
  • What is Neurodivergence Anyway? ADHD in Men
    Mar 5 2025

    This is part 3 of of 6 on our Neurodivergent side quest, how ADHD affects boys and men. While women get “lost in the diagnostic shuffle”, boys tend to get diagnosed early on because with testosterone they tend to be more likely to have the hallmark Hyperactivity and Impulsivity. They’re more likely to be the kids that just can’t sit still in class and blurt out answers, but while they’re more easily diagnosed, they tend to bear so much more shame over the years.

    So often when men come to counseling dealing with ADHD in adulthood they’ll lament “I just don’t think I’m where I should be in life” because of the societal standards imposed on these men early on. They also tend to have dopamine dysregulation which lends itself to addictive tendencies. They also can struggle with emotion regulation leading to anger outbursts and road rage.

    As always, as well, ADHD is not all bad! Men with ADHD are creative, playful, and make fantastic entrepreneurs!

    Learn more about ADHD in men…and maybe share with a friend!

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • What is Neurodivergence Anyway? ADHD in Women
    Feb 12 2025

    Amanda is joined by Rachel Cunningham-two women with ADHD talking about how ADHD affects women specifically. It’s not uncommon for girls and women to be misdiagnosed as ADHD presents differently for girls than boys, so many women find out later in life they their lifelong struggles are actually ADHD related.

    Amanda and Rachel share some of their own life experiences with time blindness, co-occurring anxiety, and increase rejection sensitivity. Learn common ADHD struggles as women progress through life into adulthood and motherhood and the role of shame in their lives and how Rachel and Amanda fight the shame.

    They also share how they uniquely have found ways to manage the forgetfulness and organization challenges common to ADHD-ers.

    Please listen, share, and let us know what you think!

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Episode 39: What is Neurodivergence Anyway?
    Jan 30 2025

    Join Amanda as she embarks on a neurodivergent side quest with her neurodivergent bestie and fellow RCCA counselor Rachel Cunningham. Neurodivergence is a term that typically refers to people who have ADHD and/or autism and have a neurodivergent rather than neurotypical brain.

    This particular neurodivergent side quest focuses on ADHD-and mirrors an ADHDers hyper focus special interest topic, where we with ADHD go down a rabbit hole on a novel favorite topic! Learn specifically what is ADHD, how dopamine affects the brain and the ADHD brain in particular, and begin to understand how neurodivergence affects the lives of so many.

    This is the first in a six episode side quest on all things ADHD. If it’s helpful, please share and follow so you don’t miss more!

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • A List of Holiday To Do’s and To Don’ts
    Dec 6 2024

    Happy Holidays from us at Soul Healing Love! Amanda is joined by Rachel Cunningham, a fellow therapist at Rodgers Christian Counseling with a helpful list of Do’s and Don’ts for the Holiday season. Often times we enter the Holidays with unrealistic expectations and hopes for change that aren’t based in reality. What you can expect of Uncle Joe is that he will mostly do what he’s always done. Listen in for tips about how to have realistic expectations, topics to avoid and others to focus on, and ways to decide what are the healthiest boundaries for you to set with friends and family during the Holidays.

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    32 m
  • Episode 37: What are you Grieving?
    Oct 25 2024
    From the Archive…Listen to Amanda share thoughts on facing Grief. First, the grief that we all have faced in the years since Covid and all we lost living through a global pandemic. And then more recently as a nation we have faced mass shootings and natural disasters. In life, we are constantly faced with hardships and loss. Amanda walks through the famous stages of grief as defined by the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and shares how to walk through each stage of grief. Grieving is facing the emotions-the Energy in Motion-in our minds and bodies as we heal by feeling. We have to feel the pain, the loss, the sadness along with any other emotions, while allowing them to move through our body. Listen to the full episode and see which practices help you move through losses in your own life.
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    22 m
  • Episode 36: “Are you feeling Suicidal?”: How to Intervene When You Fear Someone is Struggling
    Sep 30 2024
    Amanda is joined again by two of the amazing minds behind For Students, an organization dedicated to equipping students with tools for lifelong emotional health and suicide prevention. If you missed the tragic story of how Executive Director Whitney D’Allaird turned her pain into purpose after losing her oldest son Tyler to suicide, please listen to Episode 35. In this episode, Amanda talks again with Whitney and also For Students Programming Director Ed Williams on the talk that is at the heart of everything they do: Suicide Awareness and Prevention. They share their OARS method that they created along with Amy Work, LCMHC who is a member of the For Students Advisory Board. OARS is a simple and effective way to know what to do if you suspect a friend or family member is struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide. In this episode you will learn to Observe: to know what are signs that someone is moving toward life-ending thoughts. We will teach you how and what to Ask if you suspect this. And contrary to some thoughts, asking someone will not give them the suggestion and make them more likely to hurt themselves, so practice Asking as Ed and Whitney guide listeners through those questions. From there, know when to Refer your loved one to a trusted professional. And finally Stay in Touch/Involved: community and presence can do so much. To learn more about For Students and their mission to transform the emotional well being of students, please visit www.ForStudents.org or follow on Instagram @forstudentsclt If you are struggling with thoughts of taking your own life, please reach out for help! Your life matters! Call a trusted friend and dial 988. You can also text TALK to 741741.
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Episode 35: Inside Suicide Prevention Month Part 1
    Sep 18 2024

    TRIGGER WARNING: there is discussion of suicide, suicidal thoughts and other issues around the topic of suicide.
    Join Amanda as she talks with two amazing guests. She’s joined by two great minds behind For Students, an organization dedicated to equipping students with tools for lifelong emotional health and suicide prevention. Whitney D’Allaird is a wife, mother first and also Executive Director of this amazing organization. And Ed Williams is a former teacher and student leader turned Programming Director with For Students.

    Whitney and Ed share about the vision behind For Students and Whitney shares her family’s story of loss of her beloved oldest son Tyler. She shares her pain, her grief and how ultimately this led her to start an organization in hopes that no parent would ever feel her pain again.

    Amanda leads a discussion around coming myths of suicide—things like “no one will miss me, I’m a burden, and suicidal ideas are just a means to get attention”—to help people further understand the complexity behind a person’s desire to take their own life.

    Whitney and Ed offer insights into how they’ve had firsthand experience with students to help
    More people understand how to face suicidal thoughts in themselves and loved ones in hopes that their pain can be met and transformed.

    To learn more about Whitney and Ed’s mission please visit www.ForStudents.org or Instagram @forstudentsclt

    If you yourself are thinking of taking your own life, please right now call a trusted friend, call 988, AND text TALK to 741741. Yes, please do all 3!! Because we promise whatever thoughts your suicidal self are telling you are not true. You are a life worth saving and you deserve to hear that from at least 3 sources! And… keep fighting! You are not alone.

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Episode 34: What is the Story you are telling yourself?
    Aug 17 2023

    We all have conscious and unconscious stories, reels, automatic reactions that are pasty of a bigger story we tell ourself. Brene brown describes a cu flight she had with her husband and from that fight forward they always say “the story I’m telling myself right now is…”

    So what stories are you telling yourself? That are actually part of a current neural network that you can change. Dr. Bev recounts some of the soul wound stories she heard spoken over her and how she began to rewrite her brain.
    And Dr. Tom shares wisdom he read of years ago that said “we view life through the presence or absence of negative” so what is your filter? What are you looking for?

    Once you realize the stories, how can you change these stories? First, bring awareness to your current story and then realize that you can now make new choices to do things differently. As these stories get activated, they are also clues to your soul wounds. Retelling and recontexting a new story helps you live a more fulfilled life free of past wounding.

    Más Menos
    27 m