
  • Ep. 59: Permission to Change Your Mind Instead of Burning it Down
    Oct 28 2022

    Are you wanting to change directions in life or business, but not sure you can? Is it OK to choose a different path even if it means scaling back, doing less, and even making less? And what barometer should we be using to base our decisions on?

    Today’s episode examines a key aspect of every entrepreneurial journey: changing course. Social media oftens tells us what we “should” be doing and urges us to go after more money, more clients, and more success. But the comparison game can lead us down a road where we forget what we set out to do from the very beginning. It can lead to us forgetting what we ultimately want. So today I invite you to join me for a time to pause, to reflect, and to remember what it is that YOU want. I’ll walk you through the BIG business decision that I’ve recently made and give you all the permission you need to re-evaluate and possibly change direction. Because after all, it’s OK to change your mind and I’ll tell you why!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • How to evaluate if it’s time for a change
    • What it actually means when you change your mind (and why it’s ok!)
    • What to do when you’re tempted to burn it all down and start over
    • The powerful social media post that led to my moment of clarity (What impact does it have on you?)
    • What I realized after NOT winning the lottery
    • How to accept and adapt to the different seasons of life and business
    • What social media is good for (and what it’s not!)
    • Why building rest into your schedule is VITAL
    • And much more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Ep. 58: How To Sell Out Your VIP Days (Replay)
    Oct 21 2022

    I am a HUGE fan of VIP days! They give your business a BIG cash injection, while also giving your clients the individual attention they want. Are you wondering how to get started with your VIP day offering? I am dedicating this episode of the podcast to all you beautiful people out there who want to know more! Tune in to hear why VIP days work for a wide variety of businesses, examples of how to keep your VIP days specific, and my TOP TIPS to create a schedule and luxury experience on brand for your biz!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • The KEY to a successful (and sellable!) VIP day
    • How to show your clients what a VIP day can do for their life and business
    • Tips to keep your VIP offerings aligned with your client’s needs
    • My TOP SECRET tip to make a virtual VIP day the bomb dot com
    • And so much more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • EP. 57: My $300 Million Dollar Sales Story (Replay)
    Oct 14 2022

    Do you want to know how I went from hustling shifts to manifesting $300 million dollars in sales? I very rarely share this story—but it’s my birthday week so I figured there’s no better time than now to share all the things about where I’ve been (and how far I’ve come!). In this episode, tune in to hear more about the ups and downs of my entrepreneurship journey, where my growth plan is taking me in the future, and why I want YOU to plug-in to what feels true for you and go after it 100%!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • The limitations of being a Black immigrant with a strong accent in the UK
    • How I ended up leading a team in charge of over $20 million tender at 25 years old (and what it taught me about money and mindset)
    • Why you need to do THIS first before selling something
    • The BIGGEST lesson I learned from my first business—and what I wished I had done differently
    • How to get in the feeling of being exclusive (or whatever feels good for you and how you show up!)
    • My new product that you can plug-and-play and make MONEY!
    • The SECRET that shifted my mindset
    • And so much more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    53 m
  • Ep. 56: Action = Trust
    Oct 7 2022

    How can you know the decisions you're making are the right ones for you, your business, and the life you want? It all comes down to trusting yourself, right? But how do you get there? How do you reach the point where you’re confident that the action you’re taking is getting you one step closer to living your dream? Join me today as I dive into this topic of self-trust and action. I’ll be looking at what you need to get REAL clear on before you can start trusting yourself. Plus, I’ll give you practical examples of how this concept applies to all areas of life, not just business. Self-trust can be a sticky subject, but I’m here to help! So, let’s dive in!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • How to take action that lines up with your desires
    • Why it’s OK to hear and say NO and what it gets you closer to
    • What I’m manifesting for my future and how all the little choices I make help bring this desire closer and closer to my reality
    • Why trusting your NO can be even more powerful than trusting your YES
    • How making the changes you need to make creates space for what you want
    • And more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Ep: 55: What If Premium Is Not Working For Your Business
    Sep 30 2022

    Not sure about selling that premium offer? Maybe you’ve got a new, high-ticket service in mind, but you’re not sure how to market it or if anyone will want it. Knowing what to offer to which audience can be tough, but if you’re ready to bump up to that next level, listen up! On today’s episode I’m talking all about what to do if you’re feeling stuck on premium. I’m offering helpful tips and real world examples to help you hone in on what works for you. Premium CAN work for everyone and in ANY service business, but it takes knowing your audience, knowing how you want to work, and knowing it’s the right time. So let’s get into it!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • How to know which business model is RIGHT for you
    • Why a confused audience leads to less sales (It’s time to clear up your message!)
    • What to keep in mind if you’re offering two different price lanes, each with their own distinct market
    • Steps you can take NOW to build up to premium in the future
    • How to approach pilot programs, sales, and discounts (and which one I never recommend!)
    • And more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Ep. 54: The Easy Way to Create Content Consistently
    Sep 23 2022

    Content calendars got you down? Are you struggling to come up with social media posts on your own? I get it! It can be hard to create content day after day, month after month, but there are ways to make it easier and more enjoyable. Join me for today’s episode on alternative ways to plan out content. I’ll go through what works for me, a neurodiverse individual, and what doesn’t (You won’t find an Excel spreadsheet near me!). It’s all about knowing what works for your brain and then executing! If the traditional ways of planning aren’t cutting it for you, I’ve got you covered with these helpful strategies. Let’s dive in!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • My top tips for content planning
    • The BEST option for creating content (If your budget allows it!)
    • What recently worked for me in creating a podcast episode
    • Why getting outside of your normal working space might help and ideas on where to go
    • Details on my upcoming Content Camp program: We’ll get those ideas flowing together!
    • And more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Ep. 53: Divine Laws of Prosperity: The Law of Vacuum
    Sep 16 2022

    I’m continuing on with my series on the Divine Laws of Prosperity with Part 2. Last week you figured out what you want (get the link below to catch up)! But this week I’m diving into the Law of Vacuum which is all about making space for what you want. Whether you apply it in your business, your personal life, or BOTH is up to you, because the principles remain the same: You have to make space for what you want before you can call it in. Join me for this week’s episode as I walk you through the Law of Vacuum and give you easy steps on making space. Out with the old and in with the new!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • The Law of Vacuum: how it works and practical examples for your understanding
    • How to know if a client is less than ideal and what to do about it
    • Placeholders: how to decide if they need to go or if they should stay (it’s OK-we all have them!)
    • How the Law of Vacuum applies to physical space and time in every area of your life
    • Questions to ask yourself so you can create space for what you desire
    • How to get in on the juiciest offer I’ve EVER had
    • And much more!

    Catch up on Part 1 of the Divine Laws of Prosperity: The Law of Assumption HERE: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/radicalrevenue/RadRev_EP52_Final.mp3

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Ep. 52: Divine Laws of Prosperity: The Law of Assumption
    Sep 9 2022

    If you’re one of those people who thinks the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you, then listen up! It may not be you, but the law you’re applying. The Law of Assumption may be lesser known, but it’s so powerful and to be honest, I think it works better! To kick off my new mini series on the Divine Laws of Prosperity, I’m diving into the Law of Assumption in today’s episode. I’ll go over how it works, why it works, and the steps you can take to apply it in your life. Yes, it works in business and I’ll explain how, but it has other applications too. If you’re ready to be unstoppable, don’t miss this one!

    This episode is for you if you want to learn:

    • The 3 steps you can follow to implement this law and change your reality NOW
    • Practical tips and examples to make each step more attainable for you
    • How the Law of Assumption plays out in business
    • The differences between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Assumption (they’re really quite different!)
    • How I used the Law of Assumption in my personal life and the outcomes I saw (plus a special update on my life!)
    • And much more!

    If you want to create a BIG cash injection in your business in the next 30 days AND consistent high-ticket sales month after month, my Moneymaker Intensive is for you! Book your spot here: http://juliabernardthompson.com/intensive

    Come join me in my free private Facebook group, Radical Revenue—High-Ticket Sales for Coaches, and continue the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/groups/juliasgroup

    Más Menos
    35 m