
  • The Basketball GOAT Draft, 11-20
    Feb 14 2025

    Last episode we drafted the top ten players of all-time. This time we drafted ten more players. I don't know, man, what else do you want me to say? I can't really sell it any more than that. If you liked the last episode, you'll probably like this one. If you didn't like it, I can't imagine why this would be any different. Do as you wish.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • The Basketball GOAT Draft
    Jan 30 2025

    Now it's time for a draft in which we draft...just, anything and everything. There are many basketball players in any draft, but there are even more basketball players in every draft. And there's also guys who weren't drafted. So let's throw 'em all in one big pot. In this episode, the boys draft five players apiece to create a comprehensive Top 10 list which will be built over future episodes to an even more comprehensive list.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 43 m
  • The Christmas Music Draft
    Dec 13 2024

    You heard about this holiday "Christmas"? Yeah, well, they have this thing called "Christmas music" and it's just like songs about Christmas. Why don't other holidays have bangers? Someone should have told Paul McCartney that instead of making a Christmas song everyone would complain about for decades, he could have had it go "Simply having a wonderful turkey time" and it would've been a huge hit every year. But then again, Sir Paul didn't want Weird Al Yankovic to record a parody called "Chicken Pot Pie" because he's a vegetarian. That's weird, right? Like, has there ever been a stronger indictment of the institution of eating meat than chicken pot pie?

    Anyway, we drafted Christmas songs.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 37 m
  • The Sports Movie Draft
    Nov 22 2024

    You know how sometimes you will watch a great sporting event and people will say "You couldn't write something crazier than this!" But of course you could! Have you ever seen "Being John Malkovich", the movie where a guy discovers a portal in his office building into the mind of the actor John Malkovich and then, because he is an expert puppeteer, he is able to control Malkovich? That's way crazier than Game 6 of the 2011 World Series or whatever.

    Anyway, despite the fact that the guy who directed "Being John Malkovich" acted in a sports movie THAT GETS DRAFTED IN THIS EPISODE, it's not a sports movie. But a bunch of movies are sports movies and here's an episode where we drafted them.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 28 m
  • 20 Questions
    Nov 8 2024

    Hey, remember the song "21 Questions" by 50 Cent? I thought it was kind of mid but I think about Nate Dogg's chorus a lot. Honestly I don't really know that much about Nate Dogg's work besides that and like two other songs but they're really good. Never dug any deeper. Maybe I'm missing out. Maybe I'm not. Who cares. That's not even the name of this episode.

    Anyway we didn't feel like drafting so this week, we took turns playing 20 Questions with prominent sportsballers of various sports. Hope people enjoy it and such. If not, we had fun making it, so that counts for something.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 32 m
  • The International Basketball Draft
    Nov 4 2024

    So we recorded this podcast on October 31st, but my computer was being weird so it's being uploaded now. It's like an artifact from the past. I sound so young, so naive, so unaware of the world in front of me. I'm nostalgic for that era, but that's the thing about nostalgia: you know the future and that's the luxury you're truly embracing. That or it's like the movie "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", where (spoiler alert I guess) you're reasonably sure the movie isn't going to end with an extremely pregnant Sharon Tate being brutally murdered by the Manson Family and so you get to embrace the future that never was. Man, that movie rocks so much, I gotta watch it again now that like Margaret Qualley and Austin Butler and Sydney Sweeney are super famous.

    Anyway, we did the draft we did last time but with basketball. Ten guys from ten countries but then we also decided to build eight-man rotations, so sixteen countries. Have fun.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 25 m
  • The International Hockey Draft
    Oct 11 2024

    Happy hockey season to all, and to all a happy hockey season! We're all excited, right? I don't know honestly, I guess it's cool. I watched the Blues game on Tuesday but, like, playoff baseball is going on. I like hockey but regular season hockey is not the reason October is the King Of Months.

    Anyway, we drafted some six-man hockey teams where only one player per country is allowed to be drafted, which is why Nathan Walker comes up on this episode and, like, Ray Bourque doesn't.

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • The Fast Food Draft
    Sep 27 2024

    The hosts of this show are many things. Men. Sports fanatics. Giant dorks. But they are truly, truly Americans. Not in a jingoistic, off-putting sense, but they are truly absorbed in American culture, the kind of thing Europeans scoff about but seem to actually enjoy. And truly, what is more American than talking about fast food?

    In this episode, the boys draft their favorite fast food menu items to create a mini-restaurant of their own. Truly, the European mind cannot comprehend the levels on which these fellas are working.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m