
  • Should you walk away or double down? How to know.
    Mar 13 2025

    If you feel like your progress (or your motivation) has stalled, you have options. You can redouble your efforts. You can take an entirely different approach. Or, you might even decide to walk away. In this episode, we’ll talk about figuring out which route serves you best.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Taking a break can help protect the quality of our work, create space for creative insights, and ensure that we’re using our time and energy in the most meaningful way.
    2. The urge to step away can sometimes be a form of avoidance. When something feels hard or tedious, pushing through may be the key to progress. The challenge is knowing when persistence serves us and when it doesn’t.
    3. Just because something was valuable or necessary in the past doesn’t mean it still is. We can get stuck in commitments out of habit, sunk costs, or fear of change. It’s important to ask: Would I choose this again today?
    Unplanned breaks can still serve us. When life forces us to pause, we can reframe it as an opportunity for reflection, skill-building, or re-evaluating our direction.
    5. Clarity comes from asking the right questions.

    1. What would taking a break or stepping back make possible? Would you use that freed-up time and energy to do something else that is important and meaningful to you?
    2. Are there clear benefits to continuing? Are you willing to give those up, or would you regret it?
    3. Are you seeing the results you had hoped to see? If not, why not?
    4. Might you be better off pursuing the same goal but in a different way?
    5. Is this goal still meaningful to you?
    6. Am I continuing in this effort because it still makes sense, or because I’m having trouble cutting bait on the time or effort I’ve already invested?
    7. Has my objective changed? Is this goal still aligned with my current objective?
    8. If I were starting from scratch today, would I still commit to this?


    Ep 488 of the What Works podcast with Tara McMullin

    The Change Academy will be on hiatus for the next several weeks. We plan to be back later in the Spring with some exciting new content. If you’re not already on our mailing list, sign up here, and we’ll send you a quick announcement when our next episodes are ready!

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    18 m
  • A sure-fire way to set yourself (and others) up for failure
    Feb 20 2025

    Are you guilty of holding yourself (or others) to impossibly high standards?

    In this episode, we're exploring the concept of Ought implies can—the notion that we can only be obligated to do what we’re actually capable of. But how do we know where the limits of ability really are?

    Are we being too hard on ourselves (or others)? Or are we making excuses?

    Learning how to tell the difference can help you set fair, realistic, and empowering expectations—for yourself and everyone around you.

    Key Takeaways

    - Capacity includes more than just your physical ability to do something—cognitive, emotional, and situational factors also shape what’s truly possible.
    - There's an important difference between "I can't" and "I can't yet."
    - Acknowledging barriers or limitations is not an excuse, it's an invitation.
    - When setting expectations—of yourself or others—check your assumptions. Are you asking for something that’s actually within reach? Or are you expecting the impossible?

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    17 m
  • Transcending the grind: How to thrive in the job you have now
    Feb 6 2025

    Feeling stuck in the daily grind? Quitting isn’t the only way out. In this episode, Dr. Jessica Grossmeier shares how to find meaning, connection, and even transcendence in the job you have now.

    We explore:
    - How small shifts in perspective can reignite purpose and satisfaction
    - The power of workplace connections and why they matter more than you think
    - Simple, science-backed practices to reset, refocus, and thrive at work
    - Why transcendence is a job skill—and how to cultivate it

    Whether you love your job, feel stuck, or are considering a change, this episode will challenge you to think differently about work—and yourself.

    Key Takeaways

    - Work can be so much more than just tasks and productivity when we bring our best selves and connect to a larger purpose.
    - Instead of leaving a job that feels misaligned, shifting how you approach your work can bring new fulfillment.
    - Meaningful relationships at work enhance well-being, performance, and job satisfaction
    - Create intentional time for space for mindful movement, deep breathing, or intentional connection with colleagues.


    Reimagining Workplace Well-Being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection, and Transcendence, by Jessica Grossmeier

    Connect with Jessica on LinkedIn

    Free resources

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    32 m
  • When we know better, we do better. Here's why.
    Jan 23 2025

    Ever wondered why some changes seem impossible to sustain while others just click?

    It’s not magic—it’s science.

    In this episode, we’re talking about a 3-part recipe for behavior change that was first developed 30 years ago and is still making waves today. If you’ve struggled with change or are trying to help others make positive changes, you need to leverage all three of these key factors–in the right proportions.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Information, motivation, and behavioral skills all play important and interlocking roles in fostering positive behavior change.
    2. Strategies that address all three of these factors are likely to be the most effective.
    3. By considering the complexity of the behavior, we can tailor our approaches for maximum impact.

    Related Episodes

    Ep 129: Why it’s so hard to convert good intentions into action

    Ep 11: The Attention, Intention, Action Cycle

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    15 m
  • How to cope when your life goes completely off the rails
    Jan 9 2025

    Whenever we make plans or set goals, it's important anticipate the inevitable bumps in the road, and be ready to adapt and course-correct.

    But sometimes, life doesn't just serve up a bump in the road. It delivers an earthquake that shakes us to the core and opens up a chasm into which our entire life--and all of our fancy plans--are thrown. In an instant, the goals, projects and ambitions that have been driving our thoughts, activities, and even our identities become irrelevant.

    Today, psychologist Bethy Campbell joins me to talk about how to handle it when life goes completely off the rails.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Many of us tend to define ourselves by the goals that we set and accomplish. Consider the possibility that how we deal with life’s catastrophes may be even more revealing of our character and identity.
    2. Even when you’re stuck with something you didn’t choose, you still have the power to choose how you respond to and learn from those experiences.
    3. Before we go looking for those silver linings or opportunities, it’s important to allow ourselves to acknowledge our grief and disappointment over what we may have lost.
    4. Even if we are forced to radically recalibrate our goals or our definition of success, setting doable goals gives us something to work toward and celebrate.


    Life Directions Consulting with Dr. Bethy Campbell

    Wellness Works Here

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    31 m
  • Resolution Remix: A 3-Step Ritual That Sets You Up for Success
    Dec 27 2024

    These final few days of the year are a great time to reflect on the year that’s past and think about what we’d like to focus on or accomplish in the New Year. And in this episode, I’m sharing a three-part process that might just become your new end-of-year ritual. Instead of your New year’s Resolutions being a well-intentioned flash in the pan, we’re going to kindle a flame that will burn brightly all year.

    Key Takeaways

    - Reflecting on our past successes, however modest, helps build the self-efficacy needed for future change
    - Connecting our goals to our values helps us tap into the intrinsic motivations that fuels sustained effort.
    - Link each goal to an identity statement that reflects who you want to become, not just what you want to achieve
    - Focus on no more than 2-3 goals at a time to avoid overwhelming yourself and diluting your efforts
    - Create "if-then" commitments for how you will handle potential obstacles when they arise

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    21 m
  • Going beyond pros and cons to get to the heart of tough decisions
    Dec 16 2024

    Wrestling with a tough choice? Trying to weigh the pros and cons but going in circles? In this episode, I've got a systematic approach to decision-making that can bring some welcome clarity to complex choices.

    Whether you're standing at a personal or professional crossroads, or debating different solutions to a problem, this framework will help you understand both the rational and emotional elements of your decision-making process--helping you move forward with more clarity and confidence.

    Key Takeaways

    - Quantifying vague benefits or drawbacks ("more time" vs. "2 hours per week") can help clarify costs and benefits of different options.
    - We sometimes conflate past decisions with current ones, allowing unresolved feelings about previous choices to cloud our present decision-making.
    - What feels like indecision may sometimes be unprocessed emotions about what we'll need to let go of - even when we're clear about the right choice.
    - Resistance to a logically sound choice often signals important emotional considerations that need attention.

    - Decision Scoring Spreadsheet

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    23 m
  • Escaping the pleasure trap: How to break highly rewarding habits
    Dec 5 2024

    Struggling with hard-to-quit habits? Whether it's the nightly glass of wine, mindless snacking, or endless social media scrolling, in this episode we're talking about why these habits are so sticky - and more importantly, how to finally change them.

    You'll learn how your brain's reward system actually works (it's not what most people think!) and practical strategies for making lasting changes without giving up pleasure altogether.

    You'll learn specific techniques for navigating cravings, resetting your reward system, and creating new habits that satisfy your brain's needs in more constructive ways. If you're tired of feeling stuck in cycles of pleasure-seeking behaviors, this episode offers a fresh perspective and actionable solutions for lasting change.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Some habits are simply routines, but some habitual behaviors engage the brain’s reward centers, which makes them harder to break.
    2. Dopamine doesn't make us feel good. It motivates us to pursue certain anticipated rewards.
    3. The reward we get from unwholesome habits often gets less potent over time. Recognizing this can be a powerful step toward breaking the cycle.
    4. Instead of exhausting your willpower trying to resist these habits, focus on pursuing something else that provides a similar neurochemical reward but without the negative consequences.
    5. Changing the context in which a habit occurs can help weaken its hold. The more cues you disrupt, the easier it will be to weaken automatic responses and create new habits


    Ep #156: Why we resist positive change

    Ep #157: What to do with negative thoughts

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    22 m