
  • The Gideon Effect: The Heavenly Team Concept
    Dec 19 2024

    Join us for the Retrain Your Brain For Success 5-Day Challenge: https://visioncoachkim.com/retrain

    In today’s episode, as we continue to unpack the Gideon Effect, we will look at the concept and reality of having a Heavenly Team. Whether you are aware of it or not you’ve been drafted onto this winning team. This episode will introduce you to this team and help you begin a relationship with this team that is always with you and on your side.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • The Gideon Effect: Help My Unbelief
    Dec 12 2024

    Join us for the Retrain Your Brain For Success 5-Day Challenge: https://visioncoachkim.com/retrain

    In today’s episode, as we continue to unpack the Gideon Effect, we will look at unbelief and how God worked with Gideon to overcome it.

    Unbelief is a common struggle among many followers of Christ and is often accompanied by shame. This shame can create a cycle of self-judgment, making believers feel inadequate for not fully trusting God.

    The revelation in this episode will empower you to no longer be stifled and limited by unbelief. Unbelief no longer has to prevent you from receiving God’s promises. Help for your unbelief is here.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • The Gideon Effect: God is With Me With Me
    Dec 5 2024

    Join us for Retrain Your Brain For Success 5-Day Challenge: https://visioncoachkim.com/retrain

    In today’s episode, we’re exploring “The Gideon Effect” and the transformative power of believing that “God is with me.” This belief, rooted in divine grace, can transform our lives, shaping our identities and perceptions. Change begins at the mental level; the essence of true transformation lies in how we think. When we invite God into this process, we allow His beliefs to redefine our perception, profoundly impacting our lives. Remember, the promise of “God is with me” is life-changing and comforting; it can reshape everything.

    Many navigate life with self-focused thoughts, leading to isolation from truth. By recognizing that God is always by our side, we can overcome challenges that may seem insurmountable. In embracing the truth that “God is with me, with me,” we find strength, purpose, and connection, allowing us to move forward in faith and confidence.

    In this episode, you’ll receive a charge to be vigilant when your thoughts center around "I," "me," and "my." Such language often reflects a mindset steeped in isolation and self-reliance. The moment you notice these thoughts, it’s vital to take them captive and reaffirm God's promise that He is with you. This practice nurtures a mindset focused on our shared journey with God instead of viewing life as a solo battle.

    Understanding the truth that "God is with you" reshapes your identity and circumstances. Identifying and capturing your thoughts is essential in maintaining this belief. By actively rejecting isolationist thoughts, you open yourself to transformative change. Shifting your narrative from "I" to "we" represents a conscious choice to acknowledge that you are never alone.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • The Gideon Effect: Operating From The Already Done Place
    Nov 28 2024

    Retrain Your Brain For Success 5-Day Challenge: https://visioncoachkim.com/retrain

    In this episode, we dive into the transformative mindset of operating from the “Already Done Place." Just like Gideon, who struggled with self-identity despite God's declaration, we’ll explore how understanding our identity precedes our assignments is crucial for fulfilling our divine purpose.

    The “Already Done Place" signals that God’s Word is not merely a promise but a reality that empowers you to act. It's about realizing you have already been equipped to fulfill your divine purpose.

    Gideon’s story reveals a powerful truth: even when we perceive ourselves as weak, we can choose to recognize the inherent strength placed within us by God. Gideon managed to navigate his fears while secretly protecting his family from the Midianites, illustrating that God sees our potential even in moments of struggle.

    The Already Done Place manifests when we acknowledge that we have everything we need to fulfill our purpose. Embracing our identity before our assignments allows us to draw strength and confidence from God’s unwavering promises.

    As we continue to explore Gideon’s story in future episodes of Captive and Obedient, hold onto the truth of your identity in Christ. Recognize that whatever God has called you to do, you are fully equipped to accomplish it.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Can You Create Success From Your Comfort Zone? [Bonus: Challenge Invite]
    Nov 26 2024

    Join the Retrain Your Brain For Success 5-Day Challenge here: https://visioncoachkim.com/retrain

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • The Gideon Effect: Believing New Things About Yourself
    Nov 21 2024

    In this episode, we’ll continue unpacking the Gideon Effect by learning the powerful skill of believing new things about yourself. God knew that Gideon would need to believe something different about himself in order to be used by Him to deliver the Israelites. Likewise, if you’re to do anything for God you will have to believe something new about yourself. Believing new things is a skill you can develop. When you do, you become unstoppable.

    Visit https://visioncoachkim.com/tool to access the mindset tool I use to prime my brain to take thoughts captive as my free gift to you.


    Join the community for Kingdom-First Coaches partnering with God in business and using their mind to fulfill their calling and prosper - The Coaches By Grace Accelerator:



    These courses were created for you:

    The Easy Brain Rewire Blueprint Audio Course:


    Rewire Your Brain To Hit Your Goal:


    Más Menos
    29 m
  • The Gideon Effect: Reprogram Your Brain For Victory God’s Way
    Nov 14 2024

    In this episode, I’ll introduce a unique name of God that may be unheard of. It emerged from my study of Gideon’s story, which has significantly influenced my work and life. Then, we’ll learn about the Gideon Effect, a term I've developed to describe how God transforms a person’s mind and brain to lead them from defeat to victory without changing their external circumstances.

    Visit https://visioncoachkim.com/tool to access the mindset tool I use to prime my brain to take thoughts captive as my free gift to you.


    Join the community for Kingdom-First Coaches partnering with God in business and using their mind to fulfill their calling and prosper - The Coaches By Grace Accelerator:



    These courses were created for you:

    The Easy Brain Rewire Blueprint Audio Course:


    Rewire Your Brain To Hit Your Goal:


    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Your Mind Is On Your Side
    Nov 7 2024

    In this transformative episode, we explore the empowering truth that your mind is not just a battleground but a precious ally in your journey to serve God effectively. By understanding the complexities of our minds—from consciousness to the nonconscious—we can recognize that both the adverse thoughts and the divine wisdom are there for a reason.

    Visit https://visioncoachkim.com/tool to access the mindset tool I use to prime my brain to take thoughts captive as my free gift to you.


    Join the community for Kingdom-First Coaches partnering with God in business and using their mind to fulfill their calling and prosper - The Coaches By Grace Accelerator:



    These courses were created for you:

    The Easy Brain Rewire Blueprint Audio Course:


    Rewire Your Brain To Hit Your Goal:


    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m