
  • Being Yourself | What a Split Second of Reality Reveals
    Feb 19 2025

    Papaji said, “It takes one twelfth of a second, and then your life is never the same.”

    Our spiritual search often begins with a causeless moment of true revelation that stops us in our tracks. In just a split second, what is whole and permanent is immediately recognized. As the powerful feelings, insights and emotions connected to that sublime moment subside, we often begin our search again hoping for the impossible—to repeat that experience. As this exchange demonstrates, inquiry can show us the way out of that mental maze to discover what doesn’t come and go.

    Learn more about Gangaji, her calendar of events, and other programs at gangaji.org.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • Being Yourself | You Are Indefinable
    Jan 15 2025

    “If you are willing to surrender for a moment any definition of yourself that arises however high or low, you will directly discover what lies underneath.”

    Is there a relationship between our self-definitions and the desire to control? What happens when we set aside our definitions, is it freeing or frightening? In this monologue and exchange, Gangaji encourages us to set aside all definitions in a moment of self-inquiry to discover what is free of all definitions—you.

    Learn more about Gangaji and her monthly online gatherings and free community video screenings.

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Being Yourself | Losing Your Enlightenment
    Dec 19 2024

    “Universal, limitless consciousness has no problem with feeling bad or feeling good.”

    When we experience challenging emotions or exacting mental states we may imagine we are “losing our enlightenment.” A day may start with oceanic feelings of bliss, but in the next moment, fear or rage or sadness appear. Are we really losing our enlightenment? What are we overlooking in our quest for the “good feelings?” In this relatable and lively exchange Gangaji imparts the task Papaji gave to her: Find out what doesn’t come and go.

    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Visit our "Moments" page where we share powerful moments of realization from the global community.

    You can support the programs that send Gangaji's message of peace around the world and behind prison walls. All donations are tax-deductible. Make your donation on the giving page.

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Being Yourself | Return to Who You Already Are
    Nov 19 2024

    “Thought is a beautiful power that arises in Awareness. If that power is worshipped or if it is hated, then it grows into a tyranny. You are Awareness, not the thought of Awareness, but the reality of Awareness.”

    When we identify with the thoughts and feelings arising in our mind and body, we overlook our true face—awareness itself. Habitually following thoughts with more thoughts is the root of unnecessary suffering. In this monologue, Gangaji shares how it is possible to effortlessly discover that who you are in reality, is free and unthought.

    Learn more about Gangaji, her schedule, and programs at gangaji.org

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Being Yourself | Living a True Life, Not Just a Lifestyle
    Oct 18 2024

    “When you’re willing to be still…to stop this forward thrust of accumulation, of a lifestyle, you can give your life, the attention of your life, to discovering what is life.”

    When we begin a search for peace or happiness, we may simply be looking for better circumstances, or wanting to feel less lonely, or hoping to release feelings of guilt or sorrow. As we walk that path we may fall into just another lifestyle or we may discover a much deeper truth—the truth of who we are, consciousness itself. How can we honor that discovery, honor our lives as we live each day? What does it mean to live a true life in the wake of recognizing the truth of who one is?

    Learn more about Gangaji's events and programs at gangaji.org

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Being Yourself Podcast Extra | Look Inward
    Sep 30 2024

    On this Being Yourself Podcast Extra you are invited to "look inward." Take just a few minutes to drop into a brief selection taken from The Sacred Fire of Death: Reflections on the Katha Upanishad. It is the newest installment in the Sacred Text Series with Gangaji and Chris Mohr. Along with their conversation about the Katha Upanishad itself, there are also readings from what is one of the most beloved and sacred texts of India.

    The complete 82-minute audio download of The Sacred Fire of Death: Reflections on the Katha Upanishad is available to purchase at Gangaji's online store.

    Read an interview with Chris Mohr about the Katha project, In the Waiting Room of Death.

    You can also read this short article from Being Yourself host Barbara Denempont, A Taste of the Katha Upanishad.

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    4 m
  • Being Yourself | What Can Death Teach Us About Life?
    Sep 19 2024
    “There is a possibility of meeting the Satguru which is death – the final great teacher of us all. Not as an escape from life, just an opening to what is inevitable, to what is here.”

    Genetically, human beings are designed to survive, to avoid death. The fear of death is natural. But when we are willing to consciously meet death, to investigate its depths and reality, we have a life-changing opportunity to shift our attention from our relative existence to the eternal nature of being. Then, we can live our lives from the ground of being, rather than the fear of death. This is the gift of Ramana’s inquiry into “Who dies?”

    Learn more about Gangaji and her programs at gangaji.org

    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Being Yourself | A Question of Trust
    Aug 21 2024

    “Regardless of those people who depend on you, it is possible for you to be true to who you are. Compassionately, ruthlessly true to who you are. . . true to the open heart.”

    The most common question Gangaji receives at the end of a retreat is, “How can I trust myself to be true to the truth of who I am while living my daily life?” How do we raise children, pay the bills, go to work, or sustain a marriage and be true to who we are? Is it really a question of trust? In this episode, Gangaji speaks to what is actually closer, and more essential than trust.

    Learn more about Gangaji, her schedule of events, and programs at gangaji.org.

    Más Menos
    19 m