
  • Voice Memo: Religion, God, the Universe and Existence
    Sep 19 2024

    I saw a post by @purplehelena on tiktok (go watch it!!!!!) talking about why she’s agnostic and what religion/belief meant to her. It resonated with me as well and I wanted to capture my own thoughts as I discoved/listed to her perspective and what was meant to be a voice memo somehow turned into a 40-minute conversation with myself about Agnosticism, God, Religion, the Universe and Existence! So, zero structure here. Give it a listen if you want. I went through a series of understanding belief systems, why/why not religion, human existence and blah blah blah. Enjoy I guess🤩🤩🤩

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • is social media fake? influencer culture and being chronically online
    Apr 15 2024

    Surely everything we see on social media is curated and fake? Maybe not? On today's episode, we dive into curated media, content creation, influencer lies and why we may need to touch some grass here and there. PS: I swear I'm not fighting in this episode, though it may seem that way ;)

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • feminine vs masculine energy: wtf? modern day patriarchy
    Jan 7 2024
    Are you in your ✨soft girl, most feminine✨ era? In this episode, we talk about how language can impact how ideas are received. We dive into how being chronically online can impact our thoughts and how important it is for us to decenter men to maintain authenticity.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Let’s discuss: Careers, passions and capitalism in your twenties
    Oct 29 2023
    Careers are a scam, surely? "Do what you love and never work a day in your life"! Uhhh? Under capitalism? No such thing. In this episode, we talk about how the idea of a linear career design isn't very human. We also dive into how capitalism has tricked us into giving up the best years of our lives for a later *perceived* freedom and ALSO the best parts of ourselves by convincing us, "If you're good at something, never do it for free", and SO MUCH MORE.
    Más Menos
    52 m
  • dating older men in your early twenties: mature taste, daddy issues or just societal grooming?
    Jun 16 2023

    What even are daddy issues? Like your men just how you like your wine? Can't be grooming if ✨you✨ made the decision, can it?

    Join the conversation and follow the pod on Instagram @actingmyage.podcast

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • why do people have kids? the concept of mini mees, broke besties and treating children like sub-humans.
    Mar 17 2023
    In today’s episode, I’m playing ✨devil’s advocate✨ on some of the reasons people have children. Of course there’s a lot of projecting and everything I say is based on my worldview (but maybe some things are fact, not opinion 😆). So stick around if you want to hear some potentially ✨problematic✨ takes. 😘
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • you're not the girl you think you are: body dysmorphia, disordered eating, insecurities & more
    Oct 13 2022

    ✨Trigger Warning✨ On this week's ep on the AMA podcast, we're talking about body dysmorphia, living for your fictional self, bringing into light some of your (read my) insecurities, internalized fat-phobia and the desirability Olympics. We dive into my eating habits, self-image and all the juicy buzzwords relating to our body images and how we view ourselves. Please give me a dollar every time I mention one of them. I hope u enjoy the EP! ☺❤

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • why women (me) like gay porn.
    Sep 23 2022

    Am I the only one who truly enjoys gay porn as a cis female? (spoiler alert, no I'm not.) What's that about anyways? Well, in this episode I dive right in as to why women (me) prefer watching two men getting it on over cis porn. If you're curious to know and maybe have yourself validated for your likes, this is the episode for you. 😌

    Apologies in advance for some of the sound differences in there! ❤

    connect with me on Instagram: @actingmyage.podcast

    Más Menos
    28 m