
  • Teddy talk with … dieses Mal umgekehrt - Uwe Bethge hat mich beim 12. Deutschen Handelsimmobilien Gipfel interviewt.
    Oct 13 2020

    Teddy talk with … dieses Mal umgekehrt. Uwe Bethge hat mich im Face-to-Face am 12. Deutschen Handelsimmobilien Gipfel im Oktober 2020 interviewt. Wir sprechen über die ersten Erfahrungen mit Vapiano seit der Übernahme, die Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die Systemgastronomie und die Innenstädte sowie über Curtice Brothers und natürlich über Teddy Bären. Großen Dank an das Team vom Heuer Verlag sowie an die dfv Conference Group für die Einladung und den Mitschnitt. https://www.teddytalkswith.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Teddy Talks with... Tom Barton, Co-Founder, of Honest Burger https://www.honestburgers.co.uk/
    Jul 13 2020

    Teddy Talks with... Tom Barton, Co-Founder, of Honest Burger https://www.honestburgers.co.uk/

    Join Tom and your host Mario C. Bauer as Tom explains how the two Honest Burger founders back than decided over a glass of beer how to change the world. And changed the landscape of the UK premium burger offering with their honest and transparent approach to serve the most amazing burgers and French fries.

    To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Teddy Talks with... Des Gunewardena, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of D&D, https://www.danddlondon.com/
    Jul 10 2020

    Teddy Talks with... Des Gunewardena, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of D&D, https://www.danddlondon.com/

    Join Des and your host Mario C. Bauer as they reflect on D&D journey to success in UK, France and USA. Find out what we can learn from Fine Dining Operators and how their restaurants changed the London dining landscape. To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel. Teddy Talks is brought to you by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, the premier global developer and operator of flagship destinations. More Information: https://www.urw.com/ the premier global developer and operator of flagship destinations.

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Teddy Talks with... Henry McGovern, AmRest Founder, Entrepreneur and Investor
    Mar 11 2020

    Teddy Talks with... Henry McGovern, AmRest Founder, Entrepreneur and Investor, recorded at the GRIF Investement Forum in Amsterdam. We join Henry and your host, Mario C. Bauer in discussion about why everything is possible and how this vision became the mantra for success for AmRest and Henry.

    To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit https://www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Teddy talks with … Ricardo Giraudi, CEO Giraudi Group and the man behind the beefbar
    Dec 16 2019

    Teddy talks with … Ricardo Giraudi, CEO Giraudi Group and the man behind the beefbar and other amazing restaurant concepts in Monaco, Paris and around the world. We join Ricardo and your host, Mario C. Bauer in this very special set up in the beefbar Paris to learn why meat never had a good PR and suffer from it. Ricardo also shares what he does as a “Kobe Beef Monitor” and why he created his own plates with emojis on it.

    To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel. Teddy Talks is brought to you by Curtice Brothers, Organic Ketchup cooked in Tuscany.

    Order now our book online on www.teddytalkswith.com/book

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Teddy Talks with... Patrick Nebois, Gründer und Geschäftsführer Feuerdorf, Wien
    Nov 9 2019

    Teddy Talks with... Patrick Nebois, Gründer und Geschäftsführer Feuerdorf, Wien.

    Wärme – und zwar bezogen auf die Temperaturen als auch auf das menschliche Miteinander – ist das Herzstück des Feuerdorfs in Wien. „Wir möchten unseren Gästen mitten in der Großstadt einen Platz bieten, an dem sie mit Freunden ums Feuer sitzen können, gut essen, reden und natürlich trinken“, beschreibt Gründer und Geschäftsführer Patrick Nebois die Idee hinter dem außergewöhnlichen Hüttenrestaurant. Euphorische Kommentare auf allen Bewertungsportale sprechen für sich. In den sechs Monaten von Oktober bis März begrüßt das Feuerdorf rund 40.000 Gäste. Das Konzept ist so erfolgreich, dass die Betreiber planen, es in naher Zukunft per Franchising auch in andere Städte zu bringen.


    Sehen Sie hier das gesamte Interview: https://www.teddytalkswith.com. Teddy Talks with is brought to you by Curtice Brothers, Organic Ketchup cooked in Tuscany.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Teddy talks with … Christophe Cuvillier, CEO Unibail-Rodamco Westfield recorded at the European Food Service Forum in Zürich.
    Oct 10 2019

    Teddy talks with … Christophe Cuvillier, CEO Unibail-Rodamco Westfield recorded at the European Food Service Forum in Zürich.

    We join Christoph and your host, Mario C. Bauer in discussion about the future of Retail and why “re-inventing being together” is the right answer to the increasing online sales. The future of shopping centers is all about real experiences and creating places where people feel good and like to spend time. 

    To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel. Teddy Talks is brought to you by Curtice Brothers, Organic Ketchup cooked in Tuscany.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Teddy talks with …. Marcel Khan, CEO Thunderbird Fried Chicken
    Oct 10 2019

    Teddy talks with … Marcel Khan, CEO Thunderbird Fried Chicken. We join Marcel and your host, Mario C. Bauer to talk why chicken need be taken to the next level and why failing fast and keep moving nevertheless is the recipe for success. Watch through to the end to see why “Don’t stop my know” is not just a great song. 

    To enjoy the interview as an audio-podcast, visit www.teddytalkswith.com and click the Podcast Channel. Teddy Talks is brought to you by Curtice Brothers, Organic Ketchup cooked in Tuscany.

    Más Menos
    35 m