
  • The Future of NFTs with Avery Akkineni: An EOFire Classic from 2021
    Mar 16 2025

    From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

    Avery Akkineni serves as the President of VaynerNFT. She leads the company's mission to build long-term strategic NFT projects for the world's leading intellectual property owners serving brands, celebrities, athletes, and associations looking to incentivize and reward brand advocacy and customer loyalty. Avery is helping to unlock the potential of one of the greatest technology shifts of our time.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. It’s still early. It’s not too late to get in the community of NFTs and help shape the direction they are going. These are all new, and it’s lovely to have people build it together.

    2. You can build a program that invites people in, rewards early adopters, and that has some special access experience built in the higher tier program. Allow some of your loyal listeners and fans to be a part of that crew.

    3. NFTs are a low cost way for people to get involved in things and events that will really be valuable in the future.

    Connect with Avery on LinkedIn - Avery's LinkedIn


    Thrivetime Show Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at ThrivetimeShow.com/eofire

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    25 m
  • Crowdfunding From 500 Physicians Instead of 1 VC with Laurence Girard: An EOFire Classic from 2021
    Mar 15 2025

    From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

    Laurence Girard is the CEO of Fruit Street Health, an online diabetes prevention program he has raised more than 30 million dollars for from 500 plus physicians.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. You don’t need a venture capital firm to be a successful entrepreneur.

    2. The only thing that ever changed the world was a small group of committed citizens.

    3. Shoot for the moon; if you miss you will land amongst the stars.

    Fruit Street’s website - Fruit Street


    Author100 A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to Author100.com to sign up for a free call to chat about the details

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    24 m
  • Protect Your Brand from a PR Crisis with Dr. Jay Feldman: An EOFire Classic from 2021
    Mar 14 2025

    From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

    Dr. Jay Feldman is an Osteopathic medical doctor and founder of Otter Public Relations, a PR agency with more than 30 employees internationally. Jay has more than 300K followers on social media and is the host of top business podcast, Mentors Collective. He is a contributor at Entrepreneur.com and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider and other top networks!

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. If you want to build something huge, it requires complete dedication.

    2. Avoid posting your political points and thoughts because it may lead to a crisis.

    3. Consult, get help, and be prepared.

    Connect with Jay on Instagram - Jay's Instagram


    Airbnb If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you. Find a co-host at Airbnb.com/host

    YT 100 Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days: john@eofire.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • How Being Boring Saved My Coaching Business with Christie Mims
    Mar 13 2025

    The founder of Coach Pony and chief sweat pants wearer, Christie Mims has helped over 30,000 coaches learn the business skills they need to get paid to coach.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. Trends come and go. Don’t spend so much time to something that is just going to come and go but instead, spend it on doing something that will last.

    2. The more your clients succeed, the more you succeed. Its never wrong to focus on a better experience in improving the program for your clients.

    3. Don’t be distracted by sparkly objects and always focus on what works for you. Lean on what you love in terms of marketing and sales.

    Check out their website and get a free 14 minute class - Coach Pony


    Author100 A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to Author100.com to sign up for a free call to chat about the details

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    19 m
  • Gary Leland the Bitcoin Boomer
    Mar 12 2025

    Gary Leland built his 1st e-commerce site in 1996, 1st podcast in 2004 and bought his 1st bitcoin in 2017. He runs BitBlockBoom which is the world longest running bitcoin conference.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. Through the years, Bitcoin has proven itself. No one has hacked into Bitcoin. You can buy it, sell it, move it around to pay. But first, you have to understand that it is not a physical product.

    2. If Bitcoin goes up, MicroStrategy goes up more.

    3. Bitcoin is more than money. Someday, the entire planet will be in a Bitcoin standard and it will be a better place.

    Check out Gary’s website - Gary Leland


    Thrivetime Show Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at ThrivetimeShow.com/eofire

    YT 100 Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days: john@eofire.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • How to Better Serve Your Customers Through Data Enrichment with Mark Lack
    Mar 11 2025

    Mark Lack is Co-founder of HeroPixel software and Bitcoin advocate.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. Diversification is a very common thing when you start studying investing. The true way of building wealth is to invest and diversification is the biggest lie that is told to us.

    2. Diversification is selling the winner to buy the loser.

    3. The first thing to consider in marketing is qualification. That is if the person is qualified to purchase your product from the beginning.

    Saving Businesses Money, One Lead At A Time - Hero Pixel


    Airbnb If you’ve got an extended trip coming up and need a little help hosting while you’re away, hire a co-host to do the work for you. Find a co-host at Airbnb.com/host

    Author100 A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book. If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to Author100.com to sign up for a free call to chat about the details

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    30 m
  • 6 Secrets From a Website Agency CEO: How to Get More Clients From Your Website Today with Jason Gracia
    Mar 10 2025

    For 25 years, Jason Gracia has helped coaches make a difference and a living with their expertise. He's an author, coach, and creator of Swyft Sites, a leading agency in the coaching website space.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. The website is a machine to help generate business.

    2. Never leave your client guessing and make it clear for them what’s next.

    3. To use blogs in atypical way is to overcome sales objections. Think of the reasons why people say no to your offer, what are the common objections then create a blog post that overcomes that objection.

    Go to their website and get a free download of The 5 Things Your Coaching Website Can't Go. Without - Swyft


    ZipRecruiter Hire experienced people who are excited about what they do — with ZipRecruiter. Go to this exclusive web address to try ZipRecruiter for free: ZipRecruiter.com/fire

    Shopify Be ready to sell wherever your customers are scrolling or strolling — on the web, in your store, in their feed, and everywhere in between. Sign up for your 1 dollar per month trial period at Shopify.com/onfire

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    23 m
  • How to Use Your Life to Impact a Generation with Trent Shelton: An EOFire Classic from 2021
    Mar 9 2025

    From the archive: This episode was originally recorded and published in 2021. Our interviews on Entrepreneurs On Fire are meant to be evergreen, and we do our best to confirm that all offers and URL's in these archive episodes are still relevant.

    Trent Shelton is a number one self-worth coach in the world. He is considered one of the most impactful speakers of this generation. He reaches over 60 million weekly through hard hitting messages and unprecedented engagement.

    Top 3 Value Bombs

    1. You have to stop working too hard because sometimes you are trying too hard to become something that might not be meant for you.

    2. Understand what separates you and that makes you different from everybody else. What helps you connect with other people that can also help build a loyal audience.

    3. Open up and humanize yourself - show the people around you that you genuinely care and grow through things. It can help your audience to transform their life through your life story.

    It's time to overcome fear - Trent's Website


    Author100 A 100-day program where I will personally guide you 1-on-1 to create, write, publish and market your book! If you want daily guidance and mentorship from me, JLD, then head over to Author100.com to sign up for a free call to chat about the details

    YT 100 Email JLD to learn more about making YouTube magic in 100 days: john@eofire.com

    Thrivetime Show Attend the world’s highest-rated business growth workshop taught personally by Clay Clark at ThrivetimeShow.com/eofire

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    27 m