
  • Typology and Relationships Episode Review
    Mar 26 2024

    Marlene is back to hear the reflections that Denzel and I have about her typology session. Enneagram type and instinctual stack are clarified.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Typology and Romantic Relationships
    Mar 16 2024

    Denzel Mensah is back on the show with me for a series on how typology can be a powerful tool for finding your romantic relationship blindspots. Meet Marlene, an INFP on the journey towards finding her Enneagram type and instinctual stack. Marlene vulnerably shares her experience of infidelity and the unraveling of her long term relationship. Please visit my website at KaraNanceMD.com and contact me if you are interested in sharing your story and learning and growing with Denzel and I.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 24 m
  • The Enneagram in Business - A Chat With Karl Hebenstreit
    Mar 9 2024

    Meet Karl Hebenstreit, Author, International Speaker, Executive Coach, and Human Resources and Organization Development Leader with 25+ years of experience in the biotechnology, healthcare, telecommunications, high-tech, pharmaceutical, and real estate services industries. . Karl has just released the third edition of his book "The How and Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram". Karl and I discuss some commen Enneagram patterns he sees in the corporate world and how he works with them. Karl is also the author of the children's book, "Nina and the Really, Really Tough Decision."

    Get Karl's book here https://www.amazon.com/How-Why-Taking-Business-Enneagram-ebook/dp/B0CJLQGS3K?ref_=ast_author_mpb

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • Enneastyle Tips From Tom Condon
    Sep 23 2023

    This episode we welcome long time teacher Tom Condon to share some of his favorite tips on working with your Enneastyle. Register for Tom's online conference with Russ Hudson this weekend to learn more. https://russhudson.com/event/what-we-have-learned-and-how-we-apply-it/#tribe-tickets__tickets-form

    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • Episode 49 - Meet Denzel (Deezy) SO/SX/SP 9w1 ENFJ
    Aug 30 2023

    I'm very excited to introduce you to my colleague Denzel Mensah https://denzelmensah.com/ that I met on my Meyers Briggs Typology training journey. Denzel also received his MBTI Training from Personality Hackers six years ago and has a well established typology and coaching practice. You can also check out Denzel's very fun and wise You Tube channel at https://denzelmensah.com/

    Denzel and I are excited to start highlighting our typology and coaching skills on a new live platform, so we're looking for relationship pairs that are facing a challenge that we can help type and strategize with live. You may be anonymous and have audio only, or have your session recorded for others to view. Please reach out to me at KaraNanceMD.com to schedule a free 30 min meet and greet to discuss your situation and set up the typing/coaching session with us.

    In this episode Denzel and I discuss the pain of landing on your type. We also unpack the challenge that exists in point seven. We also discuss the concept of legacy and the experience of being attachment types. We also describe our experience of extraverted feeling. We also explain how we know that an Fe dominant Type 9 is not a 2.

    Holderness video link - "Me in my 20's vs. Me in my 40's" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pG0N4QnNBk

    Want to see into the inner world of an ENFJ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe14FZiteq4 is really fun to watch. Denzel is SOOO creative!

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • Awakened Living With SP 8w9 Simon Goland
    Aug 21 2023

    I'm pleased to introduce my community to Simon Goland, founder of Simon Says Consulting, Inc. Simon has a new program launching in October called Awakened Living that you can register for here https://simongoland.com/application-tuition-details/

    In this episode Simon and I explore what the divine masculine energy is, and what it is not. We also discuss the importance of shadow work, our own egoic triggers, and how we find our way back to presence. We also have some fun talking about how our dogs can be our teachers.

    If you would like to sign up for any of my offerings please visit my website at KaraNanceMD.com

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Finding Our Way To Center In Relationship
    Aug 13 2023

    Catherine Bell from the Awakened Company is back to discuss her new offering with Dr. Debra Egerton, The Power of Relationships. In this episode Catherine and I discuss our relationship to fierce compassion, how the law of three presents in interpersonal relationships, and the importance of honoring each other's experiences because they all contain wisdom. Catherine and I also share our experiences of transmission, and how the Enneagram shows us how to better connect to source. We explore how the changing and unchanging nature of things is always present and end with a discussion of how play can be an antidote to pain.

    If you would like to try my classes on relationship building, please visit my website at KaraNanceMD.com to sign up for a free trial.

    If you would like to enroll in any of Catherine's upcoming offerings you can learn more and sign up at https://awakenedcompany.com/upcoming-events/

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Reclaiming The Sexual Instinct
    Aug 4 2023

    Stephanie Jaie is back for a final episode in our three part series on sexual empowerment. In this episode Kara and Stephanie discuss their experience of erotic energy and how it has supported their own emergence.

    What is the role of pleasure and how do we connect with it?

    Why do people fear sexual instinctual energy?

    And for our typology friends, further exploration of Stephanie's Enneagram Type (is she a three or a seven???) and instinctual stack.

    Kara enjoys coaching couples and individuals that are experiencing issues around the sexuality circuit. She uses typology, resonant healing, and nonviolent communication to support healing and connection. Schedule a free 30 minute meet and greet at KaraNanceMD.com if you'd like to explore working together.

    You can sign up for Stephanie's Sexual Empowerment Academy at https://stephaniejaie.teachable.com/p/sexual-empowerment-academy

    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m