This is the most important interview I'll ever do. I have no doubt about that.
When my daughter texted me and asked if she could be a guest on this podcast, I couldn't have been more surprised. Or more afraid, honestly.
As her mom, the single most important priority in my life since before the day she was born was always trying to do the best thing for her. My biggest fear has been, and always will be, making the wrong decision and doing something that will hurt her. It has kept me up more night than I can even count.
I know I'm not alone in that fear and many of you can relate to that very same thing.
She became the child of divorce at very young age. And while I've always tried to talk openly with her about her experience throughout her life growing up as a child of divorced parents, I know there are many assumptions I've made about what that has felt like for her.
This conversation with her gave me so many insights into her actual experience, answered so many questions I've had, and change my perspective on a lot of my own feelings and assumptions I've had as her mom.
We cover A LOT of ground on this one and it's a little longer than most of my episodes but I think it's worth every single minute and I hope that listening in on this raw and candid conversation can help you in some way.
Nothing was off limits in this conversation and we touch on so many topics including:
- When she first realized divorced parents weren't the norm
- How other kids, and their parents, treated her when they found out her parents were divorced
- The impact that living in two different households, with two very different families, had on how she viewed and expressed herself
- How her relationships with both me and her dad has changed through the years as she realized we were just normal people with flaws and our own lives
- How going up with divorced parents has impacted her view of her own relationships and what she thinks about what her future relationships and family will look like.
And so much more.
This is basically me having a conversation with a giant piece of my heart and my most favorite person in the entire world and sharing it with the world.
It was scary. It was awesome. And it changed me in the best way.
K - I love you more than anything and I'm SO proud to be your mom.
TEXT ME! Let me know what you think of this episode or what topics you would like to see covered next!
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