
  • Street Wisdom Wanderful Audio Taster
    Sep 11 2024

    If you’re looking for direction in this often (let’s face it) disorienting world – you’re not alone.

    Street Wisdom is a free creative walking practice that helps you find your way through life’s twists and turns.

    The guided walking workshops we invented (we call them Walkshops) turn ordinary streets into extraordinary experiences where you can work out what matters to you and take active steps forward.

    Experience our short taster audio guide and get a sense of what a Walkshop will be like! Then head to streetwisdom.org and find an online or in-person guided walkshop for free!

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Street Wisdom Audio Guide – English
    Jun 18 2024

    Most of us are looking for better ways to live, to work, to love, to learn. The problem is we get so busy and so focussed on what’s in front of us that we can miss the delicious alternatives that lie in the life’s side roads.

    Founder David Pearl introduces Street Wisdom and this series of short practices. You can use them in your daily routine to find inspiration all around you.

    Use each step individually for a 5 minute wander or use them collectively if you’d like to find answers to a question on your mind. Enjoy!

    Further information on Street Wisdom at www.streetwisdom.org or follow on Twitter @StreetWisdom & Instagram @streetwisdom_

    David Pearl is on Twitter @DavidPearlHere & Instagram @davidpearl_here

    Produced & Engineered by Andrew Paine: Twitter @ItPainesMe

    Más Menos
    36 m