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Find full show notes and links at: https://www.gocamp.pro/campcode/technology-and-social-media-in-camp-leadership
Tech & Camp Leadership: Maximizing Tools Without Losing FocusIn this Camp Code episode, our hosts dive into the impact of technology and social media on camp leadership. They explore whether technology has been beneficial, how it has changed the game, and the best ways to utilize these tools effectively. Joining the conversation is Travis Allison, co-founder of GoCamp.pro, who shares valuable insights on managing staff communication, engaging with parents, and teaching campers about responsible technology use.
This episode emphasizes the importance of using emails over social media, creating comprehensive resources like a parent hub, and leveraging AI for better communication. Tune in for practical tips and thoughtful discussion on making technology work for your camp.
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Best Practice for Leadership TrainingFrom Travis
One of the most important things camp professionals can do is recognize the true value of their time. Too often, directors and leadership staff take on tasks that seem necessary or cost-effective in the moment but, in reality, pull them away from higher-impact work. Whether it’s managing social media, designing a website, plowing snow, or covering lifeguard shifts, these tasks may feel productive—but are they really the best use of your time?
A simple way to assess this is by determining how much your time costs the organization. When you break down your salary into an hourly rate, you start to see your work through a different lens. That perspective can be a game-changer when deciding where to focus your efforts. If you wouldn’t pay someone that hourly rate to complete a low-return task, why should the camp pay for your time to do it?
By recognizing the true value of your time, you can make more informed decisions about what to take on and what to delegate. It’s not just about working harder—it’s about working smarter to ensure your efforts bring the greatest benefit to your camp and its mission.
Resource:- Click the link to access the GoCamp.Pro USELetter
Special Guest:- Travis Allison, Co-Founder - Go Camp Pro
Your Hosts:- Beth Allison, Camp Consultant - Go Camp Pro
- Gabrielle Raill, Camp Director - Camp Ouareau
Thanks to our sponsors…BowlineHQ
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