early access to future episodes and exclusive members only episodes and challenges, you can join our Hooked On Success Podcast membership here
    • You can also subscribe to my newsletter here
    • If you are looking for ebooks and courses to boost your crochet profits, you can find all of mine in my shop here

    Más Menos
    13 m