
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 6, Entrepreneur Rule No. 6, Billionaire Rule No. 6, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, Hindi Podcast, "I CAN DIE SINGLE BUT, I WILL NEVER DIE POOR."Episode 7
    Jan 5 2022

    Check out my latest episode!

    Important lesson I've taught don't cry about your present worst conditions, to make changes work hard and hustle for it. Love is not important in life but money is more important love can't feed your family but money can!


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    For Commercial Purpose : clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.

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    5 m
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 5, Entrepreneur Rule No. 5, Billionaire Rule No. 5, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, Hindi Podcast, "DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY, JUST DO THE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO IN YOUR LIFE."
    Dec 7 2021


    Did you Know There are over 2700 plus billionaires globally. Think about them how hard they worked to achieve this position at which they are today. It's your decision, If you want to care about what will people say or want to work for your dreams.


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    Watch more Life changing Content on :

    YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/


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    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? -(leave a mail) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 4, Entrepreneur Rule No. 4, Billionaire Rule No. 4, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, Hindi Podcast, "YOU MUST DO THOSE THINGS, YOU THINK YOU CAN'T DO."
    Dec 2 2021


    "In this episode, you will learn from Thomas Edison. How does he succeed in his invention after failing ten thousand times? How to learn from your past mistakes and do progress. Failure is the best teacher which teaches you how not to do things wrong.


    Connect with me on :

    ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clumsy_entrepreneur/ (Clumsy_Entrepreneur)

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    Watch more Life changing Content on :

    YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/


    PleaseSupport me to keep working for you :

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    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? (leave a mail) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.

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    4 m
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 3, Entrepreneur Rule No. 3, Billionaire Rule No. 3, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, -"YOU DON'T NEED ANY DEGREE TO DRIVE A LAMBORGHINI." | Hindi Podcast
    Dec 2 2021


    Important lesson I've taught about How to Live a life tension free with your dreams. If you are facing any issues how to deal with them. keep in mind a thing always every problem has a solution. Always dare to dream big and dare to achieve them. Always live the life you want. It's how? depends on your actions.


    Connect with me on :

    ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clumsy_entrepreneur/ (Clumsy_Entrepreneur)

    ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ClumsyEntrepreneur

    ►LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/clumsy-entrepreneur-a6052a225/


    Watch more Life changing Content on :

    ►YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/


    PleaseSupport me to keep working for you :

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    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? -(leave a mail) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.


    Don't Forget ot SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW My podcast It will definitely change you.

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    6 m
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 2, Entrepreneur Rule No. 2, Billionaire Rule No.2, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, -"YOU DON'T NEED ANY DEGREE TO DRIVE A LAMBORGHINI." | Hindi Podcast
    Nov 29 2021

    Important lesson I taught about "School degree is worthless for entrepreneurs. Degree is not important in life, important thing is skill, what you have or What you willing to do in life. Degree is a peace of paper it can't decide your future but you can make your future. It's how? depends on your actions.


    Connect with me on :

    ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clumsy_entrepreneur/ (Clumsy_Entrepreneur)

    ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ClumsyEntrepreneur

    ►LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/clumsy-entrepreneur-a6052a225/


    Watch more Life changing Content on :

    ►YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/


    PleaseSupport me to keep working for you :

    BuyMeACoffee : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/clmsyentrprneur

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    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? -(leave a mail on) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.


    Don't Forget ot SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW My podcast It will definitely change you.

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    4 m
  • Sigma Male Rule No. 1, Entrepreneur Rule No. #1, Billionaire Rule No.1, Entrepreneur Life Rules, Sigma Male Rules, Motivational Speech, Life of an Entreprener, --"Make money first, fall in love later" | Hindi Podcast
    Nov 19 2021

    Important lesson I taught about love and money. How important is money in love life. Entrepreneurs (sigma males) first chose to make money after they fall in love. Be wise think like a sigma male work like an entrepreneur and live a life like a billionaire. They Put steps smartly in every situation.


    Connect with me on :

    ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clumsy_entrepreneur/ (Clumsy_Entrepreneur)

    ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ClumsyEntrepreneur

    ►LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/clumsy-entrepreneur-a6052a225/


    Watch more Life changing Content on :

    ►YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/


    PleaseSupport me to keep working for you :

    BuyMeACoffee : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/clmsyentrprneur

    Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/mynk71 (For International Donaters)


    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? -(leave a mail on) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.


    Don't Forget ot SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW My podcast It will definitely change you.

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    3 m
  • Sigma Males Life Rules | Entrepreneurs Life Rules | Billionaires Life Rules | Life of Entrepreneurs | Introduction! Hindi Podcast
    Nov 12 2021

    It's an Introduction of "Sigma Male Life Rules, Entrepreneurs Life Rules, Billionaires Life Rules." Introduction about what will my episodes contain and how will they affect you effectively. Grab all the episodes before it's too late. All the Sigma Male Rules, Entrepreneurs Life Rules, Billionaires Life Rules will change your life. If you are a ordinary person want to change yourself or want to be an entrepreneur or have a dream to become a billionaire it's better to start with it. You will learn something unique which schools, parents don't teach.


    Connect with me on :

    ►Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clumsy_entrepreneur/ (Clumsy_Entrepreneur)

    ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ClumsyEntrepreneur

    ►YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjRPZ1yP3QLMYDrFDts4lg/

    ►LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/clumsy-entrepreneur-a6052a225/


    Please Support me to keep working for you :

    BuyMeACoffee : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/clmsyentrprneur

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    If you have anything in your mind suggest me hassle free, or any feedbacks, wanna talk? -(leave a mail on) clumsyentrepreneur71@gmail.com.


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