
  • LEGENDS: Kris King (Beyond the Ultimate)
    Oct 26 2024

    In this special legends episode Allie interviews Kris King, the man behind Beyond the Ultimate, a race company that specialise in life changing expedition races that take participants across the world to experience some of the most magical and brutal places on earth. Allie talks to Kris about everything from environmental responsibility to how he managed to wrangle what is possibly one of the best jobs in the world to how he ended up with a hypothermic mans hand down his pants. There's also some chat about the 2025 Spine Race, taking baby rhinos for a walk as well as a discussion about why taking part in these adventure is so important. Hopefully you'll beinspired to do something magical! You can see all the races that Kris organises at www.beyondtheultimate.co.uk.This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel. Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • The Last Ever Episode: Goat Jousting with Damian Hall
    Oct 25 2024

    Episode 82 is here and it's our final ever episode - I know - how will you ever cope?!

    We love you all very much but sometimes it's best to end on a high. Both Anna and Allie will be back doing their own thing before you know it, and we will do a smooshy post this week. We really appreciate all your support and hope you've enjoyed the ride! ANYWAY, this week Allie and Damo are chatting about green guilt, how brilliant Sarah Perry is, and Damo launches his new totally made-up venture He Races. Isn't it about time men got the special treatment they deserve? Lucky for him its launched during the final episode because it is, frankly, career ending. We would ask you to send in your questions, thoughts, and feelings but we're shutting the shop doors so please don't.

    We love you - thank you for listening and see you on the flipside!

    This episode is sponsored by protein rebel.

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Bailey and Reade Investigate: Why is the media telling us we hate running?
    Oct 18 2024

    Episode 81 is here and it features an in-depth investigation into why the media is telling us we either DO hate running or we SHOULD hate running in order to be good at it. Why is it only running that's being discriminated against and not other sports? Do YOU hate running but do it anyway? Bailey and Reade showcase the piss-boiling evidence and discuss the possible reasons around this utter nonsense. There's also some correspondence from you lovely people and a saucy chat about womens sexy running underwear (it's not saucy, we just put that in for the search hits)

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • How to dodge tax and responsibilities with Paul Albon
    Oct 11 2024

    Episode 80 is here and it's a belter with Allie and Paul chatting about rain (very British) builders (very British) and health and safety (very boring) BUT FEAR NOT there's some good chat too, including how to work out if your race company is a good race company, and a note from our former podcast pet Dean who is NOT happy about his latest race experience. Do you think it is fair to allow some runners/walkers certain food and not others? Have you had an experience with a race company you would like to chat to us about? Send over your voice notes or emails - we would love to hear from you! Just a warning, this podcast does contain chat about wrapping children and aid stations in cling film.

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • And another thing! Getting down with the sickness with Holly Stables
    Oct 4 2024

    Episode 79 brings us a sick Holly and a quite stupid Allie, who appears to have accidentally entered The Dragons Back race again.

    This week our heroes chat about illness scuppering training, how to spot a toxic coach, avoiding burnout, Camille Heron (love you Camille) trolls (the people not the sure toys) The OMM and how to train for a race that’s seven years away….

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • LEGENDS: Darren Evans
    Sep 28 2024

    In this Legends episode Allie chats to Darren Evans, a man who went from being a butcher to a being a founding member of The Green Runners, as well as being the dude who invented Pair Ups.

    Allie and Darren discuss how he got into the running world and what it was that made him so aware of the need for changing the way we treat our environment and consumption around running. Darren also crewed Dan Lawson on his successful Three Peaks world record run in August and talks about how that went, and what he gets out of helping other people.

    You can join The Green Runners at https://thegreenrunners.com and order your shoe fixing kit from Pair Ups here: https://www.pairups.co.uk/store/

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • Conspiracy, Comparison and Correspondence with Damian Hall
    Sep 27 2024

    Episode 77 is here with our good friend Mr Damian Hall who has been out and about waving his special flag in the Aosta valley whilst also over performing, undereating and making big race companies feel uncomfortable about their high carbon sponsors.

    There's the usual Hall of Fame/Hall of Shame plus the return of the best feature ever, "Know It Hall" featuring the Pennine Way. In addition, like a cherry on a lightly disappointing cake, we've also got some correspondence in the corner from you lovely people.

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com.

    Visit www.thegreenrunners.com to donate to the crowdfunder mentioned in the pod.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 20 m
  • The Debrief: Tor Des Geantes with Kirsty Reade
    Sep 20 2024

    Episode 76 is a bit of a special one, as we welcome back our very own Queen of the Mountain Kirsty Reade, fresh off the finish line of the 330km beast that is the Tor Des Geantes.

    We talk about the race of a lifetime, how she trained, what it was really like, the highs and lows, hallucinations and aid stations and everything in between - plus is there something that happened that needs to be investigated? WE THINK SO.

    This week's podcast is proudly sponsored by Protein Rebel.

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m