
  • S03.5 Episode 3: the picture perfect garden
    Feb 13 2025

    Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S03.5 E03 show notes

    A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

    These notes may contain affiliate links.

    Garden soundtrack

    Winter conditions in the garden.

    01:17 A weed for every situation

    02:18 from Jack Wallington’s Wild About Weeds, read by Andy Wain

    04:15 When to start sowing seeds – a flurry of mild debate

    05:28 What instinctively feels right for us in the garden?

    06:09 How do you want your garden to look and feel? The third instalment of my series on easing into harmony with your garden.

    Q1. How do you want to feel when you’re in your garden?

    Q2. ...and what’s getting in the way of this right now?

    Q3. What do you like about you garden?

    Q4. What do you dislike about your garden?

    Q5. What aspects of gardens and gardening do you find visually appealing?

    Q6. ...and how do you think you might incorporate these into your garden?

    Q7. What stories do you want your garden to tell?


    Thank you to Andy Wain for his spirited reading from Jack’s book, Wild About Weeds, published by Lawrence King in 2019.

    My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here

    I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.

    substack: Bramble & Briar
    website: www.andrewtimothyobrien.com
    email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com
    instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB

    Más Menos
    18 m
  • S03.5 Episode 2: What we want from our gardens
    Nov 6 2024
    Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S03.5 E02 show notes

    A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

    These notes may contain affiliate links.

    Autumn is settling in and, if we’re honest, we start to spend less time actively gardening. More time for the soil to grow what it really wants, more time for us to start dreaming next year’s garden into being. In this episode, we hear how weeds have evolved to depend upon us making room for them to exploit, with another reading form Jack Wallington’s Wild About Weeds. And I bring you the second instalment of my series on easing into harmony with your garden.

    Garden soundtrack

    00:40 How we could use our gardens more all year round

    02:00 Essential kit for experiencing a soggy garden

    03:20 Assessing the garden in autumn, and making a habit of showing up

    04:20 What the weeds are getting up to, and how humans and weeds go hand in hand


    05:55 from Jack Wallington's Wild About Weeds, read by Rose White

    08:29 Purpose and intention in the garden – weedy, or not so weedy? It's up to you!

    09:23 What do you want from your garden? The second instalment of my series on easing into harmony with your garden.

    18:48 A special quality to gardening at this time of year – read more on Bramble & Briar, my publication on Substack (you can listen there, too)

    On lazy clouds, and the softness of November, Andrew O'Brien, on Bramble & Briar


    Thank you to Rose White for reading so beautifully from Jack's book, Wild About Weeds, published by Lawrence King in 2019.

    (You can order Rose’s own book of her poetry, Songbird, here. 10% of all proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to the charity BEAT Eating Disorders).

    My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here

    I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.

    website: gardensweedsandwords.com
    email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com
    Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB
    Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • S03.5 Episode 1: Wild About Weeds
    Aug 30 2024
    Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S03.5 E01 show notes

    A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

    These notes may contain affiliate links.

    Garden soundtrack

    Shamelessly pinching the title from Jack Wallington’s fabulous 2019 book for this episode – which is only fair, as it’s the jumping off point for this whole mini season. We’re looking at how we can understand our gardens – even enter into a state of harmony with this space around our homes – but I don’t think we can even begin without getting to grips with the whole subject of weeds, what they’re trying to tell us about our soil, and how we can learn from them. We salute summer as it reaches its peak and, just as quickly, begins to pass the baton on to the next season, and enjoy a reading from the introduction to Jack’s book.

    05:14 What I love about the garden in summer

    10:59 A reading from the introduction to Wild About Weeds, by Jack Wallington

    15:20 The first in my series of readings on understanding your garden


    Thank you to Milli Proust for reading so beautifully from Jack's book, Wild About Weeds, published by Lawrence King in 2019.

    (Milli's own book, the wonderful From Seed to Bloom (Quadrille, 2022) is available here).

    My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here

    I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.

    website: gardensweedsandwords.com
    email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com
    Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB
    Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • S03.5 Episode 00: Trailer
    Aug 13 2024

    This is a little bit of a teaser. Series 4 of the Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast is starting to come together, but you know how long it takes for things to assemble inside my head. And, from there, to make the journey through all the twigs, and moss, and soil and stuff, into the editing software and out into the real world in a state I can share it with you. So I thought, while I’m working away on that, I’d put a little something out in the meantime. So here comes season three and a half, a short series on the subject of weeds, what they’re trying to tell us, and how they can lead us to a beter understanding of our gardens. Listen to the trailer for an idea of what’s in store...

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • S03 Episode 10: Rosemary for remembrance. With Maya Thomas
    Feb 8 2024
    Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S03E10 show notes

    A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

    These notes may contain affiliate links. 

    Garden soundtrack

    February; the natural world waking up; the bossiness of raised beds

    2:00 Reading from I was right all along, on my Substack, Bramble & Briar

    3:41 the resilience of the purple sage


    4:45 Interview with Maya Thomas

    Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Diploma in Herbology

    Ballymaloe Cookery School at Ballymaloe House in Cork, Ireland

    Elisabeth Luard, author, journalist and broadcaster

    Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka, where Maya’s great uncle used to work

    Rewilding the Kitchen, Toast 2021, Maya Thomas

    Returning to the Urban Wilderness, Toast 2021, Maya Thomas

    Grow Easy: Organic crops for pots and small plots, Anna Greeland, Mitchell Beazley 2021


    57:01 To Stand and Stare turns one year old


    Thank you to Maya Thomas for joining me on this episode of the Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast.

    You can find Maya on Instagram, and also on the web at The Modern Herbal

    My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here

    I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees. 

    website: gardensweedsandwords.com
    email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com
    Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB
    Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB 


    Más Menos
    1 h
  • S03 Episode 09: Gardens for Good Causes. With Hattie Ghaui
    Oct 10 2023
    Gardens for Good Causes, with Hattie Ghaui   A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.   These notes may contain affiliate links.      Garden soundtrack   The glory of October   3:25 Reading from Kew Gardens, by Virginia Woolf. Written in 1919, available in hardback from Kew Publications, 2018 Read by Milli Proust   8:19 Interview with Hattie Ghaui   9:00 A summary of Project Giving Back’s work...  10:56 … and how Hattie became involved  11:25 How PGB is funded 12:13 The original goal 12:30 Me, failing to get Hattie to preempt the announcement (made in late September) about the extension of the original remit 14:35 Hattie, repping the business world on Gardens, Weeds & Words! 15:00 Hattie’s own childhood memories of plants and gardens 22:20 Hattie’s present garden and gardening style 24:29 An unexpected plug for To Stand and Stare 25:15 Hacking Big Money for charities at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Can philanthropy really help? 31:02 PGB's due diligence process for charities and corporate partners 34:45 What kind of difference can Chelsea make to a charity?           Gardens for good causes, the PGB podcast https://www.givingback.org.uk/podcasts 40:27 The variety of different charities supported 41:36 Sustainability at Chelsea, and the legacy of a PGB show garden 45:23 Keep asking the questions, PGB and the RHS 47:20 A few stand out PGB projects 50:09 The long term impact of the gardens     53:41 Book writing – To Stand and Stare, and what comes next from me     ***   Thank you to Hattie Ghaui for joining me on this episode of the Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast.   You can find Hattie on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/hghaui/ and Project Giving Back here https://www.instagram.com/project.giving.back/ and on the web here https://www.givingback.org.uk/   With thanks once again to Milli Proust for this episode’s reading. Milli’s beautiful instagram is here https://www.instagram.com/milliproust/     My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here https://geni.us/Qs2d       I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.    A year of garden coaching If you'd like to find out more about my my 12 month online garden coaching programme, please visit the website, where you can read more details. There will be a few spaces opening up after Christmas, so do sign up to be the first to hear when you can book. http://www.andrewtimothyobrien.com     website: gardensweedsandwords.com email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB 
    Más Menos
    57 m
  • S03 Episode 8: Designing with flowers. With Hazel Gardiner
    Aug 8 2023
    Designing with flowers. With Hazel Gardiner   A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.   These notes may contain affiliate links.      Garden soundtrack   Over the hump of the year   1:56 Vita Sackville west struggling with summer   Readings from In Your Garden, Vita Sackville West. Oxenwood Press, 1996 Read by Andrew Timothy O'Brien   5:30 Interview with Hazel Gardiner 5:55 Creating in relationship with others – elevating and encouraging. 8:25 Hazel’s career path. Dealing with burnout and serious illness 13:11 Retraining in floristry. Transferable skills. 18:50 Choosing the floristry path, rather than gardening or garden design 21:50 The through-line in a varied career 24:00 Fearless. A parental gift of confidence 27:10 Building a team 29:23 A typical week 30:45 Incorporating artificial flowers 33:15 Hazel’s early gardening memories 40:46 Creating installations that flummox – Hazel’s ideal brief 43:12 A ‘chewy’ style – texture, layer and story 46:15 How people interract with the work 48:00 The place of sustainability, seasonality and a responsive approach 51:28 Natural mechanics 52:22 Hazel’s own garden   56:38 Bramble & Briar, the Substack for the more confessional side of my gardening content. Sign up at https://andrewtimothyobrien.substack.com/   57:28 An extract from my book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, DK Life,  https://geni.us/Qs2d       ***   Thank you to Hazel Gardiner for joining me on this episode of the Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast.   You can find Hazel on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/hazelgardinerdesign/ and on the web here https://www.hazelgardinerdesign.com/studio       My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here https://geni.us/Qs2d       I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.    A year of garden coaching If you'd like to find out more about my my 12 month online garden coaching programme, please visit the website, where you can read more details. There will be a few spaces opening up in September 2023, so do sign up to be the first to hear when you can book. http://www.andrewtimothyobrien.com     website: gardensweedsandwords.com email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB 
    Más Menos
    1 h y 1 m
  • S03 Episode 7: To Stand and Stare. With Andrew Timothy O'Brien
    Feb 16 2023
    A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.   These notes may contain affiliate links.      Garden soundtrack   Cracking ice while walking through the fields – is it too soon to say, or is winter beginning to think about handing over to spring?   A great time for mulching.     Reading from To stand and stare 3:02 Read by Andrew Timothy O'Brien   To stand and stare: how to garden while doing next to nothing, by Andrew Timothy O'Brien. DK Life, 2023. https://geni.us/Qs2d     05:47  Interview with Andrew, by Alice Vincent   06:40 role reversal   07:35 Introducing the book – Andrew   09:14 Introducing the book – Alice   10:00 A book that grants permission   11:12 on the plus side of getting it wrong   11:46 jumping to the book's Acknowledgements   14:00 how the book came to be   17:56 Alice on 'looking'   20:48 Alice on gardening as 'a tiny altering'   21:52 being empowered to garden the way you want to, rather than the way you feel you *should*   22:33 Andrew on the pros and cons of lists   26:08 Pottering   A breath from elsewhere, by Mirabel Osler. Bloomsbury, 1997. https://amzn.to/3Stlvr9   28: 41 How much the soil holds – memories, stories, our selves   33:15 Bill's place in the book   38:15 The 'how to' sections   43:19 The research – the 'science stuff'   46:30 Andrew's recent standing and staring – and Andrew answer to an Alice question       ***   Thank you to Alice Vincent for her table-turning stint in coming to interview me on my own podcast! Keep an eye out for Alice's upcoming book, Why Women Grow: stories of soil, sisterhood and survival, published by Canongate on 2 March 2023. https://amzn.to/3k6yu75   You can find Alice on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/noughticulture/ and the Why Women Grow podcast here https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/why-women-grow/id1659885168       My own book, To Stand and Stare; how to garden by doing next to nothing, is published by DK Life, and is available here https://geni.us/Qs2d       I’m ever appreciative of all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at https://ko-fi.com/andrewtimothyOB. Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees.    A year of garden coaching If you'd like to find out more about my my 12 month online garden coaching programme, please visit the website, where you can read more details. There will be a few spaces opening up in spring 2023, so do sign up to be the first to hear when you can book. http://www.andrewtimothyobrien.com     website: gardensweedsandwords.com email: gardensweedsandwords@gmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/AndrewTimothyOB Twitter: twitter.com/AndrewTimothyOB 
    Más Menos
    52 m