Oct 22 2024

    My Prayer for you and the world is that we begin to believe that God loves us and we need love and hope in today's world. God loves you and I pray that God will reveal Himself in your lives and touch your hearts to turn to Him and His love for comfort and mercy. Please remember that we are created to worship and love. We must get to the core reason why people believe that sin should be a normal way of life. The core reason is to destroy and kill the generational advancements of the bloodlines of the participants in hopes of denying the birthing of a person who will be a great addition and asset to their communities and to God’s plan for mankind. #godknowsyourheart #prayer #nowisthetime #love #iprayforyou #welovebachata

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    3 m
  • NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE - Final Thoughts why it's not too late to believe.
    Oct 22 2024

    We must get to the core reason why people believe that sin should be a normal way of life. The core reason is to destroy and kill the generational advancements of the bloodlines of the participants in hopes to deny the birthing of a person who will be a great addition and asset to their communities and to God’s plan for mankind. Now is the time to believe that tomorrow is not promised and decide where you will spend eternity. Will you spend it with God, worshipping and praising Him for His grace and mercy, or will you be cast into the darkness prepared for the devil, his angels, and all unbelievers? Please accept Christ today as your personal Savior; He has a mansion and all the provisions that you will ever need on earth and in heaven. It takes a leap of faith and trust right here, right now to be sealed by the power of the blood of Christ. You won’t be condemned by God, and you surely will not be turned away from Jesus for your decision. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. #loveliftedme #special #relationship #relationshipwithjesus #chooseone #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove

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    17 m
  • NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE Chapter Fourteen - Can You Believe?
    Oct 22 2024

    To believe allows a person to expand their natural abilities so that the supernatural or highly unattainable can become a part of their reality. When a person believes, they are expressing that they are willing to trust and have faith that a better or greater outcome can and will happen. Additionally, when a person believes, it isn’t always positive in nature; sometimes a person may believe negatively in a situation that may cause someone or something else to lose value or importance. Today, we must believe that there is purpose and provision for us on the earth. Additionally, we must believe with all our hearts and have faith that something other than ourselves controls our destiny; and if we spiritually connect to God, who is our Creator and life source, then we will be able to live and endure damaging situations that we may encounter. That’s why it is important to seek God and trust that He loves us so much He has already carved out our lives to be blessed and filled with purpose and meaning. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. www.reflectionsofgraceoutreachminitries.com #leadingchange #calledbygod #reflectionsonlife #webelievegod #believer #loveliftedme #special #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove #loveisthegreatest

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    23 m
  • NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE Chapter Thirteen - It's Not About A Religion It's About A Relationship
    Oct 22 2024

    When we are ready for a relationship with Christ, we will give up the “Works of the Flesh” for that new and fresh restoration of peace and joy found in Jesus Christ. This peace and joy happens when we surrender our hearts to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, after this, we are infilled with the Holy Spirit of God to live a life that reveals Christ in our daily walk so that others will want to know “What keeps us happy and at peace?” Without Jesus; we are not Christians; without believing and building a personal relationship with Christ through your worship and praise to Christ; you are still worshipping many gods, and living a life that needs repentance. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. #loveliftedme #special #relationship #relationshipwithjesus #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove

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    47 m
  • NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE Chapter Twelve - Standing the Pull While God Pulls You Through
    Sep 28 2024
    When troubles and persecution come into our lives, we must be willing to stand on the promise of our faith that God will be with us and that the Holy Spirit will protect and instruct us through the pain and trials we are enduring. We must believe deeply that nothing is too hard for God and that our faith will initiate supernatural power, which will open the windows of heaven toward us and our circumstances to keep and shield us from destruction. We must be willing to release all doubts and fears and completely trust that Jesus is the divine way and in His name everything is subject to His authority. Stand on the promise that You are loved and not alone in any situation. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. www.reflectionsofgraceoutreachminitries.com #standingwithgod #leadingchange #calledbygod #reflectionsonlife #loveliftedme #special #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove #loveisthegreatest
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • NOW IS THE TIIME TO BELIEVE - Chapter Eleven Leading Once You Are Called
    Sep 23 2024

    Leading as you are called after you’ve been through something keeps you grounded in knowing that if it weren’t for God’s tender mercies for us and His loving kindness to us, we might have given up. But we pressed when we were shaken, we prayed when we were perplexed, and we stretched forth our arms when we were hard-pressed to tell Jesus, “Where You lead me, I will follow. I give my life to You.”

    Leading as we are called requires sacrifice and commitment to the cause of salvation. This cannot be a time for any man or woman to believe that it is their intellect or own self-willed determination that provides them with the strength and patience to love and reach out to those who are hurting and in dismay. It is the testimony and promise of God that He will never leave us or forsake us and that He will be with us always, even until the end of the earth. But we have to keep passing our tests and removing the earthly thoughts and feelings in order to connect with Christ on a spiritual and higher level through the Holy Spirit’s comforting during our tests.

    Please subscribe or share with others.

    Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠

    Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. www.reflectionsofgraceoutreachminitries.com

    #leadingchange #calledbygod #reflectionsonlife

    #loveliftedme #special #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove #loveisthegreatest

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    1 h y 8 m
  • NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE Chapter Ten - Love Is The Reason
    Sep 9 2024

    Love is the reason why many of us live move and go about our daily lives. often, we need love to feel validated by our family; we need love to sometimes wake up or go to sleep. Love is the reason for our seeking companionship and family. Love hides faults and forgives one another. God loves us and he expressed to us that His greatest commandment is to love God with all of your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Our love should extend beyond our social circles or our families to stretch beyond our concentric circles. The greatest gift we can share to anyone is that by faith through grace, we are saved through Christ.

    Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. #loveliftedme #special #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Now Is The Time To Believe - I am So Glad I made IT
    Jul 31 2024

    So Glad I Made IT - Chapter Nine - With the economy fluctuating daily and the ability to save and or leave an inheritance for your family; it has become impossible to leave an inheritance for your family. Also, when we think about the extreme loss of opportunity to accept your inheritance spiritually, too. Although your inheritance is already set up for each of us to receive; we are being duped into thinking that we do not need a spiritual inheritance. WE DO! We can’t be so interested in leaving a physical legacy or inheritance whereas people praise your name and achievements when you pass on. What about your eternal inheritance? Are you willing to believe that there is an inheritance of peace and no pain, or sorrow; or will you accept darkness and a void? I am so glad I made it. Don’t miss your Inheritance! Claim it. Please subscribe or share with others. Now Is The Time To Believe – The Following Subscriptions are: Music By: William Claeson /Light among the Clouds/courtesy of ⁠www.epidemicsound.com⁠ Video Illustrated provided by Canva.com Sponsored by Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries, Inc. #loveliftedme #special #inheritance #generationalwealth #spiritualawakening #Iliftmyhands #liftupyourhearts #encouragementvideo #gotohell #churchhistory #godiswatching #religion #creation #hediedforoursins #celebratelife #whyjesus #timeisup #commitment #spiritualbattles #badforme #seekinganswers #betrue #trustingod #speaktomyheart #elevateyourthinking #godisgreat #strengthfromabove #godslove Reflections of Grace Outreach Ministries Moreno Valley, CA

    Más Menos
    21 m