
  • What's been happening lately?
    Aug 25 2022

    On today's episode I didn't really have a topic but just wanted to update the listeners of what's been happening with me. Lots of change has been happening and I wanted to just talk. So vibe out with me enjoy the story time.

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    Más Menos
    16 m
    Aug 14 2022

    On this episode I share some thoughts on the sentencing of Brittney Griner and Beyonce's album. Two polarizing but extremely opposite things in the culture that I wanted to comment on. Enjoy.

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • The Evolution of Barbering with Mike Banks.
    Aug 4 2022
    This guy that i have on today has been cutting for over 27 years, he’s one of the most respected barbers in the Chicagoland area. He was my barber at one point when i had hair. He’s a musician and now a photographer and videographer. He’s a monster creative and has a big heart for the industry , hes a suite owner of 6 years and the founder ART GALLERY IMAGE STUDIO located in oakbrook,IL founder and curator of Barbershed. Ladies and gentlemen barbers and barbets im talkin bout the HAIRCUTTER Mike Banks. We discussed his barber journey what keeps him inspired and a host of subjects. How to properly break down what you should charge as well as the evolution of barbering. Amazing interview from what of the greats. Follow me on these platforms. https://instagram.com/cutsandculturepod?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc= https://linktr.ee/Johnniegriffin https://www.dudecancut.com/
    Más Menos
    1 h y 13 m
  • I left a 6 figure clientele for a better life in Florida
    Jul 30 2022
    On this is episode one, an interview I did with my fello barber brother Micheal banks on his platform barbershed on YouTube. During the interview we discussed a host of topics from a bit of my origin story, hair cut prices, the impact of the pandemic and why I decided to leave a 6 figure clientele in Chicago and relocate my family to Tampa Florida. Put your headphones on and enjoy the conversation. Follow us on IG https://instagram.com/cutsandculturepod?igshid=NmZiMzY2Mjc= https://linktr.ee/Johnniegriffin https://www.dudecancut.com/
    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Cuts & Culture (Trailer)
    Jul 12 2022

    What’s going on family

    My name is JGryff

    And i want to welcome you to the Cuts & Culture podcast

    Where we discuss Barbering, music, sports and more. we will talk about the latest tools, the newest hair trends as well as share some funny stories that only happens in the barbershop. I will be interviewing some of the top barbers in the country to share there stories in hopes to inspire you to pursue your dreams. I am a licensed barber of 14 years as well as a barbershop owner of 6, I am born and raised in Chicago iL Maywood stand up, i am a husband of 16 years and a father of two amazing sons, im looking forward to our conversation.

    Follow us on our socials Twitter and Instagram @cutsandculturepod

    Más Menos
    1 m