• REPLAY | The First Step To Getting Out Of Secrecy - Find And Create Safe Spaces
    Nov 5 2024

    Sister, this episode has the MOST downloads of all time, so I know that it resonates with many of you!

    Are you stuck in an affair and wondering how to get out? Who can I talk to, and where can I go where I won’t be judged or feel shame? Let me reassure you now- not everyone gets access to your heart and story!

    Today I dive into the very FIRST step of finding freedom, and that is finding and creating safe spaces in your life. These could be by yourself, but I also give a few ideas about safe people and safe physical places. Until you feel safe, you’ll stay stuck and unable to move forward towards freedom.

    Remember: you are not alone!

    I pray you experience the love of Christ!



    Next steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect: www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6

    Join our safe and growing community- www.facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • 66 | Lessons a Fitness Coach Taught Me About My Healing Journey
    Oct 29 2024

    I have ONE 1:1 coaching spot available- Let's connect! (www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Friend, if you follow my Instagram stories (@kristinajoycoaching) then you know I've begun working with a fitness coach. I've worked with personal trainers before, but in this season of life, it's hitting differently.

    Having walked through several years of a healing journey, I found so many similarities between the personal growth of my heart + soul and the growth of my physical health.

    So today, let me be a tour guide that tells you what's ahead. I pray you're encouraged and motivated to take YOUR next right step. I'm cheering for you!

    Always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect: www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6

    Join our safe and growing community- www.facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 65 | I Wish My Friends Knew These 8 Things About Life With An Affair
    Oct 22 2024

    I have ONE 1:1 coaching spot available- Let's connect! (www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Sister, today's episode is unique because I want you to think about sharing it with a friend. Is there something you wish your friend knew about your marriage or affair? Or is there something you want them to understand now that it's in your past? These are my top 8 things I wished my friends knew before, during, and after my infidelity. I pray they help you begin a conversation and reconcile a relationship.

    SHAME wants to keep you hiding. I'm here to help you expose what's in the dark so you can begin to walk in Truth and freedom.

    Always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect: www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6

    Join our safe and growing community- www.facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 64 | 5 Lies I Believed During And After My Affair
    Oct 15 2024

    I have TWO 1:1 coaching spots available- Let's connect! (www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Friend, I'm getting honest here and sharing a few of the lies I believed during and after my affair. In my healing journey, I've learned to 1) become aware of my thoughts and 2) repent of the lies I come into agreement with.

    SHAME wants to keep you hiding. I'm here to help you expose what's in the dark so you can begin to walk in Truth and freedom.

    Always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect (www.forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Join our safe and growing community- www.facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 63 | What Stories Are You Telling Yourself? You're Creating Your Feelings
    Oct 8 2024

    I still have TWO coach-in-your-back-pocket spots in October! Let's connect! (https://forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Have you ever stopped to consider the thoughts and stories you let race through your brain all day? Can you answer the question, What are you thinking about your marriage? Or the affair? Or yourself?

    I want to challenge you to consider that your thoughts about a situation are not Truth. But you CAN pause and consider- are these thoughts serving me well? Are they Truth? Or should I gain some clarification and more insight?

    Your thoughts shape your life. It's time you start listening to them.

    And always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect (It's FREE!) (https://forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Join our safe and growing community- http://facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 62 | Stop Lying To Yourself: Honesty Is Kindness
    Oct 1 2024

    I'm opening up THREE coach-in-your-back-pocket spots in October! Let's connect! (https://forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    One of the greatest pieces of advice I've been given on my journey is: Honesty is kindness. It took me a while to grow into that, but when I did, it radically changed things for me.

    It all starts with honesty. Yes, speaking truth instead of lies, but also speaking UP instead of hiding in fear and shame.

    Who do you need to be more honest with right now?

    And always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect (It's FREE!) (https://forms.gle/fpuCrJMTfHH33PoL6)

    Join our safe and growing community- http://facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 61 | My Top 3 Favorite Bible Verses After My Affair
    Sep 24 2024

    ONE spot left to begin coaching in September! Let's connect HERE!

    One of the biggest lessons I learned after confessing my affair and beginning my healing journey was that God wasn't interested in an agenda. He was not in a hurry for me to heal. He was after my heart, and He wanted me to slow down enough to hear Him.

    So what did I do while 3 kids were in school and the baby was napping? I sat at my kitchen table and opened my Bible. I didn't have a plan to follow. I just listened for what He had been highlighting to me, and I looked for it in His Word.

    And He spoke to me in His Word. And sister- He wants to speak to you too. Let's dig in!

    Always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect (It's FREE!)

    Join our safe and growing community- http://facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • 60 | I Really Miss My Affair Partner. What Should I Do About That?
    Sep 17 2024

    ONE spot left for coaching in September! Let's connect HERE!

    One thing I hear often is some rendition of "I really miss my affair partner, and what can I do about it?"

    First I'm here to tell you- it's a completely normal response. And the good news is, you don't have to stay stuck in that feeling! Let's chat today about how your feelings stem from your thoughts, and your thoughts come from an identity issue.

    Always remember: You are not alone!



    Next Steps:

    Interested in coaching? Let's Connect (It's FREE!)

    Join our safe and growing community- http://facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity

    Email me directly- kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

    Más Menos
    16 m