
  • This tarot reading was destined. | 03/15/25
    Mar 15 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the sixth Pillar of Coherence, Purpose which manifests as Creativity.

    We pulled The Moon in reverse, The Queen of Cups, and the 5 of Pentacles in reverse which carried the significance of…

    Our mantra today is, “I love myself on purpose.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try a moon gazing meditation or reflection.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • You need time to grow. | 03/14/25
    Mar 14 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the fifth Pillar of Coherence, Space which manifests as Justice.

    We pulled The Moon and The Chariot in reverse, which called us to really pay attention to our inner lives while growing our self love so as not to slow down our growth.

    Our mantra today is, “I relax and enjoy the journey.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try breath work. If you are unsure of where to start, try square breathing or the 4,7,8 method, more information linked below.

    Square Breathing 101: https://blog.zencare.co/square-breathing/

    4,7,8 Breathing 101: https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-to-know-4-7-8-breathing

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Victory is right around the corner. | 03/13/25
    Mar 13 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the fourth Pillar of Coherence, Philosophy which manifests as Values.

    We pulled Temperance in Reverse, the 4 of Cups in Reverse, and the 4 of Wands, which called us to reflect on if we really internalized our Tuesday message, and to focus on the gifts this work is bringing us, because soon we will find victory alongside our highest self and inner child.

    Our mantra today is, “I accept the challenges and the gifts.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try reflecting on whatever you chose to do on Tuesday and internalize what that means for your current point in this journey.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • It's no longer serving you. Let it go. | 03/12/25
    Mar 12 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the third Pillar of Coherence, Other which manifests as Community.

    We pulled the 6 of Cups in Reverse, which called us to let go of what is no longer serving us, whether this be a past relationship, an old aspect of self, or a behavior.

    Our mantra today is, “I release what no longer serves me.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try the “Red Balloon” Visualization.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Build a monument to your self love. | 03/11/25
    Mar 11 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the second Pillar of Coherence, Source which manifests as Spirituality.

    We pulled Temperance in reverse, which encouraged us to be mindful and intentional as we rebuild after this moment of growth.

    Our mantra today is, “I make room for all aspects of who I am.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try doing something to tend to your heart.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • You are stronger than your mind. | 03/10/25
    Mar 10 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the first Pillar of Coherence, Self which manifests as Wellbeing.

    We pulled the Queen of Swords in Reverse which called us to reflect on how our thoughts may be overruling our internal world and to call that back into balance.

    Our mantra today is, “I am not my mind.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try expending some energy to get back into your body.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • If you're passion is bubbling over, this podcast is for you. | 03/08/25
    Mar 8 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the sixth Pillar of Coherence, Purpose which manifests as Creativity.

    We pulled the Knight of Wands in Reverse and The Lovers, which furthered our message of patience and partnering with Source and our Highest Selves as we continue pursuing the creative dream.

    Our mantra today is, “I trust my divine partnership.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try expending energy in the direction of your project, and meditate on what this means.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Source sees the injustice al around us. | 03/07/25
    Mar 7 2025

    Thank you so much for being a part of Our Daily Ritual!

    Today, our theme was the fifth Pillar of Coherence, Space which manifests as Justice.

    We pulled The Hierophant in reverse, as well as the 5 of Cups in Reverse and the 7 of Swords. This is one of the most “present reality” based readings we’ve received on Our Daily Ritual so far. Through this message, Source communicated that we are not alone in our struggle of Justice, and that it is time to move forward with action.

    Our mantra today is, “I go hard in the paint for justice.”

    If you want to implement this into your day, try any practice of justice that you feel called to, no matter how big or how small.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



    Follow The Cohere Collective:





    For more information, head to www.thecoherecollective.com

    Más Menos
    15 m