
  • Stop Storytelling and start StorySelling with Andrea Hubbert
    Mar 20 2023

    Stop Storytelling and start StorySelling with Andrea Hubbert

    Andrea Hubbert, Founder + CEO, https://hubandcompany.com

    Andrea's gift: Recipe Guide for Crafting Your Custom Storyselling Cocktail https://hubandcompany.com/accelerate

    ♥️ Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast! ♥️ Subscribe for more free expert tips, behind-the-scenes, best practices, and more!

    ⭐️ Please leave us a rating and a review to help us keep growing and providing value.⭐️

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, host of the Profitable Virtual Events show and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    As a Virtual Event Strategist, I create epic events for visionary coaches and consultants so they can sell out their signature offers.

    Find out with just 5 questions which type of virtual event is the perfect match for you and your business: https://www.magneticbrandonline.com/quiz

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Frazzled to Freedom: Time Management To Prevent Burn Out For Entrepreneurs with Kylie Clark
    Mar 13 2023

    Frazzled to Freedom: Time Management To Prevent Burn Out For Entrepreneurs with Kylie Clark

    Kylie Clark, Business Mapping Strategist | Founder of Frazzled to Freedom, https://kylieaclark.com/

    Free gift from Kylie: 30-minute clarity intensive  https://kylieaclark.com/

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast!

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, Online Marketing Strategist and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    I support purpose-driven entrepreneurs in creating profitable virtual events to connect with their ideal clients and scale their business.

    Schedule your free online marketing consultation with me to find out how to make your brand magnetic: https://makeyourbrandmagnetic.com/

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The secret to sales-boosting survey responses with Nikki Trailor
    Mar 6 2023

    The secret to sales-boosting survey responses with Nikki Trailor.

    Nikki Trailor, Conversion Copywriter + Brand Voice Strategist, www.nikkitrailor.com

    Nikki helps creative service providers + course creators stop showing up as watered-down versions of themselves online, with personality-packed and research-backed website and launch copy.

    Free gift: 3 secrets to getting sales-boosting results from your surveys

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast! ♥️ Subscribe for more free expert tips, behind-the-scenes, best practices, and more!

    ⭐️ Please leave us a rating and a review to help us keep growing and providing value.⭐️

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, host of the Profitable Virtual Events show and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    As a Virtual Event Strategist, I create epic events for visionary coaches and consultants so they can sell out their signature offers.

    Find out with just 5 questions which type of virtual event is the perfect match for you and your business: https://www.magneticbrandonline.com/quiz

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Breaking out of self-sabotage, and unlocking unlimited self-confidence, to unlock your profits with Paul Levitin
    Feb 27 2023

    Breaking out of self-sabotage, and unlocking unlimited self-confidence, to unlock your profits with Paul Levitin

    Paul Levitin, Happiness & self-confidence coach, The Happy Healthy Human Academy, https://www.instagram.com/paullevitin/

    Free gift: Breaking Out of Self-Sabotage Cycles Masterclass paullevitin.ac-page.com/quitting-masterclass

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast!

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, Online Marketing Strategist and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    I support purpose-driven entrepreneurs in creating profitable virtual events to connect with their ideal clients and scale their business.

    Schedule your free online marketing consultation with me to find out how to make your brand magnetic: https://makeyourbrandmagnetic.com/

    Más Menos
    40 m
  • Boost your event conversions through seamless customer journeys with Michelle Pontvert
    Feb 20 2023

    Boost your event conversions through seamless customer journeys with Michelle Pontvert

    Michelle Pontvert, Website Designer, https://www.michellepontvert.com/

    Free Gift from Michelle: Website That Converts  www.michellepontvert.com/converts

    ♥️ Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast! ♥️ Subscribe for more free expert tips, behind-the-scenes, best practices, and more!

    ⭐️ Please leave us a rating and a review to help us keep growing and providing value.⭐️

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, host of the Profitable Virtual Events show and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    As a Virtual Event Strategist, I create epic events for visionary coaches and consultants so they can sell out their signature offers.

    Find out with just 5 questions which type of virtual event is the perfect match for you and your business: https://www.magneticbrandonline.com/quiz

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Build 4 Stages of Trust by Being Confident On Camera & In Your Life with Elaine Williams
    Feb 13 2023

    Build 4 Stages of Trust by Being Confident On Camera & In Your Life with Elaine Williams

    Connect with Elaine Williams, Visibility & Confidence Coach, Speaker, Author, Comedian: www.CaptivateTheCrowd.com

    Free gift from Elaine: Confidence On Camera Checklist https://captivatethecrowd.com/

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast!

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, Online Marketing Strategist and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    I support purpose-driven entrepreneurs in creating profitable virtual events to connect with their ideal clients and scale their business.

    Schedule your free online marketing consultation with me to find out how to make your brand magnetic: https://makeyourbrandmagnetic.com/

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Getting to Yes Faster! with Susan Trumpler
    Feb 6 2023

    Getting to Yes Faster! with Susan Trumpler

    Susan Trumpler is the founder of Unstoppable Women in Business and also an international speaker, coach, podcaster and now, author!
    She dedicates her time and efforts to eradicating the phrase “I hate sales” from the vocabulary of women business owners. The Success Collaborative - her flagship, hybrid coaching program - is her pride and joy. She focuss her time on creating customized Success Roadmaps for each member and then invites them into an intimate community of like-minded peers to implement their plans and watch their revenues soar.

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast! ♥️ Subscribe for more free expert tips, behind-the-scenes, best practices, and more!

    ⭐️ Please leave us a rating and a review to help us keep growing and providing value.⭐️

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, host of the Profitable Virtual Events show and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    As a Virtual Event Strategist, I create epic events for visionary coaches and consultants so they can sell out their signature offers.

    Find out with just 5 questions which type of virtual event is the perfect match for you and your business: https://www.magneticbrandonline.com/quiz

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Your Practical and Playful Journey to Your Perfect Authentic Self with DeNicea Hilton Harper
    Jan 30 2023

    Your Practical and Playful Journey to Your Perfect Authentic Self (and Optimize Your Holistic Health and Leadership Skills with Ease!)with DeNicea Hilton Harper

    DeNicea Hilton Harper, Hilton Holistic Health and Wellness LLC,  https://www.joindenicea.com

    DeNicea  is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Holistic Well-being Consultant. She helps Discover your Practical and Playful Adventure to your Authentic Self (and Holistic Healing!)

    Free Gift: https://www.deniceahilton.com/quiz

    Thank you for tuning in to the Profitable Virtual Events podcast!

    Hi! I am Justyna Nielsen, Online Marketing Strategist and CEO of Magnetic Brand.

    I support purpose-driven entrepreneurs in creating profitable virtual events to connect with their ideal clients and scale their business.

    Schedule your free online marketing consultation with me to find out how to make your brand magnetic: https://makeyourbrandmagnetic.com/

    Más Menos
    30 m