Titus 3:5 He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
In his book "The Renewed Mind," Larry Christenson tells the story of a young man named Sinner who once received a beautiful, bright-red convertible from his Father. He named it Salvation—sparkling, new, clean, modern, powerful. It delighted the young man greatly, especially because it was a gift. He could never have afforded it.
The boy was so delighted that he changed his name from Sinner to Saved. He polished his car every week, took pictures of it, and sent them to friends. He looked the car over—front, back, under, top, bottom, and inside out. He never tired of telling others about the gift. "My Father gave it to me. It was free!"
Some days later, Saved was on the highway, pushing Salvation. An individual named Helper walked up, introduced himself, and asked if he could assist. "Oh, no thanks. Just out enjoying my new car," as he wiped the sweat off his face. "Just had a little trouble because my bumper kept cutting my hands, especially on these hills. But then a nice man helped me. He showed me how to mount little rubber cushions right here, underneath the bumper, and now I can push this thing for hours without a blister. Also, I've been trying something new lately. They use it over in England. You lift your back against the car, and it works like a charm, especially on muddy roads."
Helper asked, "Have you pushed the car very far?" "Well, about 200 miles altogether. It's been hard, but since it was a gift from my Father, that's the least I can do in return to thank him." Helper opened the door on the passenger side and said, "Get in." After hesitation, Saved decided it was worth a try, and he slid in the seat and rested for the first time since he'd been given the car. Helper walked to the driver's side, opened the door, slid behind the wheel, and started the car.
"What's all that noise?" Saved said.
Moments later, they were moving down the highway quietly, at fifty or sixty miles an hour. Saved was taken aback. It all seemed to fall into place, and it was even exciting. He knew he needed this Salvation Car to be admitted through the gate at the end of the highway, but somehow, he felt that getting there was his responsibility.
It is easy to hear that story and criticize Saved and his ignorance. How many of us, even though we know we are saved by God's grace, still feel we have to earn our salvation? How many of us do not realize that our efforts sometimes keep us from fully experiencing the power of the gift?
It took me a long time to realize that trying to earn God's approval cheapens the gift. I'm still working on letting the Holy Spirit show me the fullness and power of the gift. I was brought up to work hard and earn my way in life, and I couldn't understand or fully accept a life-changing gift that cost me absolutely nothing. I'm still working on it every day.
Working for God and serving His people is never wrong, but - our work in God's name should be motivated by a profound sense of gratitude, not obligation. Although God's gift of salvation cost Him greatly, He offers it to us freely and without expectation of payment. Our obligation to God is to live the life he gave us to the fullest and show everyone what a life purchased by Christ looks like.
Father, thank you for the gift of life with you. Forgive me when I cheapen it by trying to pay you back. Forgive me when I don't let your Holy Spirit guide me to the life you purchased for me. Please make me constantly aware that you want me to show the life you give to those you love. Amen.
This devotional was written and read by Cliff McCartney.
Grace for All is a daily devotional podcast produced by the members