
  • 5 Marriage Lessons From Our Favorite Christmas Movies
    Dec 22 2021

    Can watching Christmas movies help you build a legendary marriage? The answer is YES, and we’re going to show you how 5 couples get it right, as we explore 5 lessons about love and marriage straight out of some of the best Christmas movies ever!

    And now the “Talk about it” segment of the show…

    Each week we give you a conversation starter and a challenge to go find some time to talk with your spouse and build more intimacy & connection by having a conversation that matters..

    Here’s this week’s conversation starter:

    Which holiday movie couple are you and your partner most like?

    You're not alone, don't stand alone, come join the Legendary Marriage Support Group on Facebook.

    This is a community where you can bring your questions, offer your experiences and be a supportive, encouraging voice in the lives of other couples.

    Check out the Legendary Marriage Store!

    We’ve got some awesome, affordable products available including super comfy t-shirts, ultra-cozy hoodies, and coffee mugs that can hold dangerous amounts of your favorite caffeinated beverages!

    Through December 17th, we have our 2021 Christmas special edition products on sale! Spread some holiday cheer with one of our “All I want for Christmas is a Legendary Marriage” t-shirts, or...

    Grab a gift for your spouse or partner, friends, and family.

    Get the latest updates by email...

    Be the first to know when we release new episodes, and get weekly insights, ideas, and opportunities to help you build a legendary marriage, join our newsletter at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS We never share your info, and you can unsubscribe any time! Just hit up our website, and sign up today at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS

    Support the Legendary Marriage Podcast

    If you would like to support The Legendary Marriage Podcast, consider joining our Patreon community over at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/PATREON. You can become a patron and part of our mission to inspire and challenge couples to build legendary marriages by signing up for the $5, $10, or the $20 level, and get some great perks like shout outs on the show, access to our resource library, invitations to live events, and some sweet swag! That’s legendarymarriage.com/patreon

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • REMIX: How Glen and Debbie Kirkpatrick Overcame Cancer
    Dec 13 2021

    Every marriage goes through tough times, and crisis, but imagine being diagnosed with a life threatening illness… not once, or twice, but 3 times.

    In this episode, our guests, Glen and Debbie Kirkpatrick share their story of overcoming cancer together, and a few #goldnuggets about building a life, a love and a legacy along the way.


    And now the “Talk about it” segment of the show…

    Each week we give you a conversation starter and a challenge to go find some time to talk with your spouse and build more intimacy & connection by having a conversation that matters..

    Here’s this week’s conversation starter:

    If you look back at some of the most challenging times in your life together, what blessings can you find?

    You're not alone, don't stand alone, come join the Legendary Marriage Support Group on Facebook.

    This is a community where you can bring your questions, offer your experiences and be a supportive, encouraging voice in the lives of other couples.

    Check out the Legendary Marriage Store!

    We’ve got some awesome, affordable products available including super comfy t-shirts, ultra-cozy hoodies, and coffee mugs that can hold dangerous amounts of your favorite caffeinated beverages!

    Through December 17th, we have our 2021 Christmas special edition products on sale! Spread some holiday cheer with one of our “All I want for Christmas is a Legendary Marriage” t-shirts, or...

    Grab a gift for your spouse or partner, friends, and family.

    Get the latest updates by email...

    Be the first to know when we release new episodes, and get weekly insights, ideas, and opportunities to help you build a legendary marriage, join our newsletter at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS We never share your info, and you can unsubscribe any time! Just hit up our website, and sign up today at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS

    Support the Legendary Marriage Podcast

    If you would like to support The Legendary Marriage Podcast, consider joining our Patreon community over at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/PATREON. You can become a patron and part of our mission to inspire and challenge couples to build legendary marriages by signing up for the $5, $10, or the $20 level, and get some great perks like shout outs on the show, access to our resource library, invitations to live events, and some sweet swag! That’s legendarymarriage.com/patreon

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • How Selina Ringel & Dan Levy Dagerman Made A Movie During A Pandemic
    Nov 29 2021

    Our guests Selina Ringel & Dan Levy Dagerman are here to share the story of how they made a FREAKING MOVIE together during the pandemic and sold it to HBOMAX, despite MASSIVE challenges, and more than a few curveballs along the way.

    This is a story about teamwork, and how this couple finds ways to use their differences to become an unstoppable team!

    Selina & Dan's movie, "Single Mother By Choice" is the story of an overachieving Latinx woman determined to have a baby on her own terms. When COVID hits, everything starts changing.

    And now the “Talk about it” segment of the show…

    Each week we give you a conversation starter and a challenge to go find some time to talk with your spouse and build more intimacy & connection by having a conversation that matters..

    Here’s this week’s conversation starter:

    What strengths does your spouse bring to your team?

    Check out the Legendary Marriage Store!

    We’ve got some awesome, affordable products available including super comfy t-shirts, ultra-cozy hoodies, and coffee mugs that can hold dangerous amounts of your favorite caffeinated beverages!

    Through December 17th, we have our 2021 Christmas special edition products on sale! Spread some holiday cheer with one of our “All I want for Christmas is a Legendary Marriage” t-shirts, or...

    Grab a gift for your spouse or partner, friends, and family.

    Get the latest updates by email...

    Be the first to know when we release new episodes, and get weekly insights, ideas, and opportunities to help you build a legendary marriage, join our newsletter at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS We never share your info, and you can unsubscribe any time! Just hit up our website, and sign up today at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS

    Support the Legendary Marriage Podcast

    If you would like to support The Legendary Marriage Podcast, consider joining our Patreon community over at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/PATREON. You can become a patron and part of our mission to inspire and challenge couples to build legendary marriages by signing up for the $5, $10, or the $20 level, and get some great perks like shout outs on the show, access to our resource library, invitations to live events, and some sweet swag! That’s legendarymarriage.com/patreon

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • We're Baaaaack! [Welcome to Season 5]
    Nov 29 2021

    Welcome to season 5! Today we’re going to give you a peek into our lives, let you in on where we’ve been, & what we’ve been up to, (you might have noticed we’ve been on a production break) and well give you a glimpse into what’s coming in this new season of The Legendary Marriage Podcast.

    And now the “Talk about it” segment of the show…

    Each week we give you a conversation starter and a challenge to go find some time to talk with your spouse and build more intimacy & connection by having a conversation that matters..

    Here’s this week’s conversation starter:

    Where do we need to pull back, and re-focus in order to bring the best to each other, and take care of our marriage and family first?

    Check out the Legendary Marriage Store!

    We’ve got some awesome, affordable products available including super comfy t-shirts, ultra cozy hoodies, and coffee mugs that can hold dangerous amounts of your favorite caffeinated beverages!

    Through December 17th, we have our 2021 Christmas special edition products on sale! Spread some holiday cheer with one of our “All I want for Christmas is a Legendary Marriage” t-shirts, or...

    Grab a gift for your spouse or partner, friends, and family.

    Get the latest updates by email...

    Be the first to know when we release new episodes, and get weekly insights, ideas, and opportunities to help you build a legendary marriage, join our newsletter at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS We never share your info, and you can unsubscribe any time! Just hit up our website, and sign up today at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/NEWS

    Support the Legendary Marriage Podcast

    If you would like to support The Legendary Marriage Podcast, consider joining our Patreon community over at LEGENDARYMARRIAGE.COM/PATREON. You can become a patron and part of our mission to inspire and challenge couples to build legendary marriages by signing up for the $5, $10, or the $20 level, and get some great perks like shout outs on the show, access to our resource library, invitations to live events, and some sweet swag! That’s legendarymarriage.com/patreon

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • What To Expect From This Podcast
    Nov 27 2021

    Welcome to The Legendary Marriage Podcast! This is the Marriage & Relationships podcast that inspires and challenges busy couples like you to stop settling for an ordinary marriage, and make yours legendary!

    We are Danielle and Justin Williams, and we are 2 very different people who have been married for 20 years.

    Our marriage has gone through all kinds of trials & challenges, including a 9-year long infertility battle, mental health struggles, a financial crisis, a pandemic, and a whole lot of drama that almost ended us back in 2005.

    We made it through that, (and a million other things), and we vowed to find a way over, around, or through every obstacle, issue and opportunity, to build a life, a love, and a legacy together.

    Over the last 10+ years, we’ve been helping thousands of other couples do the same, through our coaching, speaking, teaching and this podcast.

    We started The Legendary Marriage Podcast back in 2016 because we wanted to share what we have learned along the way, and how we’re still learning and growing every day, because marriage isn’t a thing you “fix” or “solve.” It’s not an event, or a destination, it’s an adventure!

    New episodes release on Mondays, featuring interviews with amazing couples, and incredible experts, authors and influencers sharing their stories, ideas, insights, and wisdom about what it really takes to build a legendary marriage full of intimacy & connection, fun & Adventure, passion & purpose.

    Each episode is aimed to tackle the issues and topics that matter to you, like sex, money, parenting, conflict, communication, and more, AND - includes actionable take-aways to help you ignite intimacy & connection in your marriage today!

    With more 200 Episodes to choose from, we suggest starting with

    EPISODE 073: Understanding your spouse’s Needs, with Terri Snead, OR EPISODE: 063: Discover your erotic blueprint, with Suzan Acker. These are the episodes that other listeners have found most helpful this year.

    Of course, you can listen and subscribe to The Legendary Marriage Podcast anywhere podcasts can be found, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Amazon, and more. Or at legendarymarriage.com/listen.

    You can also find & Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: we are @LegendaryMarriages, and we love hearing from you!

    It’s time to put the passion and fun, and adventure back in your marriage.

    It’s time for the legendary marriage podcast!

    Don’t settle for an ordinary marriage… make yours LEGENDARY!

    Más Menos
    3 m
  • Episode 211: 7 Steps To A Great Valentine's Date
    Feb 9 2021
    In this episode...

    Valentine’s Day can be a blast- or a nightmare of pressure, stress, and unmet expectations. Planning a fantastic date night is always a challenge - and when you throw a pandemic in on top of all that… YIKES. Never fear - we’re going to give you the step by step on planning a legendary Valentine’s Date.

    Conversation Starters…
    • Plan it TOGETHER - it’s more fun, you’ll both end up getting more of what you want, fewer disappointments, unmet expectations.
    • Tell the kids why it’s important for mom & dad to have date night, and you can even invite them to help in the planning - setting the table, making cards, etc.
    • Flirt all day: Set a timer on your phone for every 60 minutes. When it goes off, text your spouse a quick love note.

    “I'm the queen of having an expectation in my head, and then being disappointed when I don't tell you about it.” - Danielle Williams

    Talk About It...

    Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question:

    What can WE do to make Valentine’s Date Night fun, romantic, and sexy this year?

    Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook

    Learn More...

    Every couple wants to have a great marriage, but most couples wind up in the Roommate Zone. We help couples break out of the Roommate Zone, so they can build a life, a love and a legacy together. Find out more at: LegendaryMarriage.com



    Next Steps...
    • Subscribe to the Legendary Marriage Podcast
    • Leave a review on Apple Podcasts
    • Join the Roommates to Soulmates Challenge
    • 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages FREE Report
    • Daily Check In Tool
    Episode Brought to you by...

    Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Roommates to Soulmates 5 Day Marriage Challenge at soulmateschallenge.com. It’s fun, transformational, and you’ll find a tribe of people just like you, who are deeply committed to building a legendary marriage.


    #couplegoals #marriageissues #MarriageCounseling #CouplesTherapy #Love #MarriageTips #Relationships #passion #parenting

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Episode 210: 2021 Valentine's Gifting Guide
    Feb 9 2021
    In this episode...

    So, you want to get something for your Valentine, but you’re sick of the same old stuff? Forget drug store chocolates, and a pop-out cards- it’s time to level up, and we’re going to help you! We are breaking down some legendary gifts to bring some fun, romance and spice to your marriage this valentine’s day!

    Conversation Starters…
    • It's too easy to be “too tired” “too busy” to make Valentine's Day great.
    • Valentine's day can be a catalyst for intimacy & connection.
    • Don’t let apathy, embarrassment or insecurity rob you of a fun, romantic, sexy v-day

    “We all need Valentine's Day this year.” - Justin Williams

    Talk About It...

    Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question:

    What can we get each other for Valentine’s Day, that will create momentum for fun, romance and connection every day?

    Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook

    Learn More...

    Every couple wants to have a great marriage, but most couples wind up in the Roommate Zone. We help couples break out of the Roommate Zone, so they can build a life, a love and a legacy together. Find out more at: LegendaryMarriage.com



    Next Steps...
    • Subscribe to the Legendary Marriage Podcast
    • Leave a review on Apple Podcasts
    • Join the Roommates to Soulmates Challenge
    • 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages FREE Report
    • Daily Check In Tool
    Episode Brought to you by...

    Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Roommates to Soulmates 5 Day Marriage Challenge at soulmateschallenge.com. It’s fun, transformational, and you’ll find a tribe of people just like you, who are deeply committed to building a legendary marriage.


    #couplegoals #marriageissues #MarriageCounseling #CouplesTherapy #Love #MarriageTips #Relationships #passion #parenting

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Episode 209: When It's Not About Your Spouse
    Jan 13 2021
    In this episode...

    Sometimes your spouse becomes the Moby Dick of your story - the source and reason for all your problems, frustrations and irritations. The trouble is- it’s usually not really about them at all - it’s about you. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but stick with us today.

    Conversation Starters…
    • The version of your spouse that lives in your head is not real.
    • The problem is usually NOT your marriage, or your spouse, it's you.
    • Stop projecting, start reflecting.
    Talk About It...

    Each week we challenge you to set a time with your spouse to have a conversation that matters. Here’s your conversation starter question:

    What have you been projecting at your spouse?

    Continue the Conversation In our Legendary Marriage Community on Facebook

    Learn More...

    Every couple wants to have a great marriage, but most couples wind up in the Roommate Zone. We help couples break out of the Roommate Zone, so they can build a life, a love and a legacy together. Find out more at: LegendaryMarriage.com



    Next Steps...
    • Subscribe to the Legendary Marriage Podcast
    • Leave a review on Apple Podcasts
    • Join the Roommates to Soulmates Challenge
    • 7 Secrets of Legendary Marriages FREE Report
    • Daily Check In Tool
    Episode Brought to you by...

    Don’t forget to sign up for the FREE Roommates to Soulmates 5 Day Marriage Challenge at soulmateschallenge.com. It’s fun, transformational, and you’ll find a tribe of people just like you, who are deeply committed to building a legendary marriage.


    #couplegoals #marriageissues #MarriageCounseling #CouplesTherapy #Love #MarriageTips #Relationships #passion #parenting

    Más Menos
    35 m