
  • S3E3 - Can sleep make us more creative?
    Mar 14 2025

    In this deep dive episode, we look at how sleep onset can help creativity.

    With our amazing guest speakers, Professor Bob Stickgold, Dr Adam Horowitz, Professor Delphine Oudiette and Dr Celia Lacaux, we take a look at their work on creativity, dreams and N1 sleep.

    Together, we discuss different definitions of creativity, what defines N1 and what it is about N1 that makes it prime time for creative processing.

    Find out more about our guest speakers:

    • Professor Bob Stickgold
    • Dr Adam Horowitz
    • Professor Delphine Oudiette
    • Dr Celia Lacaux

    Papers from the episode:

    • Sleep onset is a creative sweetspot
    • Replaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics
    • Dormio: A targeted dream incubation device

    Host: Professor Penny Lewis
    Editor: Sophie Smith

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • S3E2 - Francesca Siclari - Parasomnias and dreaming
    Jan 31 2025

    Sleepwalking, sleep talking, night terrors - how do they occur and why do some people have them more than others?

    Join us as we discuss with Professor Francesca Siclari her work looking at non-REM parasomnias and the link to dreaming. We discuss the various forms that non-REM parasomnias can take, how they differ between adults and children and what the potential consequences of them can be.

    Find out more about Francesca and her research group here.
    Here are links to some of the studies:

    • Conscious experiences during non-REM parasomnias
    • Shared EEG correlates between non-REM parasomnia experiences and dreams
    • Consciousness in non-REM-parasomnia episodes

    Host: Professor Penny Lewis
    Producer & Editor: Sophie Smith

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • S3E1 - Start of Season Christmas Q&A
    Dec 22 2024

    To kickstart season 3 of the Sleep Science Podcast, we have the lab behind the podcast, NaPS Lab, to answer some great sleep-related questions from our listeners. Thanks to everyone who sent in questions!
    Want to find out more about the team and the lab? Check out our website here.

    1. What is lucid dreaming? - Answered by Mo Abdellahi

    • Lucid dreaming - Stephen LaBerge, 2009
    • Induction of self awareness in dreams through frontal low current stimulation of gamma activity
    • Real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep

    2. Do dreams do anything for us? - Answered by Kyrillos Meshreky

    • The brain as a dream state generator: an activation-synthesis hypothesis of the dream process
    • Converging theories on dreaming: Between Freud, predictive processing, and psychedelic research
    • Predictive coding under the free-energy principle

    3. What types of memory does sleep help you consolidate? - Answered by Yan Wang

    • The whats and whens of sleep-dependent memory consolidation
    • The role of Sleep in declarative memory consolidation - direct evidence by intracranial EEG
    • Sleep, Memory, and Plasticity

    4. How does sleep change as you age? - Answered by Megan Wadon

    • Sleep across the lifespan
    • The architecture of early childhood sleep
    • Normal sleep in children and adolescence

    5. Why do adolescences sleep longer? - Answered by Martha Nguyen

    • National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations
    • Sleep in Children and Adolescents with Behavioral and Emotional Disorders
    • The Relations Between Sleep, Personality, Behavioral Problems, and School Performance in Adolescents
    • Sleep quality and adolescent default mode network connectivity
    • Sleep loss, learning capacity and academic performance

    6. Does the menstrual cycle affect our sleep? - Answered by Marta Wawrzuta

    7. How do the seasons affect our sleep? - Answered by Sophie Smith

    • Circadian entrainment to the Natural Light-Dark cycle across seasons and the weekend

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • S2E9 - End of season Q&A Session
    Mar 9 2022

    For our end of season special, we have the rest of the NaPS lab in to answer a number of exciting sleep-related questions from our listeners. These touch on a range of different subjects from sleeps involvement in weight gain to alcohol's effect on sleep. Thanks to those who sent in questions!

    List of Questions:

    What is it in general anaesthetic that completely prevents a patient from waking up mid-surgery? Is this a similar state to being in a deep sleep or is this different entirely? 3:43

    2. Can having daytime naps improve your memory? 5:24

    3. Can a good sleep schedule help you lose weight? 6:40

    4. Why do people tend to have a deeper sleep after drinking alcohol? 8:26

    5. Can a lack of sleep really impact the way your brain works long term? 11:24

    6. Why do children with ASD struggle to fall asleep and maintain sleep? 12:54

    7. How does loud snoring or sleep talking wake up other people but not manage to wake up the person themselves? 16:13

    8. How does drinking lots of caffeinated drinks affect our sleep wake cycle? 19:17

    9. How does hibernation differ from a normal sleep in some animals? 21:05

    10. When people say the term “just sleep on it” after a row or an emotional experience, is there any truth in this? Does sleep help you process emotions? 23:24

    11. How much is sleep deprivation related to our immunity? 25:05

    This episode was produced by Bella Mills-Smith

    This recording is property of the sleep science podcast and not for resale

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • S2E8 - Chiara Cirelli - Synaptic Homeostasis in Sleep
    Jan 13 2022

    In this episode, we talk with Professor Chiara Cirelli from the department of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin.

    We begin by hearing about how she first got interested in sleep research, and particularly about her time as a medical student at the University of Pisa where she worked on the noradrenergic system using cat models. We then look at the importance of using cross-species models in sleep research with flies, mice, rats and humans. We also discuss the different ways of using these animal models and the different advantages they offer for sleep research.

    We then move on to Chiara's Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis. This hypothesis has been supported by data from a wide range of species, and suggests that an important function of sleep is to downscale synapses. During the day, brain connections (or synapses) relating to information we have learned get strengthened. This can result in a kind of neural saturation, whereby there is no space for more synapses. The Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis proposes that these synapses are downscaled during sleep, bringing about a form of homeostasis that allows us to repeatedly strengthen synapses during wake and downscale during sleep.

    We also take a look at different ways of measuring synaptic growth across species such as molecular studies, structural or electrophysiological studies and the current difficulties in following synapses over long periods of time.

    Finally, we look at Chiara's most recent finding which shows synapses associated with new learning are protected from downscaling during sleep. Instead, her latest data show that it is the background noise that is reduced during sleep, allowing for an increase in signal to noise ratio.

    We hope you enjoy the episode and please find more information below.

    Here are links to some of the studies mentioned in the podcast:

    • Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis
    • Synaptic Homeostasis Hypothesis in Memory Consolidation
    • Downscaling

    If you would like to find more information of Chiara's work, you can find a link to her research page here.

    Glossary of terms
    Synaptic Homeostasis -
    Renormalistion of overall synaptic strength to restore cellular homeostasis, preventing saturation and allowing further memory formation following a day of learning

    ATP 'cost' -
    ATP is our source of energy for everything that we do. An ATP 'cost' would refer to how much cellular energy something would use.

    Declarative learning -
    Learning about knowledge which we can talk about e.g dates, facts, events.

    Drosophila -
    a genus of flies, commonly referred to as fruit flies, which are used regularly in scientific research.

    Smart down selection
    - A process of selectively protecting synapses which need to be kept during downscaling.

    Phosphorylation -
    Process of adding a phosphoryl group to a molecule. Phosphorylation can help regulate cell signals or protein development often acting as a way of 'labeling' cells.

    Noradrenergic System -
    A neurotransmitter system within our nervous system that is often associated with alertness or arousal.

    Episode produced by Sophie Smith

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • S2E7 - Reto Huber - Local Sleep, Sleep Homeostasis, & Brain Plasticity
    Sep 25 2021

    In this episode, we interviewed Professor Reto Huber, who leads a research group at the University Children’s Hospital, Zurich. Reto’s interests encompass sleep disorders, development, synaptic plasticity and regeneration.

    In this episode we discuss local sleep, a process whereby different parts of the brain express different depths of sleep or wake at different times. We consider the relationship of local sleep to phenomena such as sleep walking and sleep talking, and Reto explains a series of experiments exploring how local sleep relates to learning.

    We then consider the use of drosophila as a model to study sleep and the sleep homeostasis hypothesis before switching topic to discuss the developing brain and sleep. Reto explains some important experiments linking sleep to plasticity. We discuss the differences in slow wave activity throughout development, and how the activity corresponds to experience dependent plasticity. We then consider a potential link to childhood conditions such as ADHD.

    Finally, Reto explains closed loop auditory stimulation and some recent findings relating to local sleep and learning. We end the episode by exploring the potential use of the technique in clinical settings.

    If you would like to read more on Reto's work, you can find a link to his publications here.


    Local Sleep - A phenomenon in which different parts of the brain experience different depths of sleep or wake at different times.

    Sleep Homeostasis- The optimal balancing of sleep and wake driven by sleep pressure and our circadian rhythms

    Synaptic Homeostasis- Renormalising of overall synaptic strength to restore cellular homeostasis, prevent saturation and allow further memory formation following a day of learning

    ADHD- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    Closed Loop Auditory Stimulation- A method designed to enhance slow wave activity during sleep through auditory stimuli


    Episode produced by Vanessa Hyde & Sophie Smith

    This recording is property of the sleep science podcast and not for resale

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • S2E5 - Manuel Schabus & Kerstin Hoedlmoser - How babies sleep and what this means for their cognitive function
    Sep 13 2021

    In this episode we talk to Professor Manuel Schabus and Professor Kerstin Hoedlmoser from the Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Salzburg.

    In this episode, we discuss their work on the development of sleep-in babies, first discussing what baby sleep is like and how it differs from older children and adults in regard to activity and sleep stages and specifically sleep spindles and why we think this is. We also look at the difficulties of recording sleep in babies and what other methods are used to analyse and assess baby sleep.

    We then look in depth at the development on sleep spindles in babies and go on to discuss the difference between fast and slow spindles and their hypothesised importance in connection with memory consolidation and learning.

    We also discuss the importance of coupling activity and synchrony in the brain, specifically sleep spindles and slow oscillations and how these synchronise as we grow and develop and why this synchrony is important for memory and cognitive function.

    If you'd like to find out more about Manuel's work you can find a link to his research page here and a link to Kerstin's research page here.

    Here are links to some of the studies mentioned in the podcast:

    o Fast and slow spindles and their connection to cognitive and memory function
    o Coupling of slow oscillations and sleep spindles and motor learning
    o Coupling of slow oscillations and sleep spindles and memory

    Glossary of terms

    Sleep Spindle -
    These are a burst of neural activity which usually occur during stage 2 non-REM sleep.

    (Synaptic) Pruning -
    The natural removal of extra synaptic connections between neurons which occurs between childhood and adulthood.

    Declarative learning - A type of learning about knowledge which we can talk about e.g dates, facts, events. Episodic memory and semantic memory are types of declarative learning.

    Alpha Activity -
    A pattern of electric actvity in the brain, alpha activity predominately occurs during rest with a frequency between 9-11Hz.


    Episode produced by Sophie Smith & Bianca Strete

    This recording is property of the sleep science podcast and not for resale

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • S2E6 Wenbiao Gan - The role of sleep in synapse formation and elimination
    Sep 1 2021

    In this episode, we talk to Professor Wenbiao Gan from the Neuroscience and Physiology and Skirball Institute at New York University School of Medicine.

    Professor Gan tells us about how he started to become interested in studying sleep and its impact on learning and memory.

    He talks about intriguing and hands-on ways to assess the formation and elimination of dendritic spines in the mouse cortex, and how different experimental tasks like running backwards on a treadmill influence spine formation with or without sleep. Some counterintuitive results are presented and Professor Gan also shares his perspective on the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis.

    In the end, Professor Gan gives some thoughts about the future of sleep research and suggests new methods of improvement in the area.

    If you would like to find out more, here is a link to Professor Gan's full list of publications:

    Links to the studies mentioned in the podcast:

    • REM sleep promotes experience-dependent dendritic spine elimination in the mouse cortex
    • Fear extinction reverses dendritic spine formation induced by fear conditioning in the mouse auditory cortex
    • REM sleep selectively prunes and maintains new synapses in development and learning
    • Experience‐dependent plasticity of dendritic spines of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the mouse cortex
    • Two-photon microscopy as a tool to investigate the therapeutic time window of methylprednisolone in a mouse spinal cord injury model
    • Sleep contributes to dendritic spine formation and elimination in the developing mouse somatosensory cortex

    Glossary of terms

    • (synaptic) pruning = a natural phase in the development of the nervous system during which connections between neurons that are no longer needed die off
    • dendrites = tree-like extensions of the neuron
    • dendritic spines = extensions of a dendrite that help receive information from other neurons
    • synaptic homeostasis = the idea that neural synapses cannot keep strengthening forever. Instead, they must also downscale at some point in order to make space for further strengthening. Such downscaling can be done in a relative manner that preserves information coded by the synapses in question.

    Episode produced by Bianca Strete and Sophie Smith

    Check out our NaPS website to find out more about our team, our research and events.

    This recording is the property of the Sleep Science Podcast and not for resale.

    Más Menos
    42 m