
  • Do You Need To PAUSE? Adam Lewis Walker
    Jan 4 2023

    Happy New Year! Short solo show to start the year asking a key question to apply in your own life...

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to supporting experts help more people with their unique expertise in their industry. What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not? Lets find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand trainings and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Do You Need To Choose Sobriety To Enhance Your Mission? Katie Janecko
    Dec 8 2022

    Katie Janecko is passionate about helping women create lasting changes to LIVE THEIR BEST LIFE!

    She has been trained in 3 different modalities that can help women get to the root of the issue and has significant breakthroughs that help them to truly release old habits, patterns, behaviors, etc. Once we RELEASE old patterns, she guides women to REVIVE the true nature of who they are and how they want to feel. She helps women to realize that they are limitless, have choices, can heal, and be whatever the best and greatest version of themselves is. Women who work with her completely RENEW themselves, feeling great, looking great, having a great relationship with themselves which in turn ripples into their relationships with others.

    Visit Katie Janecko’s Website to get more: thebodytalkwarrior

    Follow her on social media on Instagram and LinkedIn

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Let's find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand training and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • How To Interview & Get Access To A-List Celebrities Like The Rock with Chris Van Vliet
    Dec 1 2022

    Chris Van Vliet is a 4-time Emmy award winning TV Host, Entertainment Reporter and YouTuber based in Los Angeles, CA. He has traveled the world reporting from events like the Oscars, Grammys and the Cannes Film Festival.

    You may be familiar with the interviews that Chris posts on YouTube but to just call them “interviews” doesn’t seem fair because they are so much more than that. Chris dives deep into interesting topics with his trademark conversational approach that makes it feel like two old friends catching up. This is the case when it’s a wrestling superstar like John Cena, The Rock or Hulk Hogan or a Hollywood A-Lister like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise or Will Smith.

    Visit Chris Van Vliet’s Website to get more: Chris Van Vliet

    Follow him on social media on Instagram and Facebook

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry. What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Let's find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand training and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Are You Worrying Too Much? Adam Lewis Walker (Chris Hemsworth and Jordan Peterson)
    Nov 17 2022

    Short solo show talking about how to best deal with stress and understand why our "Anxiety Alarm Systems" might be shouting at us!

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to supporting experts help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Lets find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand trainings and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • Secret Tables and Powerful Connections with Pablo Fernadez
    Nov 3 2022

    This week on the podcast, I'm joined by Pablo Fernadez, an advisor, connector, and community builder as we discuss Secret Tables and Powerful Connections!

    He is a TEDx Speaker and the founder of Secret Table, a highly-curated community that connects leaders, innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs through strategically-designed live experiences. Pablo facilitates powerful connections, so members are supported and united in their missions.

    Visit Pablo Fernadez’s Website to get more: Secret Table

    Follow him on social media on LinkedIn and Facebook

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Let's find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand training and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Resilience Lessons From Plane Crash Soul Survivor Joy Cooper
    Oct 27 2022

    This week on the podcast, I'm joined by Joy Cooper, A Plane Crash Survivor, Best-Selling Author, and Keynote Speaker as we discuss Resilience Lessons From Plane Crash Soul Survivor!

    She has turned a life-shattering event into a story of hope, resilience, and perseverance.

    Joy was the sole survivor of a 2019 plane crash in Alaska. When others told her she would never walk again, she proved that she would do more than that: she would dance again. Joy is also a number one best-selling author, keynote speaker, operations manager for United Airlines with a master’s in aeronautics, and a pilot.

    Visit Joy Cooper’s Website to get more: Joy Cooper

    Follow her on social media on LinkedIn and Facebook

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Let's find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand training and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • How To Take Command In Any Situation with Paul Gowin
    Oct 20 2022

    Paul Gowin is a Marine Corps Veteran, Peace Monger, Research Scientist. From humble roots in Montana to service in the Afghanistan War as a Marine Officer, Paul has led, consulted, and served across the international leadership spectrum. He currently serves as CEO of the Take Command Project.

    Visit Paul’s Website to get more: TAKE COMMAND

    Follow him on social media on LinkedIn

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Let's find out, please subscribe to get the most out of this new look show :) Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand training and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • The Enemy Of Happiness - Adam Lewis Walker (World Mental Health Day)
    Oct 13 2022

    Short solo show to mark World Mental Health Day (October 10th) this week. To talk openly about some mental struggles I have been going through this past month and why I believe they have brought to the surface. Can you relate to these challenges?

    Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to supporting experts help more people with their unique expertise in their industry.

    What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are not?

    Lets find out, please subscribe to the show :)

    Connect across social media @AdamLewisWalker to join the conversation and join our Facebook group "Amplify Your Mission - For Authors, Coaches & Speakers" Go to www.AYMission.com to get free on-demand trainings and resources to help you today!

    Más Menos
    12 m