
  • 133 UV Rays
    Nov 22 2024

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    You're waiting for a cat to bark. It sounds like you are expecting mangos from a fig tree. Standing around waiting for the world to change or God to do it for you. How can they not see my beliefs? Courage to change the things you can and the real version of the Serenity Prayer. The clutch falls out. The good part is you are now a part of Life. This puts a responsibility on your shoulders. The weeds within the garden. There is an antagonist inside of you. Men suffer in silence. Spirituality is moving through life friction free. Our self-serving way keeps us from the gliding. The empty can on the counter.. Your beliefs are less important than mine. Tanning in shame. Blue light glasses.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 132 Machine Gun Preacher
    Sep 10 2024

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    The rising value in life. Untapped energy. Enjoy yourself living what your life calls for right now. Thank you God for simplicity and lifting the madness. Turning your life over to God. Pain brings us into living from a radical perspective. "A man takes what he wants." If I desire authentically it will be mine. Integrity is our guide. Remember when we were worried about...blank? Everything passes in significance overtime. It is such a worry until it isn't. So why fret? 'The Game of Life and How to Play It" - Florence Scovel Shinn. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Less madness when we follow peaceful directions. I got faith when I followed faith. Who can create a flower? Spiritual superiority.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • 131 Lower Self Facade
    Sep 2 2024

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    Labor Day and the work life. Resistance is found in what I don't want to do. It is ready to say "I don't want to go to work". The narration of the ego is not a part of the job description. We overlook these "I don't want to do this and that" thoughts. However, these are ego thoughts. These thoughts have the power to gather rust on the Soul. Ego thoughts are termites. "I don't want this coffee to end". Do we know what is on the other side of the moment we don't want to step into? Scott's neighbor and patches of grass. Playing the victim. Getting cheated on. Lower self facade.

    One of our listeners, Rachel, sent in a topic!: "Making the world - and your own life/worth - better through practicing principles and giving forgiveness and accountability. Not staying stuck in resentments and blaming others."

    If you'd like to send in a topic, email us at fromthegravepodcast@gmail.com
    You can also send in a voice memo! We will play your recording during the episode and respond to it!

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • 130 OLE MISS
    Aug 28 2024

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    We went to Ole Miss University last week to speak to the football team. It was an awesome experience. This episode is all of that 36hr trip. We talk about the message that was shared with the players. Meeting the lead staff. 6:30am Yoga Sculpt with Coach Kiffin. The power of Ego. Holding onto individuality while on a team. "Are you not entertained?! Is this not why you are here!?" They clapped before you and they will clap after you.

    VLOG HERE https://youtu.be/hpfV2Yxp8CU?si=41pNFidt7T-GkPvv

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • 129 WRONG?
    Jul 10 2024

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    Most people say they want to change. They really just want relief from the way they feel. True change takes work. - Anthony de Mello

    ******* NEW APPAREL ON OUR SITE ******

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • 128 Wallflower Rhythm
    Jun 24 2024

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    We must make an agreement with God. Is He allowed to play with the outcome of your life? Our loyalty is to the development of spiritual character. To try the best we know how to develop ourselves into our Highest Self. God is the effortless carefree approach. We don't struggle and strain. God is a rhythm.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • 127 Darkest Point
    Jun 3 2024

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    The power of lying that robs you of your life force. Entering the forest at the darkest point. Dishonesty is not simply telling a lie. Everyone is full of sh#t. Putting on the cloak to perform. Picking a new character for every area of your life. You can can't build off of falsehood. It is eating your lunch. Whatever you sow, that is what you are going to reap. You can't step into the fullness of you if there are lies raging on inside of you. Do you see the same person in every area of your life? Or are you a shapeshifter? Rising above your lower natures. Doing dumb sh#t. Men learning how to become friends. There is a power that wants to shive you back. It doesn't want you to grow. The more that there is resistance in a thing, that is proof that there is a task for you in that resistance. Life lives on the edge of death.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • 126 Reality Won
    May 26 2024

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    Check out the BLOG!
    Baruch Spinoza on his idea of God. Taking personal responsibility for the entirety of your life. Sometimes the chaos of life shows up on your doorstep. Every experience that comes into my life is my responsibility. The just and the unjust. I am responsible for how I address the reality. Suppress and repress? We think that we are dodging things. However, we are robbing ourselves of life force. The fruit of my life is my own doing. Magnets. You are free to create your own heaven or hell.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93nT0ACHVfQGW5-BaLNZMQ https://www.instagram.com/fromthegravepodcast/

    Más Menos
    55 m