
  • 10 Tips for Pre-Camp Prep That Impacts Experience & Outcomes
    Mar 18 2025

    Good news! Camps are, in general, keeping parents satisfied with the level of communication and preparation prior to camp. We learn that much in this week's #StatOfTheWeek. And, there's an opportunity to go beyond satisfactory amounts of information, to a noticeable shift into mission and faith formation, even during this often-underutilized phase of pre-camp prep, when families have signed up, but camp isn't here yet.

    On this episode, we're sharing 10 quick tips we can apply now during this pre-camp phase that will positively impact camper experience, camper and family outcomes, and key partnerships. Grab a checklist and follow along, then be sure to add yours in the comments wherever you're listening!

    Links Referenced:
    Tips for Staffing in 2025 Podcast Episode
    Rhythms of Faith Project
    Camper Recruitment & Retention Playbook

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Tips for Summer Staffing in 2025
    Mar 4 2025

    2025 summer camp staffing is top of mind, heart, and task list for many camp leaders right now. We're in the heart of recruiting season, pre-camp prep time is on the horizon, our staff training schedules are maybe beginning to materialize, and our plans for the summer staff experiences have their foundation laid.

    The data tells us emerging adult staff are after 3 things when they are considering choosing camp for their summer. We'll unpack what these motivators are, where they come from, and how we use them right now and throughout the summer in recruiting, preparing, training, and retaining the summer staff that bring your mission to life.

    Links & References:
    #StatOfTheWeek Graphic - 54%
    Camp & Church Leadership Project
    Episcopal Church Leadership Project
    Community of Common Purpose Graphic

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • People Skills & Peer Ministry at Camp with Special Guest Lyle Griner
    Feb 18 2025

    The most impactful ministry just might happen in the under-programmed times, the times sitting by the well (or the campfire) hearing someone's story. When we give our staff members, and even campers themselves, the "how" - meaning the skills and the practice in listening, welcoming, and connecting-building - we give them a gift they can and will take into the rest of life.

    On this episode, we chat with Lyle Griner, from Peer Ministry Leadership, who has been equipping people, especially youth and young adults, with vital relational skills as a key, maybe THE key, ministry practice in our world today. Lyle shares where Peer Ministry Leadership came from, and how the skills he and others have spent decades using to empower ministry in churches and communities, comes to camp through staff and camper training and programming (or sometime de-programming) opportunities.

    Learn more about Peer Ministry Leadership and find your way to a staff training experience at peerministry.org. You can also read Lyle's book, Youth Are Either Leading or Leaving, to explore how we can ensure youth know they are deeply needed in the church and the world today.

    Download the #StatOfTheWeek

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Character at Camp
    Feb 4 2025

    Self-confidence. Leadership. Resilience. Faith in daily life.

    These are all character traits we measure. There is real data that says camp in exceptional at building character through the highly experiential, highly relational programs you offer. And that's a good thing, because the research says parents and caregivers care as much about the character being built in their kids as anything else.

    On this episode we'll break down what character is from a lens of faith and why it matters at camp. Plus , we'll talk bit about what the American Camp Association and camps like yours are doing to bring another level of intentionality and energy to building character at camp (and even how you could receive grant funding for your best character-building idea or program).

    Stay connected with the Character at Camp Initiative at
    watch out for the opening of subgrant applications at aca.org.

    Download the #StatOfTheWeek

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Why Camp? From the Perspective of Moms, Church Leaders, and Camp Enthusiasts
    Jan 21 2025

    Answer: because kids need a safe place to __________________.
    Question: Why Camp?

    This question matters to you, camp or church leaders, because it's a question the parents in your world are asking. They have to, for one reason or another. It's because they have a lot of options, and they are assessing the quality of any experience they sign their kids up for. It's because they are committed to making sure the time and dollar investments they make are worth it, and lead to things they want the most for their kids. It's because they want to trust you with their very hearts, and they need to know they can.

    On this episode, we'll chat with Anna and Anna, two women who wear m - as moms, church leaders, and camp enthusiasts. We asked them to "put on" each of those hats for a few minutes, sharing experiences and perspectives that resonate with families like the ones you serve.


    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 2025 New Year's Resolutions for Camp!
    Jan 7 2025

    Campy New Year! Our 4th annual New Year's resolutions for camp episode is here! We have a blast with this each year, and we've got 5 fresh data-backed resolutions for camps and their leaders in the year ahead. Here is your keyword teaser:

    1. Scripture
    2. Enthusiasts
    3. Cabin Conversations
    4. Noticeably
    5. Society

    Our #QuickQampQuestion is a fun, personal one, and our #StatOfTheWeek shares the #1 factor for faith retention. Join us for a fun kickoff to the new year and the rest of season 4 of podcast!

    Links Referenced:
    Merlin Bird ID
    2024 Resolutions
    Chat with Travis Alison

    > Download the #StatOfTheWeek

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Jesus is Coming...to Camp!
    Dec 10 2024

    Happy Advent and Merry Christmas from our sacred playgrounds to yours! We're donning Christmas hats and embracing Advent as we prepare for Jesus to come...to camp!

    This season reminds us that our ministries have audiences of influence - those we serve, those who serve with us, and those we impact, sometimes without even knowing it. On this episode, we'll break down how Jesus comes to camp through these different perspectives and connect those audiences to characters in the Christmas story in scripture, being reminded that whatever we do for these who enter our sacred playground, we do for Jesus himself.

    Plus, a #QuickQampQuestion on our favorite camp skits. Add yours in the comments anywhere!

    > Download the #StatOfTheWeek

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Camp Director Perspectives: Interviews with 4 Current Camp Leaders at Camp Conferences
    Nov 26 2024

    Leaders who thrive learn from other leaders.

    Recently, Jake and Jared got to participate in and lead workshops at annual camp conferences for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries and the Campfire Collective (PCCCA, OMA-UCC, OMI, + more). They had the chance to sit down with 4 camp leaders from different locales and traditions to gather insightful perspectives and stories on 3 key questions. We asked these leaders to:

    • Share something unique or something you love about your camp and/or your role
    • Share what might be different about camp ministry in 10 years
    • Share about a time when you learned something new, applied it to your ministry successfully, and the impact it made

    These leader perspectives and stories match many of yours, and we'd love to hear your answers in the comments on our website, Facebook, or send us a message.

    Plus, since it's near Thanksgiving in the USA, we've got a whole "pie" chart for the #StatOfTheWeek. Download the graphics here.

    Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at sacredplaygrounds.com.

    Más Menos
    31 m