
  • Back to the Beginning. Daily Affirmations.
    Jan 4 2025

    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to Your Daily Nature, welcome to your practice. In today’s episode we are bringing it way back to that which started my meditation practice and healing journey! A daily ritual of affirmations.

    🕰️ When to practice:

    An invitation to use this practice as daily morning ritual before beginning your day or anytime you need a reminder of your true nature and how amazing you are.

    🧘🏼‍♀️ Setting up your sacred space.

    Invitation to find a quiet space with no distractions, and gather any items of support and comfort. A blanket, eye pillow or bolster.

    💜 After your Practice:

    An invitation to put pen to paper as you allow your thoughts to flow freely and reflect on what this practice brought up for you! Trust, believe, receive and know the Universe is always working in your favor!

    * If you wish to connect with me , you can find me on IG @Deborah_ellis333 for all the gems on Meditation, yoga nidra, Ayurveda, herbalism and more!

    🙏🏽 Thank you so much for supporting this podcast. It is truly an honor to be of service and guide others into embodying more balance, peace, and wellbeing in body, mind, and spirit.

    Be still and know.

    Hari Om Tat Sat



    Más Menos
    16 m
  • New Moon, New Year! Time to Manifest.
    Dec 28 2024

    Hello beautiful community!

    Welcome to your Daily Nature. Welcome to our final practice together for 2024. In today’s practice we tap into the powerful energy of the dark moon, the final new moon of the year in the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

    Fire is transformation and under this powerful fruitful darkness you have the opportunity to manifest your hearts true desires. Don’t hold back, see it, feel it, believe it! It’s already yours.

    Enjoy your practice.

    🌙 When to practice:

    * Come home to this practice before, during or after the new moon to set your intentions for the new year.

    🧘🏼‍♀️ Setting up your sacred space:

    * If it is available, invitation to find a quiet spot without any distractions. Gather any items for extra support, such as an eye pillow, blankets, cushion or accouterments.

    💚 After your practice:

    * Trust, believe, receive. The Universe is always working in your favor! Remember that rejection is protection and redirection for your best and highest good always. Everything happens in Divine timing.

    * If you wish to connect you can follow me and reach out through IG @deborah_ellis333 for all things meditation, yoga nidra, herbalism, and Ayurveda.

    🙏🏽 Thank you so much for supporting this podcast. Truly honored to guide you into embodying more balance, peace and wellbeing in the body, mind, and spirit.

    Be still and know.

    Hari om tat sat.


    Deborah Ellis

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Winter. Release, Rest, Retreat.
    Dec 21 2024

    Hello Dear ones.

    Happy Winter Solstice,

    welcome to your Daily Nature, welcome to your practice . I am so honored to be your guide. In today’s episode I share rituals and practices to guide you through the Winter Solstice and we end with a yoga nidra( non deep sleep meditation) So grab a cup of tea, a paper and pen and tune in to begin.

    ❄️When to practice:

    Come home to this practice to support you through the winter’s season with deep rest.

    🧘🏼‍♀️ Setting up your sacred space:

    * Find a quiet, sacred spot where you won’t

    be disturbed for a few moments.

    * Please gather any props for extra support.

    A blanket, for warmth, bolster, eye pillow,

    or any accouterments.

    📝 After your practice:

    * Invitation to consider journaling, reflecting

    on your practice, reflecting on this past

    year, what you are releasing, letting go of.?

    What were your roses and thorns?

    What intentions, wishes, dreams are

    you calling in to fruition? An embodied

    practice to really feel , heal, and release.

    You can find me on IG @deborah_ellis333 for all things, nature, meditation, Ayurveda and more.

    🙏🏽 Thank you so much for being here, for supporting this podcast. Truly honored to guide you into finding more balance, peace and wellbeing in the body, mind and spirit.

    Be still in the silence, and know.

    Hari om tat sat.


    Deborah Ellis

    Más Menos
    48 m
  • Breath work Meditation for pain
    Dec 13 2024

    Hello community! Welcome to your daily nature. I am so honored to be your guide through this meditation and breathwork practice.

    In today’s episode we work with the breath to help pain or discomfort in the body find ease .

    The breath is such an incredible tool to help alleviate pain and discomfort when it arises.

    I hope this practice gives you exactly what you need.

    🌙 When to practice:

    If you’re feeling any discomfort or pain in

    the body. Or if you struggle with chronic

    pain , breathe is a key component in the healing.

    🧘🏼‍♀️ Settling up your meditation Space:

    * Find a quiet, sacred, comfortable space.

    *Gather any props for extra support, bolster, Blanket, eye pillow, any accouterments.

    📝 After Practice:

    Invitation to put pen to paper and journal your experience with a stream of consciousness (writing whatever comes to you without thinking about it or judging).

    * You can follow me on IG for all things, meditation, yoga nidra, nature, Ayurveda, herbalism and more @deborah_ellis333

    🙏🏽Thank you so much for sharing space with me and supporting this podcast. Truly honored and grateful to guide your journey to peace and wellbeing!

    Be still and know

    Hari Om Tat Sat



    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Vagus Nerve Regulation
    Dec 10 2024

    Hello Community!

    Welcome to your Daily Nature. Today’s practice is all about regulating the vagus nerve , or the wandering nerve. This nerve is a vital component of our nervous system, its functions support digestion, our heart rate, our stress and mood, immune systems, sensory and more!

    There are many ways to stimulate the vagus nerve and in this practice we focus on deep intentional breathing with extended exhales.

    This sends messages to the brain that it’s okay to chill out, to relax,let go. You are safe.

    🌙 When to practice:

    Turn to this practice when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious or just need to chill.

    🧘🏼‍♀️Settling up your meditation Space:

    *Find a quiet, sacred , comfortable space.

    * Gather any props for extra support, bolster,

    Blanket, eye pillow, any accouterments.

    📝 After Practice:

    * Invitation to put pen to paper and journal

    your experience with a stream of

    consciousness ( writing whatever comes

    to you without thinking about it or


    * You can follow me on IG for all things, meditation, yoga nidra, nature, Ayurveda, herbalism and more @deborah_ellis333

    Thank you so much for sharing space with me and supporting this podcast. Truly honored and grateful to guide your journey to peace and wellbeing!

    💚 Be still and know

    🙏🏽 Hari Om Tat Sat



    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Yoga Nidra ( Nervous System Reset)
    Dec 9 2024
    Welcome to your practice. Today’s practice is a short yoga nidra practice to nourish and reset our nervous system. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired or anxious. I invite you to take a few moments of rest and go within to tend to your inner garden and receive some peace from within. Before you begin, grab any extra items of support such as a blanket, pillows, bolster, and an eye pillow to allow you to rest even deeper into comfort and relaxation. Thank you for sharing in practice with me. 
 If you wish to connect you can find me on IG @deborah_ellis333 or 💌@ wyldflowerwellness7@gmail.com In gratitude and love, Deborah Ellis 🤍🪷
    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Trataka (Candle gazing meditation)
    Aug 10 2024

    Welcome! Thank you for being here.

    Today’s practice is called Trataka, a meditation that involves a gentle gaze rested upon the flame of a candle.

    This practice has so many wonderful benefits for you, and I am honored to share.

    Please grab any candle you may have, place it at eye level about 2 feet in front of you. Be careful not to leave candles unattended! Find a comfortable sacred place to practice and enjoy!

    In gratitude,

    Deborah Ellis 🕯️💚

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Lions Gate Portal activation meditation.
    Aug 8 2024

    Lions Gate Portal Activation Meditation.

    Welcome beautiful beings.

    In this practice we tap into the energies of this powerful 888 Lions gate portal. We utilize the power of our breath to release, receive and activate our energy for our highest and best good.

    Find a comfortable space and quiet environment to connect with your body, your breath and your heart.

    Hari om tat sat.

    Much love & Gratitude,

    Deborah 🐝

    Más Menos
    10 m