
  • Ep29: Managing Expectations in Motherhood and Life.
    Mar 14 2025

    This whole time I thought I was managing my low expectations of motherhood, when in reality I was just accepting the fact that I wasn't meeting my expectations.

    Motherhood comes with so many expectations, and honestly ,

    thats just life in general. So even if you aren't a mom, this will still resonate at some level I'm sure. Accepting that we are coming up short and moving the bar down is HARD and it feels all the negative feelings. But we and our kids deserve the version of us that feels good and accomplished, and that means we need to sometimes lower our expectations.

    You may have already made this connection and If so, I'm so happy. it took me nearly a year of therapy and talking about "lowering expectations" to realize that I wasn't doing what I thought I was doing!

    I hope this is a helpful episode in some way, and I'm thankful you're here.

    https://www.instagram.com/sarah.g.carter/https://www.instagram.com/shesdoingalright/https://www.tiktok.com/@sarah.g.carterBusiness Inquiries or podcast questions: sarahmgcarter@gmail.com

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • One Week with no social media, missing friends, Facebook archives, and hate mail from marketplace.
    Mar 7 2025

    I got rid of social media for a month and we are barely 6 and a half days into it. It's not hard, but I miss my friends and community! A big win though is that I have time to record podcasts again, which I did about four times! I am sending this one out into the universe though, as is. Please tell me if it's boring. I would personally recommend a 2x listening speed, 1.5 minimum.

    thanks for being here!

    Here are the important links:

    Sarah instagram

    Sarah TikTok

    Podcasts Instagram

    Business email: Sarahmgcarter@gmail.com


    K-lyns Kare Kollective

    Girl Dinner

    RedLight Therapy Mask

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • The Art Of Doing Alright
    Jan 16 2025

    Welcome to “She’s Doing Alright.” This is a place for advice, encouragement, and personal stories for women in all stages of life. Whether you are figuring out your career, dealing with mental health, or experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, or rage, this is a space for you to be recognized. With so much to compare ourselves to, it can be hard navigating it all. So I’m here to remind you that while the goal is to be thriving, it's okay if we are just doing alright for all now. My name is Sarah and I am not a professional but I am aquarius who loves regurgitating random information that is relevant to me and my friends, and hopefully you. Thank you for being here!

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Four Signs of Postpartum Depression and Eight Tips For Getting Through It
    Jan 7 2025

    episode 26: Postpartum is going to be a different journey for every woman, and that goes for postpartum depression, anxiety, and rage as well.

    In this episode, I'm sharing some advice based on my own experiences with PPD, PPA, and PPR. My second baby got a happier and healthier mom than my first child did, all because we knew what to watch for the second time and we caught the signs early.

    If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health please contact a professional right away.

    Follow along and jin the conversation over on instagram:



    Thanks for being here! See you in the next one.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Your Fall Dopamine Menu for Stay-At-Home Depressed Moms.
    Nov 5 2024

    Episode 25: Dopamine menu for stay at home depressed moms. Postpartum mental health

    are you familiar with the concept of a dopamine menu?

    The social media trend is to create a list of things that can raise your dopamine since a lot of us experience low levels in the fall which leads to anxiety and depression. I think a lot of people could relate to this, but as moms, especially stay at home moms of young kids, feeling depression or dealing with full blown depression is excrutiating.

    I wanted to share my dopamine menu,

    1. Movement. I love walking in the morning, doing pilates on youtube, or just other workouts. Movement releases endorphins and makes me feel better overall. I always try to remind myself that an object in motion continues in motion. And object that starts stationary has a harder time getting into motion. SO start the day moving and I know I’ll feel better all day.

    2. Putting my phone onto do-not-disturb- and putting it into a drawer. I just focus on my kids or my chores and I get stuff done.

    3. Reading books. I joined a book club a few months ago and not only have I loved reading the books again, but I also adore the women in the book club. We meet once a month and its possibly my favourite day of the month.

    4. Nutrition is another thing I focus on. Every day I try to tune in to how my body is feeling, I make sure I’m getting lots of protein and I take my vitamins and supplements daily. Another thing I’m adding in is green tea ideally daily but not always. Its a slower release of caffeine so I stll get a pick-me-up without the crash.

    5. Light a candle. My favourite candle store is called little ritual candle co.

    6. The next one is really random, but its just push ups into downward dog. If I’m getting stressed or I’m feeling like I’m putting roots down into the couch, I roll onto the floor, do a push up, and then push back into downward dog. I think it forces me to breathe or something, but I’ll do it a few times and I suddenly have clarity. IT might be “I need to go to bed.” or “I haven’t had enough water.” or “I need fresh air.” but it just always works.

    7. Listening to podcasts always makes me feel better. My therapist and I made the connection that I always want to consume content, so if I dont want to scroll mindlessly I need to prioritize a podcast. I used to think I could only do a podcast on my walk, but knowing that its podcast of doomscroll has allowed me to throw it on in the house. If my kids are watching a show or listening to music I’ll play it through my airpods.

    8. Last one: doing the task I’ve been procrastinating. Its usually something like clarifying my finances, doing laundry, or cleaning the bathroom, but once I do it I feel just a relief and to be so dramatic, I have a fresh outlook on life.

    That’s my little dopamine menu. I look at that when I feel myself slipping into dark chaos. Whenever I feel so unmotivated or when I want to close my eyes and pause everything, I do at least one of these things. I will also say that drinking water every time you feel sad also helps.

    What do you think of this idea of a dopamine menu and what are you putting on yours?

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Managing Expectations in Motherhood, dealing with anxiety, shame, and weird things our kids do, ft Sam Periard
    Jul 11 2024

    Sam Periard came on the show this week to chat all things motherhood and expectations. We covered age gaps, pregnancy acne, postpartum skincare, anxiety, shame, wins, and so much more.

    Thank you Sam for being here! You can find her at



    you can find the podcast at



    Más Menos
    1 h
  • content creation, travel, and photography with the beautiful, talented, and hilarious Simone
    Jun 27 2024

    I had the honour of sitting down with Simone and talking all things content creation, travel photography, and mental health in the online space. We talk about her childhood, her missed opportunity of vine stardom, how she got into travel photography and so much more.

    Follow Simone here: https://www.instagram.com/simoneandcamera/


    You can follow Sarah Here:



    Thank you so much for supporting the podcast and this channel! If you are enjoying this content, please share, like, subscribe, and comment.

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Ep 22. You will never regret investing in your mental health: tips and tricks for affordable mental wins.
    Jun 14 2024

    Investing in our mental health looks different for all of us. These are some tips for how we can start.


    -daily movement




    I hope you enjoyed today's episode!

    IG: Sarah.g.carter


    Tiktok: Sarah.g.carter




    Más Menos
    19 m