
  • Sleep Paralysis - alien abduction, succubus, or something mundane?
    Jun 9 2024

    Support the show if you enjoy it by heading here to Buy Me A Coffee/Beer and I'll give you a shoutout on the next episode! –


    Today I wanted to cover a topic that’s affected, well, countless people, probably since we evolved from apes, and maybe even before that – sleep paralysis. Could it explain things like alien abductions, ghost sightings and other paranormal events? Could it explain my own meeting with the Greys?! Let's dive in with an expert who's had 3 decades experience with the topic - ME!

    Sources/useful links

    Buy Me A Coffee/Beer! –


    Email me your stories at steven@stevenamckay.com

    Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/MysteriousEventsPodcast/

    Rock, Paper, Swords podcast –


    My historical novels –


    Knight of the Cross


    NHS website on SP


    Sleep Foundation website




    Más Menos
    33 m
  • The Jesus Mysteries - was He originally a pagan god?!
    May 19 2024

    Today, I wanted to go back in time roughly 2000 years, to the birth of Jesus, or, at least, the birth of Christianity, and discuss a book that will be controversial for some but hopefully interesting to most of you. The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God?

    Is the book true? Has it been debunked? Was Jesus a real man? Find out the answers to (some) of those questions here!

    If you enjoy the podcast and fancy helping me out with my running costs you can buy me a beer at the link below! Every donation is hugely appreciated and I'll give you a shoutout on the next show.

    Buy Me A Beer! –


    Sources/useful links

    Rock, Paper, Swords podcast –


    My historical novels – https://viewauthor.at/sa-mckay

    The Jesus Mysteries Wiki page

    The Jesus Mysteries Goodreads

    Clement of Rome



    Osiris crucifixion amulet FAKE?


    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Haunted Dumbarton Castle and Overtoun's sinister bridge!
    Apr 27 2024

    Today I'm going to dive into some creepy stories that are local to me. I've lived and worked in and around Dumbarton all my life so it seemed ideal to discuss a few of the legends attached to the place. Starting at Dumbarton Castle, where I used to be a steward, then moving along to Overtoun's notorious "dog suicide bridge" we'll find out about the supposed hauntings and mysterious, creepy events that have occurred here throughout the ages.

    I'll also mention some other, less well known tales, including a UFO sighting, a poltergeist report, and a story that was recounted to me by the witness himself - a no-nonsense security guard who was frightened out of his wits during a bizarre encounter with an unknown entity!Join me for this fascinating dive into Dumbarton's ghostly history.If you're enjoying the show, and want to help out with the running costs, you can Buy Me A Coffee at the link below. Every donation is hugely appreciated. Thank you! Buy Me A Coffee –https://www.buymeacoffee.com/stormwatch

    Sources/Useful Links

    See more pics and follow us on Facebook and X –https://www.facebook.com/MysteriousEventsPodcasthttps://twitter.com/MysteriousEvPod

    My historical novel THE DRUID, set in early-medieval Dumbarton - https://getbook.at/TheDruid

    Rock, Paper, Swords podcast –https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/rockpaperswords

    Dead Mountain by Donny Eichar –https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dead-Mountain-Untold-Dyatlov-Incident/dp/1452140030

    Vic Tandy’s “haunted” laboratory – https://higgs.ph.ed.ac.uk/outreach/higgshalloween-2021/haunted-frequency

    Denny Tank/Maritime Museum –https://www.scottishmaritimemuseum.org/who-we-are/

    Dillichip football parks location

    Paranormal Database

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Haunted Boleskine House, home of Aleister Crowley and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin...
    Apr 13 2024

    Today I thought we’d take a look at one of Scotland’s most mysterious locations – Boleskine House, a place which was once home to the 20th century’s most infamous occultist, Aleister Crowley and later Jimmy Page of rock titans Led Zeppelin. There’s been a lot written about Boleskine over the years with hauntings and strange tales said to be attached to the house so, let’s take a closer look and see if any of these legends stand up to scrutiny!

    If you enjoy the show and would like to support us with the running costs, you can Buy Me A Coffee at the link - any amount is hugely appreciated! Thank you.


    Sources/useful links

    Do What Thou Wilt by Lawrence Sutin - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/420963

    Perdurabo by Richard Kaczynski - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7313989-perdurabo-revised-and-expanded-edition

    Boleskine House Foundation Facebook page –


    Interview with Jimmy Page about Boleskine


    Rock, Paper, Swords podcast –


    My historical novels -


    Más Menos
    21 m
  • The Mystery of Cindy James - "Death by unknown event"
    Mar 31 2024

    Thank you for joining me today for this first ever episode. Since it IS the first episode I know it has to be a good one or people won’t tune in for more, so, with that in mind I decided to kick things off with a true crime case that’s intrigued me for a few years now and that is – the mysterious death of Cindy James. I’m not going to go into all the tiny details of the case, that’s not what this podcast is about, I really just want to take a look at some of the more bizarre elements leading up to her disappearance, and the questions that the authorities were left with when she was eventually found.

    If you enjoy the show and would like to support us with the running costs, you can Buy Me A Coffee at the link - any amount is hugely appreciated! Thank you.


    Sources/useful links





    My historical novella based on this case -


    Más Menos
    29 m
    Mar 23 2024

    On Mysterious Events we’ll be taking a look at some of the less well-known unsolved mysteries of the world. Hauntings, strange disappearances, unexplained deaths, alien abductions, eldritch places, weird phenomena, true crime, and lots more topics that might be described as ”Fortean”!

    Steven A. McKay is an author with a lifelong interest in mysterious events - join him on each episode to delve into the dark places of the world and beyond...

    I think I say in this trailer that I'll be aiming to publish episodes every 2 weeks or so but I've since realised it takes a lot more work than expected so...! Maybe every 2,3, or 4 weeks ;-)


    Más Menos
    5 m