
  • Let's End Toxic Tribalism
    Jan 27 2025

    The 'Fear of Other' cloud that has descended over humanity has been created by the Hidden Hands who are losing the battle after thousands of years of control. The final nail in their coffin is to bring on the hate and division. Sadly, we've bought into it by the use of fundamentalist messaging and siloed information sources. This has resulted in what is being called Toxic Tribalism. And if we want to choose away from returning to the rule of the bony elite, it has to stop. It's up to us, those who choose light and kindness, to sow the seeds of the world we wish to create, and I’ve shared a few ways I think we can do that. Enjoy!

    Watch the video version on YouTube: https://youtu.be/WS1ag6oAcIs

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    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    30 m
  • Stop Listening to Gurus and Teachers! with RJ Spina​
    Nov 8 2024

    RJ Spina's soul brought his body to the brink of death and paralysis to a state of complete recovery through metaphysical principles he had been shown since childhood. But he was shown much more.

    As we watch the greater game of the times unfold, it's critical that we stay centered on the nature of this reality. It's being posited that this is a simulation, rather than the more accurate notion of a collective creation. In this conversation, RJ Spina and I speak about the imperative to learn to be totally present as we create our collective future. Along the way he also shares why this Free Will "experiment" is a "raging success" with full presence as our greatest tool for higher outcomes. Enjoy!

    Watch the video version on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uJoS9EwT6zE

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    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    58 m
  • This is NOT a Simulation!
    Oct 11 2024

    Feel like you’re a pawn in someone else’s game? Simulation theory is becoming more widespread as a viable way to view reality, particularly in circles dominated by aspiring mental prowess or conspiracy. The bare bones essence of simulation theory is that our reality is nothing more than a computer model programmed by some advanced source of intelligence with humans as the pawns without any true free will. I find this a woefully inadequate explanation of reality, that cancels every divine aspect of being human. I detail my own thoughts on the subject in this commentary.

    Watch the video version on YouTube: https://youtu.be/pEsam09auh8

    Subscribe to my newsletter: https://reginameredith.com/join-my-community

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    25 m
  • The #1 Thing To Consider In Times of Chaos
    Sep 15 2024

    We all know what high character and low character is. But when did we start losing site of making our decisions and taking action through this lens? We all know we ‘should’ be using character as the standard metric for determining where things and people measure up in our lives, yet it seems we, even those of us in the ‘conscious’ space, are failing to make character the center from which we base our reality upon. Instead, it seems humanity has fallen into a state of delusion in how we represent ourselves to one another and character has ended up at the bottom of the list of consideration. With the prevailing cosmic frequencies moving into a more refined range, humanity needs to keep pace and make sure that we are in fact making character the center of our destiny. If you are feeling a bit gobsmacked by all that is happening in the world, I hope this video will help bring you back to your center and find some refreshing clarity and calm.

    Subscribe to my newsletter: https://reginameredith.com/join-my-community

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    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    29 m
  • Targets, Frauds and Fake Frauds
    Jul 30 2024

    The world of information streaming that dares to go go beyond the accepted and sanctioned dogma is filled with landmines. It's an ugly world where the gloves are taken off to either discredit or cause harm to the life of individuals who have been targeted. Conversely, frauds of all kinds, claiming to be the ONLY one "in the know" litter the internet. In this commentary, I am sharing an inside glimpse of how the process of targeting individuals in alternative media, myself included, works. And as it is up to each of us to discern truth and mindfully choose who and what we consume these days, I’ll also be sharing what to look for in a "thought leader" and when to run! I don't generally share personal information, but this goes far beyond me and affects many other people you may watch on YouTube or private sites. I hope this helps!

    Subscribe to my newsletter: https://reginameredith.com/join-my-community

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    22 m
  • Your Thoughts Never Die with Darius J. Wright
    Jun 17 2024

    We’ve all seen the bumper stickers the past few decades, “What you think you become.” It’s true. Imagine you’ve passed out of this world and are given your highlight reels of ALL of the thoughts you indulged in your lifetime. You’d probably notice that the thoughts that were most persistent ultimately dictated the quality of your life.

    Darius J. Wright will tell you that’s absolutely true. As an Out of Body Experiencer, he has learned to navigate the realms and dimensions of earth without fear and tells us that our thoughts never die. And, that the ones we repeat become our destiny. In his experience thoughts are tangible, visible things he can see on the other side and that they gain mass due to reinforced or repetitious thought. This means that if we don’t like what we see, we need to choose the quality of our thoughts more carefully as we are truly co-creators of the world around us. For me, this is addressing the basis of reality itself. Enjoy!

    Visit Darius' site: https://dariusjwright.com/

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    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    1 h y 5 m
  • Are We Dopamine Junkies? with Anna Lembke, M.D.
    Mar 25 2024

    Are you living for one source of pleasure after the next? Whether it be social media, romance novels, video games, online sex, food, alcohol or drugs, Psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, author of internationally acclaimed Dopamine Nation, says we're risking mass depression if we don't let our brain recover with a little boredom or pain. You may have felt this yourself after indulging in the things you love doing too much or too often. We need more and more to feel satisfied. Or we may feel anxious when we're separated from our "addiction." It all comes down to how our brain produces the feel-good chemical Dopamine. This is a fascinating story of what happens in our world of overindulgence. Enjoy!

    Visit Anna's site and get her book 'Dopamine Nation': https://www.annalembke.com/

    Subscribe to my newsletter: https://reginameredith.com/join-my-community

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

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    45 m
  • Oppenheimer-Einstein UFO Letter Authentication
    Mar 11 2024

    When I released my commentary about the little known Oppenheimer-Einstein letter to then President Truman, there were naturally questions regarding its authenticity. To remedy this, I went back to the source, UFO archivist and researcher Ryan Woods, to get a deeper understanding about the origin of the letter. This conversation addresses the authenticity of the letter, which petitioned the President to consider a new global agency such as the United Nations to handle our relationships with extraterrestrials in the wake of the atomic bomb. Both Oppenheimer (who had top security clearance) and Einstein believed the increased UFO activity the military was involved with was a response to having mishandled atomic energy in a destructive manner. Enjoy!

    Visit Ryan's site: https://majestictwelve.com

    Subscribe to my newsletter: https://reginameredith.com/join-my-community

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reginameredith

    Join Our Neighborhood: https://www.ourneighborhood.earth/

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following program do not necessarily reflect those of ReginaMeredith.com. In keeping with this site's emphasis on sovereignty and knowledge, always use your own discernment and/or seek professional advice when making consequential decisions.

    Más Menos
    18 m