
  • PST 0598 - Prabhu theko amar pashe pashe
    Oct 13 2024

    Prabhu theko ámár páshe páshe
    Bhay pele bhay bháuṋgiye diyo
    Chot́a kájer lágle dhulo
    Ápan háte múchiye niyo

    Saḿsáre keu ná ápan
    Áshá bharasá tomár carań
    Námt́i buke dáo go likhe
    Tomár náme mátiye diyo

    Diner álo ráter kálo
    Sabái jena bási bhálo
    Sab kichutei tomár álo
    Tomár parash bhariye diyo

    Lord, please stay e'er by my side—
    When I am frightened, make fear dissipate;
    When mean action leaves me soiled by grime,
    With Your own hand, wipe that grime away.

    In this world, none else is my very own;
    My final hope and refuge is Your lotus feet.
    So please inscribe Your name upon my heart,
    And with Your name enrapture me.

    By daylight and the dark of night,
    That all of us may feel fine,
    In everything is Your effulgence;
    Please suffuse with Your holy touch.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • PST 0597 - Prabhu carana ki kabhu pabo na
    Oct 13 2024

    (Prabhu) Carańa ki kabhu pábo ná
    Tomárei smari tomárei bari
    Tabu kena dhará dáo ná

    Ágháte ágháte haye viŕambita
    Háráyechi mor shubha buddhi jata
    (Áchi) Jharápátár mata anádare shata
    Buke niye tava bhávaná

    Járá áse tárá sabe cale jáy
    Kálera ságare budbuda práy
    Álor ságare jyotimaiṋjiire
    Tumi ácho kabhu jáo ná

    Lord, when will I ever get Your lotus feet?
    You alone do I remember, only You do I revere;
    So why not let me cling to Thee?

    Needlessly harassed by constant beating,
    I have lost all feeling of well-being.
    Unattended, I am like so many fallen leaves,
    Bearing in my bosom Your anxiety.

    Those who arrive, soon they'll retire,
    Like bubbles on an ocean of time.
    But on the sea of light, with anklets of effulgence,
    You do not depart; You are always present.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • PST 0596 - Madhura anane manera kanane
    Oct 13 2024

    Madhura ánane manera kánane
    Niirava carańe eso priyatama
    Puśpita nilaye susmita hrdaye
    Sure tále laye shońábo giiti mama

    Tomári lágiyá ásháte báṋciyá
    Áchi je ámi juga juga dhari
    Tomare cáhiyá marma mathiyá
    Sudhápátrakháni rekhechi púrńa kari
    Sushliśt́a adhare sushiśt́a ádháre
    Pán karo táhá puśpe bhrṋga sama

    Marura jhat́ikáy shukáiyá náhi jái
    Tapta bálukáy sajiivatá rasaghana
    Ashani nirghośe jhaiṋjhár ákroshe
    Dahiyá náhi dey shyámalimá navatana
    Atandra tithite anidra nishiithe
    Jváláye rekhechi diipashikhá náshi tamah

    With kindly countenance, into my mind's garden
    Please come on silent feet, my Dearest Darling.
    In a habitat of flowers, with cheerful heart,
    To tempo, beat, and melody, my song I will sing.

    Due to You alone, my hope endures;
    Age after age, to that I cling.
    Seeking You, at my core churned,
    A nectar cup I've kept brimming.
    Place Your lips on this chaste vessel,
    And drink from it like bee from flower.

    I don't get dry, swept by desert storms;
    In burning sands, life itself is succulent.
    From thunder's roar and angry downpour,
    New-bloomed greenery is never stricken.
    Alert by day and sleepless at night,
    Dispelling gloom, I've kept my flame alight.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • PST 0595 - Madhura svapane mrdula carane
    Oct 13 2024

    Madhura svapane mrdula carańe
    Tumi esechile mor mane
    Nayana bhariyá puśpita nava ketane
    Tumi esechile mor mane

    (Takhan) Phulerá d́eleche paráger sudhá
    Vihagii geyeche gán sure sádhá
    Virahii cháŕiyá path dharábáṋdhá
    Nece chút́e geche tava páne

    Malaya pavane madira smarańe
    Dikbhásá ráge madhuraiṋjane
    Tandrá jhariyá pásariyá práńe
    Núpura chande nikkańe

    (Mor) Pika kalatáne kánane
    Tumi esechile mor mane

    In lovely dream, with footsteps mild,
    You had come into my mind.
    Filling my eyes with fresh floral design,
    You had come into my mind.

    Then, flowers were dispensing pollen's honey;
    And birds were singing rehearsed melodies.
    The love-sick, spurning all ties worldly,
    Have raced forth dancing on the way to Thee.

    By a gentle breeze with potent memories,
    Love overflowing and tenderly pleasing,
    Discarding drowsiness energetically,
    Your anklets were rhythmically jingling.

    With cuckoo's dulcet notes in garden mine,
    You had come into my mind.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • PST 0591 - E kii mamata hasite
    Oct 13 2024

    E kii mamatá hásite
    E kii madiratá nayane
    E kii mohana máyá báṋshiite
    E kii madhuratá manane

    (Tava) Jyotimaiṋjiire gáhana kariyá
    Ucchala hiyá jáy je bhariyá
    Tomár tálete tál dite giyá
    Bhese jái ánmane

    (Tava) Kusumaparág suvása mákhiyá gáy
    Dúr dúránte bhásiyá caliyá jái
    Áṋdhára nishá álokita kariyá
    Jyotiśka máte spandane

    Such affection in the smile;
    Such hypnotism in the eyes!
    Such bewitchment in the flute;
    Such sweetness in the attitude!

    Bathing in the light from Your anklets,
    My swollen heart, it's getting filled.
    Having tuned my cadence to Your beat,
    I go on floating abstractedly.

    Body smeared with scent from Your flower-pollen,
    Faraway I go, adrift in a remote location.
    There, making dark night lustrous,
    Luminaries are excited by Your pulse.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • PST 0590 - Aso na jao na kabhu
    Oct 13 2024

    Áso ná jáo ná kabhu
    Chile ácho thákibe tumi
    Vidhrta tomár mane
    Liilár rase bhará saptabhúmi

    Kot́i varśa áge járá chilo
    Tomár asiime ájo áche
    Tárá thákiyá gelo
    Kot́i varśa pare ásibe járá
    Vinaśt́a kakhano habe ná tárá
    Sabáre sauṋge niye hásicho tumi
    Táito ámi tava carańe cúmi

    Kot́i álokavarśa dúre járá
    Táráo kakhano hay ná hárá
    Tárá hay ni hárá
    Sure tále gáne náce
    Tárá áche tava májhe
    Bhálobese beṋdhe rekhecho tumi
    Táito ámi tava carańe nami

    You never come, You never leave;
    You were, You are, You will remain.
    Held in Your mind securely,
    Seven worlds are filled with joyous cosmic play.

    A billion years ago, those who lived—
    In Your eternity, even now they still exist;
    They have lingered on.
    A billion years ahead, those who will arrive—
    They will never perish.
    Enthralling everybody, You are smiling;
    That is why I kiss Your feet.

    A billion light-years hence, those afar—
    Even they are never lost;
    No, they are never lost.
    With tuneful notes and beat, song and dance,
    They reside inside of Thee.
    You've rescued them, binding with love;
    That is why I bow down at Your feet.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • PST 0589 - Tumi eso amar ghare krpa kare
    Oct 13 2024

    (Tumi) Eso ámár ghare krpá kare
    Vedii sájáyechi tomár tare
    Madhumálatiir málá geṋthe
    Ghrtálok rákhá diipádháre

    Mánasacandana mákháno hiyá
    Rauṋiin kusumeri madhu bhariyá
    Basiyá rayechi kán pátiyá
    Tava padadhvani shuńibáre

    Caiṋcala pavane hindolita
    Vash-ná-náná man áloŕita
    Tava bhávanáy se spandita
    Tumi baso ámár ghare bhálo kare

    Kindly come into my residence;
    I've arrayed an altar for Thee.
    Threaded is a garland of sweet jasmine,
    And on the lampstand is the light of ghee.

    My heart is coated with mental sandal
    And full of honey from blooms of many colors.
    I've been waiting, my ear to the ground,
    Listening for sound of Your footfall holy.

    In the shifting Jhulanjatra[nb 2] wind,
    My untamed heart grows flustered.
    Thinking of You, she is throbbing;
    Help me by staying at my dwelling.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • PST 0588 - Tava nrtyer tale uttal halo
    Oct 13 2024

    (Tava) Nrtyer tále uttál halo
    Jata ańuparamáńu
    Táraká candra bhánu

    Avasar ár náhi je tomár
    Chanda jágáo ameya apár
    Carańer áshe sabe káche áse
    Kara joŕe natajánu

    Tomáke ghiriyá jyotimaiṋjire
    Niiháriká cháyápathe ghore phere
    Aiṋjan áṋke udbhásá áṋkhe
    Ambar niilatanu

    Nrtyer dole udvel halo
    Dhúrjat́i nádatanu

    In Your dance beat, billows arose—
    All of the atoms and molecules,
    The stars, the sun, and the moon.

    No further leisure would be Yours;
    As endless, untold rhythms You stir.
    Hoping for Your feet, all come near
    With folded hands, on bended knees.

    A halo bright is all around You;
    In the Milky Way, nebulae go dark anew.
    Within the mark of kohl aglow upon Your eyes,
    Azure gets embodied in the sky.

    Overflowing in the dance sway was
    Music personified, Shiva Nataraj.

    Más Menos
    7 m