
    Sep 30 2024
    DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS FOR THE ENTIRE EMPOWERMENT SERIES! You’re in your forties, fifties, or beyond and you look around and wonder, where the hell are my besties? Maybe you had awesome connections in college but now everyone’s in a different place… maybe you started working on yourself and getting into personal development and they’re still acting like they’re still in college. Or maybe you had kids and they didn’t. Or vice versa. Or maybe you have a friend or two who you grew up with, but you have become radically different people, and often you wonder if you should still be friends. But you’ve been friends forever though… I completely hear you. When we’re young we have school and academia as an organic medium to meet new friends. But what happens if you don’t connect deeply with the folks you work with at this stage of life? Or what if you work in a business of one? What if you have young kids and are so enveloped by their worlds that you haven’t had your own damn playdate in a few years? In this episode, I talk candidly about how our friendship connections change over the years, why they change, and what you can do to usher in some awesome new connections. And guess what? It actually doesn’t have to be so hard. Promise. This pod explores: How to figure out who is a healthy addition to your life (and who isn’t)My four step process to manifesting rich, connected friendshipsHow to find awesome friendships right under your noseHow accepting help (and compliments) from others is directly related to the process of manifesting WORKSHEETS! GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! APPLICATIONS FOR WORTHY. NOW OPEN! IT’S TIME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE WORTHY, ONCE AND FOR ALL. It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought. Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors just opened for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello! Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety click RIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to read all about it and submit your application! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CHECK OUT WORTHY.FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIESPOD #219 – When a Friend Breaks-up with You (or Totally Ghosts You)[AMY SAYS] EP#401 – How to Manifest Your Soulmate – Part 1[AMY SAYS] EP#402 – How to Manifest Your Soulmate – Part 2[AMY SAYS] EP#496 – How to Have Difficult Conversations (Without Losing Your Mind)[AMY SAYS] EP#500 How to Navigate Adult Friendship Breakups[EMPOWERMENT SERIES] EP#3 – 3 STEPS TO ESTABLISHING + ENFORCING POWERFUL BOUNDARIES HOW TO LEAVE AN APPLE PODCASTS REVIEW: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes Want to Submit a Show Topic? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    54 m
    Sep 16 2024
    DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS FOR THE ENTIRE EMPOWERMENT SERIES! Ever see super confident people and wonder how-the-hell they became so sure of themselves? Ever wonder if they were just born that way or if someone taught them or if some life experience shaped them into that person who oozes confidence and self-assuredness? However they came to that state, you could sooo get in on that action, amiright? In this episode, I dig into 6 super easy ways to build confidence immediately. You don’t have to read an entire book or become a totally self-help guru to learn how to place value on yourself… and it also doesn’t have to take decades. The tools presented in this episode will help you nail down what might be in the way of your self-confidence, identify what will kick your ass into gear, and snag some serious self-confidence in no time flat. This pod explores: The confidence ‘fallacy’ many people buy into and the *real* truth about cultivating confidenceMy favorite self-talk tool so your inner voice is more like a cheerleader instead of a bullyHow your body posture completely affects your confidence Why having-a-damn-opinion-already builds confidence WORKSHEETS! GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! APPLICATIONS FOR WORTHY. NOW OPEN! IT’S TIME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE WORTHY, ONCE AND FOR ALL. It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought. Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors just opened for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello! Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety click RIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to read all about it and submit your application! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CHECK OUT WORTHY.FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIES[AMY SAYS] EP#488 – The Difference Between Feeling ‘Not Enough’ + Believing You’re ‘Not Enough’ and what to do about itTed Talk by Amy Cuddy – Your body language may shape who you areNPR’s Invisibilia Episode about Woman with No Fear Response How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes Want to Submit a Show Topic? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    45 m
    Sep 9 2024
    DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS FOR THE ENTIRE EMPOWERMENT SERIES! You land your perfect job. And then your inner voice tells you that you are horribly unqualified and everyone is going to find you out. You enter a super healthy relationship with an awesome partner. And then your inner voice tells you how damaged you are, why you aren’t good enough, and why it’s all going to come crashing down in a blazing inferno. You finally finish that graduate degree. And then your inner voice tells you how you were the slowest in the class, probably won’t get hired, and should probably just try to get your old job back. Sound familiar? If so, you are likely battling a lovely little issue we (in the personal growth world) like to call The Imposter Complex. The idea that, in spite of your success or accomplishment, you are somehow not good enough, a total fraud, and have fooled everyone who will surely soon find you out. In this week’s episode, I answer a listener’s burning Q about what to do when you find yourself beating yourself up about being an imposter in your career, relationship, as a parent, or whatever. You’ll learn what to do with those pesky thoughts, how to acknowledge yourself (without being a cocky asshole), and how to own your god-damned brilliance (even if that terrifies you). This pod explores: How to reframe the lies you’ve bought into telling you that you’re a fraudHow to zero in on what you’re really afraid of so you can get a handle on your triggers and create a much more empowering inner convoTwo of my favorite assignments to snap you outta this imposter trap (bring your pen and paper, Babycakes! We got work to do!)The one tool you need to employ TODAY to change how you view yourself so you know, you can actually be fucking happy WORKSHEETS! GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! APPLICATIONS FOR WORTHY. NOW OPEN! IT’S TIME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE WORTHY, ONCE AND FOR ALL. It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought. Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors just opened for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello! Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety click RIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to read all about it and submit your application! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CHECK OUT WORTHY.FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIES [COACHING SESSION] EP#384 – Working with Rachel on Imposter Complex [DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#385 – Tanya Geisler on Imposter Complex [TOOL] EP#387 – Hypnosis Session to Heal the Imposter Complex[AMY SAYS] EP#488 – The Difference Between Feeling ‘Not Enough’ + Believing You’re ‘Not Enough’ and what to do about it​​From Imposter to Trailblazer. (And why that matters) Article by Tanya GieslerImposter Syndrome Article from Psychology Today How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes Want to Submit a Show Topic? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    52 m
    Sep 2 2024
    DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS FOR THE ENTIRE EMPOWERMENT SERIES! Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have undoubtedly heard the notion of “setting boundaries”, but have you ever wondered exactly what that means? Or maybe you drummed up the nerve to tell someone (like, your mom, boss, or bestie) how you really felt about something only to be blatantly ignored? (Or worse… not even taken seriously.) How do you actually go about establishing boundaries that are clear, respected, and adhered to? It’s hard enough to broach a challenging topic with someone, let alone follow through on your boundary. Here’s the deal… if you’ve been constantly bitchin’ and moanin’ about something, and you’ve been super vocal about it to everyone, except the person who really needs to know you’re (ah-hem) “upset”, then it’s probably time to have a tough convo. In this week’s episode, I share my three-step process to establish boundaries in a way in which you can be heard and own your personal power. This pod explores: What-the-hell a boundary even isThe tell-tale place to find where a boundary is sorely neededMy three-step process to having these challenging convosThe *most* important thing to focus on when crafting a powerful boundary WORKSHEETS! GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! APPLICATIONS FOR WORTHY. NOW OPEN! IT’S TIME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE WORTHY, ONCE AND FOR ALL. It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought. Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? I’m about to open the doors for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello! Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety click RIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to read all about it and submit your application! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: CHECK OUT WORTHY.FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIES[AMY SAYS] EP#447 – Boundary Deep Dive, Part 1[AMY SAYS] EP#494 – 9 Powerful Communication Hacks[AMY SAYS] EP#495 – 9 Ways to Control Your Tone of Voice + Communicate Effectively How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes Want to Submit a Show Topic? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    54 m
    Aug 26 2024
    DOWNLOAD EPISODE TRANSCRIPT CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS FOR THE ENTIRE EMPOWERMENT SERIES! Many of us grow up hearing that we “shouldn’t rock the boat”, “open a can of worms”, and that we should simply “sweep it under the rug”. In my not-so-humble opinion, these are all idioms for “shut the eff up and suffer in silence”. These are seemingly noble encouragements for us to keep putting everyone else in front of ourselves and keep people-pleasing our pretty little asses off. Unfortunately, when we chronically stifle our voice, we are sending a subconscious message to our mind that we simply don’t matter as much as everyone else. Taking care of the other person’s emotions is FAR MORE important than your own. So no wonder you’ve been struggling with self-worth! Here’s where it can get complicated: If you consider yourself someone who has a strong core value around honesty, integrity, or authenticity, yet you constantly shape-shift in order to please others, you aren’t really honoring your own value. And I’m guessing that if you are looking to attract new friendships and relationships rooted in honesty and integrity, you aren’t looking for folks blowing smoke up your ass… to people-please you. So… you should probably BE the person you are looking to attract. In this week’s show, I break down two major ways people-pleasing shows up in our world and how to know if it’s serving you (yes, that’s actually a thing) or if it’s stealing your joy. Be sure to grab your freebie worksheets that accompany this episode because you’ll be learning all about the connection between your core values and your people-pleasing behavior and how to stand in your personal power. This pod explores: The real definition of people-pleasing (especially if you don’t identify as a people-pleaser)How being a kind, compassionate person can backfire on you and how to make sure it doesn’tWhy you HAVE GOT TO stop saying “I feel so bad!” or “I feel so guilty!”My 4-question journal prompt to help you discern if you are honoring your core values… or if people-pleasing is effin’ everything up GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! CHECK OUT WORTHY.! IT’S TIME TO BELIEVE YOU ARE WORTHY, ONCE AND FOR ALL. It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought. Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? I’m about to open the doors for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello! Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety click RIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to read all about it and MARK YOUR CAL! The application window officially opens September 2nd, 2024! Additional Resources: CHECK OUT WORTHY.FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIESEP #372 – PRIMITIVE FEAR TO MODERN ANXIETY: UNDERSTANDING THE FOUR MODERN FEAR RESPONSES How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes Want to Submit a Show Topic? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
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    50 m
    Aug 19 2024
    One. More. Thing. One more thing and you may just lose your god-damned mind. If one more person asks something of you… If one more task gets added to your to-do list… You may just Lose. Your. Shit. We’ve all been in this crazy-ass-stressed-the-fuck-out place where we become, uh-hem, a little less than the best version of ourselves. We scream at our kids when they need something minimal. We lash out at our spouse, or friend, or co-worker when they are just trying to help. In essence, we become somewhat addicted to being super stressed out and overwhelmed. Here’s the unique thing about navigating modern stressors… When our primitive ancestors were dealing with some kind of threat, let’s say a lion, they would have a sharp spike of stress, handle the stressful situation (escape the lion) and then easily be able to access a calm, tranquil space. Essentially, they were able to complete the entire stress response cycle. But now we are in many stressful situations that simply don’t stop. #rememberCovid Whether it be traffic, dealing with a high-demand job, feeling threatened in your interpersonal relationships, or being stressed out about the state of the world, it’s highly likely that you’ve been existing in your sympathetic nervous system which our bodies respond to like we’re constantly running from lions. It’s basically really, really fucking detrimental to our nervous systems. If this sounds like I have a hidden camera installed in your place, you need to have a listen to this week’s pod. BTW, no camera (#creepy)… I’ve just been in this place far too many times to count. And in this episode, I discuss what spikes our fear/stress response and share a slew of simple things you can do to let go of the fear, stress, and mortal combat that may be driving you to the brink of insanity. Say hello to some serious peace, tranquility, and happy dances. This pod explores: Understanding how our fear is simply trying to keep us safe (even though it’s a shitty communicator)10+ easy ways to immediately relieve your stressMy P.O.D. method for navigating extreme fear, overwhelm, and stressHow to start asking for help… even if you really hate asking for help. And how that can be a fierce act of feminism. GRAB YOUR FREE WORKSHEETS THAT ACCOMPANY THIS EPISODE This episode is part of a limited, 6-part podcast series teaching you all the tools and strategies you need to kick your confidence and self-worth into high gear. I’ve also created detailed (and #gorge) worksheets to accompany each episode in the series to aid you in cementing all your ah-ha moments and anchor in lasting change. Recent scientific studies have shown that taking pen to paper helps the brain retain information substantially more than listening alone. Get ready to set powerful boundaries (without guilt), contend with fear and worry like a boss, kick imposter complex to the curb, and finally believe you are ‘enough’ already. So clickety-click RIGHT HERE and grab your free worksheets! ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: FREE WORKSHEETS WITH THIS POD SERIESFREE HYPNOTRACK on Anxiety and FearEmily and Amelia Nagoski – Burnout EP#317 – 10 ALL-NATURAL (FOR REAL) ANXIETY HACKS EP#351 – THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FEAR + YOUR INNER CRITIC AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEMEP#372 – PRIMITIVE FEAR TO MODERN ANXIETY: UNDERSTANDING THE FOUR MODERN FEAR RESPONSES[AMY SAYS] EP#393 – HOW TO WORK WITH YOUR ANXIETY [DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#423 – NAVIGATING PATRIARCHY STRESS DISORDER WITH DR. VALERIE REIN HOW TO LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEWS: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes WANT TO SUBMIT A SHOW TOPIC? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    46 m
  • [AMY SAYS] EP#500 How to Navigate Adult Friendship Breakups
    Feb 1 2024
    Tell me if this sounds familiar: You have “this friend”… and perhaps this is someone you’ve known forever, maybe you saw each other through some tough times, but at this particular place in your life, this friendship has been feeling strained, frustrating, and sometimes downright toxic. But you guilt yourself saying, “Well, we’ve been friends since college” or “Am I a dick if I don’t want to be there for her anymore?” If that sounds at all familiar, you are in the same boat that many people find themselves in when they reach their 30s and 40s and beyond. You’ve grown as a person, your life has changed, and your priorities have shifted. But, you still feel tethered to this historical relationship that feels more like it’s robbing you dry than adding to your fulfillment. A listener of the show wrote to the pod asking how to actually let go of one of these friendships. I mean, how do you go about breaking up with a friend? Is there an approach? How do you know if you’re being a big ‘ol meanie? If you’ve been pulled to part ways with a friendship, but have no idea what-the-hell that really looks like, you may want to have a listen. I discuss six major concepts to keep in mind (you know, to keep your shit straight) and two specific methods you can take to pull the trigger on the “break up”. Additionally, I walk you through how to deal if someone breaks up with you (or simply just ghosts you). This pod explores: How to tap into the “real” reason you’re looking to end the friendshipHow to get connected to the way you need to conduct yourself so you’re proud of your own behavior (even if the other person loses their shit)Two specific methods to “break up” with this unfulfilling friendshipFour steps to aid in your healing if someone has broken up with you or isn’t communicating with you any longer   PERKS FOR THE POD-IENCE This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!! Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: [AMY SAYS] EP#496 – HOW TO HAVE DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS (WITHOUT LOSING YOUR MIND) [AMY SAYS] EP#447 – BOUNDARY DEEP DIVE, PART 1 [AMY SAYS] EP#448 – BOUNDARY DEEP DIVE, PART 2 I NEED CLOSURE! HOW TO STOP WAITING FOR CLOSURE + START CREATING YOUR OWN EP#286 4 STEPS TO MANIFESTING DOPE-ASS FRIENDSHIPS EP#313 4 STEPS TO SILENCING YOUR INNER SHIT-TALKER EP#298 [AMY SAYS] EP#487 – THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SPEAKING UP + YOUR SELF-WORTH [AMY SAYS] EP#489 – THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND + WHY YOU DON’T FEEL ‘ENOUGH’ THE TWO BELOW ARE ALL ABOUT GRIEF: THE *REAL* REASONS YOU’RE MAD + SAD, PART 1 EP#338 THE *REAL* REASONS YOU’RE MAD + SAD, PART 2 EP#339   HOW TO LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEWS: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes   WANT TO SUBMIT A SHOW TOPIC? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
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    47 m
    Jan 22 2024
    Every single year, over 1 million women question leaving their marriage. And nearly 70 percent of all divorces are initiated by women. And it’s no wonder – Marriage makes men’s lives exponentially easier while it makes women’s lives drastically harder. It is clear that ‘traditional’ marriage dynamics are no longer tenable for American women.  Years ago, I remember having a chat with a friend where she was lamenting that she should be grateful her husband wasn’t cavorting around, cheating on her, abusing substances, or screaming obscenities at her. I clearly remember her saying, “Wow, the bar is set pretty damn low.” Seriously. Not being abused should be a given, not something to be celebrated.  In my near two decades of coaching, I have found myriad women frustrated, overwhelmed, and downright furious about the inequity in their marriage. Whilst doing all the domestic labor, holding down impressive careers, and digging deep into therapy and personal development, these women often find themselves lonely, heartbroken, and baffled at the lack of ownership and responsibility their partners were exhibiting in the relationship. No wonder recent studies cite single women without children being the happiest in our society. In this week’s episode, I chat with my close pal and colleague, Kate Anthony, who has just penned a book entitled, “The ‘D’ Word: Making the Ultimate Decision about Your Marriage”. Kate talks with me about her own divorce journey, shares about debunked studies citing divorce negatively affects children, understanding narcissism, and the courageous choice not to settle for subpar relationships. Have a listen and gain more insight on if you should stay or if you should go. This pod explores: Understanding various forms of abuse and the unexpected way financial abuse shows up The faulty and unfounded research that propagated the notion that you should “stay together for the kids” and what new research has foundWhy trying to “just communicate more effectively” isn’t working for you and what to focus on insteadThe curious place we are in history where the gender dynamics of marriage are changing dramatically   PERKS FOR THE POD-IENCE This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!! Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>   THIS WEEK’S EXPERT GUESTIE Kate Anthony is the author of The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage, host of the critically acclaimed and New York Times recommended podcast The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast and the creator of the groundbreaking online coaching program, Should I Stay or Should I Go? which helps women make the most difficult decision of their lives using coaching tools, relationship education, geeky neuroscience, community support, and deep self-work. Kate is certified as a Domestic Violence Advocate, a Co-Parenting Specialist, and a High Conflict Divorce Coach. Connect with Kate on Facebook, Insta, or TikTok   ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: [DIAL AN EXPERT] KATE ANTHONY ON ESTABLISHING BOUNDARIES – EP#397   HOW TO LEAVE APPLE PODCASTS REVIEWS: Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HEREClick on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts accountClick “Ratings & Reviews” under the show titleClick the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” buttonYou can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes   WANT TO SUBMIT A SHOW TOPIC? Swing by THIS PAGE and let us hear what you would like us to sound off on!
    Más Menos
    54 m